posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 10:29 PM
Cave of Chicomoztoc in the Duran Codex,represented as the open fauces of an animal with feline features, out of which a Chichimeca group comes in the
post-Classic Period (Schavelzon,1980: 158).
Diverse indigenous representations of the cave glyph, symbolized by the fauces of the Earthly monster with features of felines and snakes (Heyden, op.
cit.: 76).
The Mapa de Chauhtinchan begins at the sacred beginning with this detailed image of the Chichimec myth of origin. The ancestors are leaving
Chicomoztoc ("the place of seven caves"), led by a woman with a shield and followed by a man carrying a ritual object. The caves represent different
Chichimec communities. The womblike cave image is prevalent in Mesoamerican documents from this time period (the late 16th century). Says Carrasco,
"I like that in their myth of origin, there are already multiple caves, and not just one as in Plato." Photo Credit: Jorge P�rez De Lara.
I finally found it!
Chicomoztoc, the cavern of origins
Historia Tolteca Chichimeca
(Next I'll find links about the properties of the Cashew.)
[edit on 6-8-2004 by lostinspace]