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Florida-March 2011!Wow! Eerie 20 Minute, Loud Rumbling Sound *Video*

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posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by AICorp

Thanks for the vids. I actually watched one of them earlier thisevening.

I doubt it was a rocket motor making the noise. The second clip you posted explained how NASA sent trucks out from the site, operated the rocket and asked the truck drivers to stop where they could no longer hear the noise. Anyone living in the noise perimeter circumfrence was either offered compensation or money to move, so no neighbours to annoy or complain. Most took the money and ran.

What about a neighbour testing a home made rocket, youtube if full of clips from them in garages.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 05:07 PM
Completly new here, but thought id contribute...

have looked over the forums for a few months, id seen this thread but hadent thought nothing about it, when before (about 10 mins ago) the sound from the video, well i heard something near enough exactly the same..

Im a firm believer in that were not alone, never seen a ufo or nothing tho, but this sound, it was so loud, sounded like it was in my room, and lasted a few mins, was deffo not a helecopter, as weve had some over this area before and it didnt sound like that, wasnt a plane iether, for the same reason as the helecopter, the sound jus seemed to be there and i couldnt seem to point a specific direction it came from or see anything in the sky, its dark here in uk atm if thats any use...

Could be nothing at all, but thought it would be a good idear to post seeing as iv never heard nothing like that and it kinda matched up with the video, evan the way the sound dimmed out.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 07:34 PM
Hi there, long time lurker here, but signed up today to respond to the threads that seem to be dominating this topic. Apologies for how long it is, but hopefully people will find it useful. It was curious to me that during the original thread, posted here , that so many people kept saying over and over that they had heard the same thing, from all over the dang planet, that it seemed to be crowding out the sockpuppets and the can't see past their nose folks. After plowing through many many pages, it was obvious this was a powerful meme. I was extremely concerned, based on the intesity of the video, and intrigued. I had a very good guess what it was, but I thought it was worthy of a nights plowing through google searches and youtube searches and profile checks for further videos and recommendation list dead ends, etc etc. So I popped in some Eskmo (serious dubstep cuz the bay area pwns j00) and off I went on my adventure. As the night progressed, I required more and more beer, because I was getting more and more concerned and depressed. It appears this meme is very powerful, but has been percolating under the surface for a few years now (a few=3-5). Not a lot of footage, scattered, crappy audio/location, tons of it not compelling (no offense to camera phone people plz). But some of it scared the holy hell out of me. I was getting tired of reading about people trying to debunk daisyjays78, the brave soul who crystallized this meme so it broke out into the wider consciousness for stragglers like me to pick it up. This meme was percolating for awhile, like I said, but required a spark to ignite discussion and bring it to the forefront. That person/spark is the brave soul Daisyjays78. She has consistently tried to deal with the disinformation brought her way in the orignal thread, and has persevered bravely in the face of some complete assholes/idiots. She has bravely fought back the disinformation and sockpuppets so this meme is now almost global. She has redone her youtube page so it is more concise, makes sense, includes mainstream info to fight off sockpuppets, and refines the meme even further. I think she realizes she is the spark, and god bless her, she is actually up to the challenge. I further bless you personally on this quest, add me as backup. I came across a very interesting response to her video on a website in my drunken nighttime search. Please realize her video has gone viral, people are propogating this meme on many, many blogs because it's true. Here it is :
Re: Florida What is This Loud NOISE IS IT HAARP? March 20, 2011
Works fine here too Jake.
This was a great catch! That was Ducting alright, but it wasn't of any kind of natural phenomenon.
This is what a powerful LF/ELF (Low Frequency/Extremely Low Frequency) rf carrier wave sounds/feels like when it is scanned through the human audio range. The carrier contains most of the power that is being transmitted, so when it passes through the audible range this is what your hearing/senses will focus on.
But wait a minute! Go back and listen to the video again. This time listen closely WITHIN the overwhelmingly loud sound (which is the carrier). You can actually hear sounds within that are changing pitch, going up and down in frequency. This is what is known as modulation. The modulation is the actual work being performed (example: The voices/music you hear on your radio) but it is the base carrier that has to get it where you want it to go.
Modulation is not a natural phenomenon.
For those of you who cannot pick-out the sounds that I'm describing, I understand. I have been working in this stuff for over 40 years so my ears are quite well-attuned and experienced.
In the 70's and 80's Russia and the United States was experimenting with what they called at the time "Over The Horizon Radar". We knew that this was a "cover story" because this was military experimenting with transmissions across the entire radio spectrum, and wherever you were (world-wide) any person would hear this transmission whenever they happened to scan through a range of frequencies that you may be listening to - say shortwave radio or CB radio for example. So they had to have a story to squelch the questions, right?
Whenever this transmission would come across a frequency that you happened to be listening to it would completely wipe it out and make it useless. It was a strong steady carrier which was modulated with a constant "clicking" sound, which itself would vary up and down in frequency within the carrier. People in the Ham Radio community came up with a name for it, and I'll bet some here will have heard of it. We called it "The Woodpecker". Of course no one knew at the time what they were doing, but now we know. This was the birth of HAARP.
I have suspected for years that they've been manipulating the weather in the Mediterranean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, and now this video has spoken volumes to me. Along with the sound, which most definitely is not thunder (or an airplane), see the ionization in the cloud deck? And it makes perfect sense that this would be caught in Florida, especially during this time of year. Hurricane season is right around the corner!
HAARP is real, and what they are doing with it is real. And like any technology, it has been advanced and refined into a fine art. They have come a long way!
Oh, and by the way. HAARP is not only what most know of being located in Alaska. It is a world-wide network of installations which are designed to work together in focusing their energies with maximum power to almost anywhere in the world.
Please don't listen to your local media, unless of course you just want a good laugh!
p.s. Sorry Folks. I didn't mean to write a thesis!
Re: Florida What is This Loud NOISE IS IT HAARP? March 20, 2011

Harley, write away my friend!
Yes, I came across the woodpecker signal many years ago. Then I left the whole ham radio scene and just filed away that experience to yet another unexplained phenomenon. Thank you, thank you for bridging that old experience and bringing knowledge up to speed.
You bring much needed knowledge. Thank you for sharing.
There is a lot of information in regards to HAARP on the internet. So much so that I do not know what is valid information and what is disinfo. Could you recommend certain websites or certain papers or certain individuals that, in your opinion, contain more valid info than not?
Thanks again!

In the fight against disinformation I present the following links. They are my contribution in the fight to backup DaisyJays brave entrance to global meme-dom. Since this sound is occurring all over the world in these vidoes, this discussion can finally graduate past local concerns like rockets that can be heard in a 100 mile raduis magically, or airports creating noise that travels 100 miles magically. It must be absolutely crazy scary, and enthralling and enlightening for Daisy Jay to be the conduit of so much energy at once. Since I won't be posting any responses, I never really wanted to un-lurk in the first place, I will be happy to pre-empt all the idiotic responses to my post. Yes they all sound like Chuck Norris farting. Yes they all sound like Justin Bieber's love aura while touching your private parts. And yes, they are all, every single freaking one of the videos, fake, ghey and stupid, just like your extremely easily deceived little brain. Hats off to ATS for being such a cool huge group of people that this meme survives, and avoids takedown by the sockpuppets. In a way this place reminds me of the original group of people on the web that formed a powerful meme, the BBS The Well.
What do I think? I agree with the person on the blog above, she was in the middle of a torsion field. Since she would have been in the middle of a field of excited plasma/magnetics/electrons/positive ions/orgone energy/leylines/whatever the holy hell you want to call it field, she would have experienced the sound as coming from all directions as she did. And she would have experienced all sounds waves from probably .5 hz on up if she was near the epicenter of the field, as she did, which made her nauseous, and freaked out beyond belief because nothing on earth does that. I read one post saying it felt like they were being scanned. Nice analogy since these sound waves would penetrate you like you were in the middle of a CT scanner, x a billion (watts that is, and that is just the Alaska wattage). All the other posts mention the sound is coming from all directions, and the sound in the Israeli video is the most disturbing since she called it sound warfare, and her husband is clearly unconscious while the tone is going. If some of the tones in some of the videos were to continue on a daily basis for a prolonged period of time, like the one in Israel or British Columbia, and hiding in a cave or underwater didn't solve the problem, clearly I would have issues, or perhaps mass surrender of forces/mass freakout of a large population, if thought about on a larger scale. I'm very happy someone was brave enough to get really good footage with decent sound to percolate this meme high enough for me to notice. Cheers Daisy Jay. I am very concerned.
Who was using it? Far too convoluted for this mere .000000001 rank masonic to decipher, and anyone else would be mere conjecture as well, but just knowing it exists and that you aren't crazy is very powerful. There are two other possible explanations, which are not improbable but statistically small. Explanation 1.) The comet Elenin has a larger gravitational pull than Nasa is letting on and the Earth is actually attempting to expand as a result of a tug of war between the gravitation of the Sun and other plantets and the comet lined up along a sight line. Or Explanation number 2.) Aliens want a ring side seat for our apocalypse, either self induced or otherwise, and are picking up their various hitch hikers as a last taxi to BeetleJuice. (see the 2 'alien' vids I included, only because it fit the criteria of the noise being just as loud inside the house, sure sounds like last call to me

If you'd like this meme to propagate and percolate even further, it's rather simple really. You favorite all the youtube videos. You put the top 12 videos that encapsulate this sound the best, and put them in your top 12 favorites so they show up first. You put Daisy Jays video as your channel video. You link from your blog to these articles/comments/videos. You search like once a week for memes this events occurs under, such as 'strange sounds sky' 'weird sounds sky' strange rumble sky' 'weird rumble sky' and on and on etc. Lots of dead ends, but pay dirt can be rewarding, and frightening as you add another video to the list. Hopefully people will take more footage so we can juice the meme further so it gets even more noticed. In this way you are starting your own mini google bomb, and your meme propagates quickly and hits critical mass. Sadly this is the real deal. The most important message of all is, if you are experiencing this, YOU ARE NOT CRAZY. Do not believe the sockpuppets. You should be very worried about the people that can't wrap their minds around this, and will go crazy very quickly and be a huge problem for you personally if it occurred. The tragedy of it all is these installations with all their elf/hf towers could be used to transmit energy, NUKE RADIATION FREE, and practically free of drag/resistance, since this energy encounters practically no interference which is why it is used to talk to submarines at a huge depth, even water barely puts up a fight to a .8 Hz wave. You could set up huge solar installations in all the most brutal deserts, and transmit the energy without wires to another tower installation anywhere on the planet, and distribute it from there. By now this is probably one of many suppressed technologies that could solve more than a few of the worlds energy problems. But instead it is used as a military/financial Oligarchy tool to blackmail entire nations who wish to avoid military/financial hegemony. Perhaps Elenin will crush them all in their underground bunkers with it's tectonic shifts. If haarp proves anything, it is that karma might be a real thing, since intent is very much involved in quantum mechanics (Schroediner equation), and quantum mechanics is the science we now live under, just no one bothered to tell us.



When hypersonic travel was first tried, they couldn't get much past mach 5.3, too much heat from creating a pocket of air that can't move, couldn't disperse the heat well enough, way too much g's for a human to survive. I found a couple video's of what I believe is the Aurora plane using a torsion field to create a pocket of their own gravity field to avoid getting ripped to shreds as they obviously go past mach 7 or even 10. My brain can't compute how fast, probably close to altering time, certainly at least as fast as a rocket launch (it appears to me magnitudes faster). Notice the charged plasma trails they leave behind, glowing at night. These are reported on youtube with meta words like ufo wormhole glowing tail or trail, etc, you can certainly find more if you look. Obviously everyone thinks this is an alien invasion. The concept is hard to wrap your head around of course, an airplane that leaves a plasma trail similar to a comet.

I'm sorry to disappoint all the ufo people on this site, but most of what you are seeing is charged plasma/magnetics/ionosphere, which is interpreted as a UFO by people who can't compute. On the other side, I have no explanation for the video of the ufo with the changing colored lights making freaky deaky whale noises at a bazillion decibels, perhaps stat trek is right (again) and someone wants to come to earth to talk to the whales since they are the smartest/oldest inhabitants, or it's the last taxi home as I mentioned earlier. There are certainly things I can't explain. Peace.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by discl0sur3

You mean "they" finally figured out how to keep the rift gate open for more than 15 minutes? Sweet!

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:01 AM
I have attempted to follow this thread closely so my apologies if this has been brought up. I'm a tad intimidated to follow the lengthly and well documented post above by iamconcerned. Nice work and big hat tip to Daisyjays who I've believed from the get go and applaud her coming forward.

After lengthy research I believe what follows is a plausible explanation and contributes either directly or indirectly to the seemingly increasing recent worldwide phenomenon. It is based on real science but also ties directly to many of the aforementioned speculation in this and other threads. It is a term that is not new to ATS but perhaps these increasing events. The term is called Schumann resonance, or SR and it has been compared to the vibration or "heartbeat" of the earth which has been steadily rising. There are several factors that contribute to this phenomenon which I believe will satisfy both scientists and skeptics alike. (Not to mention the 2012 and conspiracist crowd which includes me.)

There are many sites on the web where you can get more info but some focus on biofeedback and binaural beats etc. so be forewarned. Here is a decent overview / primer: (condensed and some of it is outdated)

Geophysical Condition #1: Earth's Rising Base Frequency

Earth's background base frequency, or "heartbeat," (called Schumann resonance, or SR) is rising dramatically. Though it varies among geographical regions, for decades the overall measurement was 7.8 cycles per second. This was once thought to be a constant; global military communications developed on this frequency. Recent reports set the rate at over 11 cycles, and climbing. Science doesn't know why, or what to make of it.

Geophysical Condition #2: Earth's Diminishing Magnetic Field

While earth's "pulse" rate is rising, her magnetic field strength, on the other hand, is declining...And because a forerunner of magnetic polar reversals is this field strength, Prof. Bannerjee believes that another reversal is due.

What is a Schumann Resonance?

Believe it or not, the Earth behaves like an enormous electric circuit. The atmosphere is actually a weak conductor and if there were no sources of charge, its existing electric charge would diffuse away in about 10 minutes. There is a 'cavity 'defined by the surface of the Earth and the inner edge of the ionosphere 55 kilometers up.

The Schumann Resonances are quasi standing wave electromagnetic waves that exist in this cavity. Like waves on a spring, they are not present all the time, but have to be 'excited' to be observed. They are not caused by anything internal to the Earth, its crust or its core. They seem to be related to electrical activity in the atmosphere, particularly during times of intense lightning activity.

Given that the earth's atmosphere carries a charge, a current and a voltage, it is not surprising to find such electromagnetic waves. The resonant properties of this terrestrial cavity were first predicted by the German physicist W. O. Schumann between 1952 and 1957, and first detected by Schumann and Konig in 1954. The first spectral representation of this phenomenon was prepared by Balser and Wagner in 1960. Much of the research in the last 20 years has been conducted by the Department of the Navy who investigate Extremely Low Frequency communication with submarines.


1. Time will appear to speed up as we approach Zero Point. A 24 hour day will seem to about 16 hours or less. Remember the Schumann Resonance (or "heart beat" of Mother Earth) has been 7.8 cycles for thousands of years, but has been rising since 1980. It is at about 12 cycles at present. It stops at 13 cycles.

2. Zero Point or the Shift of the Ages has been predicted by ancient peoples for thousands of years. There have been many shifts including the one that always occurs every 13,000 years at each half of the 26,000 year, Procession of the Equinox.

3. Zero Point or a flip of the magnetic poles will probably happen soon, within the next few years. It could possibly synchronise with the Earth's four cycle biorhythm that occurs every 20 years on the 12th of August. The next occurance is 12th August 2003. The Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project (secret military time travelling) both locked up to the 12th August/20 year biorhythm.

4. It is said that after Zero Point the Sun will rise in the west and set in the east, approx. Past occurances of this change have been found in ancient records.

5. Interestingly, the New World Order plan to be in power by 2003. This may or may not happen, depending on many factors and agendas. Stay centred and follow your intuition.

6. The Zero Point flip will probably introduce us to the 4th dimension. Here, everything we think or desire will instantly manifest. This includes love and fear. Our INTENTION will be of utmost importance.

7. Most technology that we know will cease to operate. Possible exceptions could be technology based on so called "Zero Point" or free energy.

8. Our physical body is changing as we approach Zero Point. Our DNA is being "upgraded" to 12 strand. A new light body is being created. We are becoming more intuitive.

9. The Mayan Calendar predicted all the changes that are occuring now. They say we are going beyond technology and back to the natural cycles of nature and the Universe. By 2012 we will have entered the 5th Dimension (after the flip to the 4th Dimension at Zero Point).

10. All this information is not fearful. Be prepared for changes that will bring in the new age of light. We are going beyond money and time where fear based concepts are totally dissolved.


I'm excited to share this and hopeful it will inspire further elaboration by others more well versed than I. Thanks

edit on 29-3-2011 by kinda kurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:19 AM
I like how Kinda Kurious' quote has one word only in all caps. INTENTION. That is indeed quantum mechanics. The Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson were some books I read way back when, most of his stuff is very dense physics couched in fiction to keep the laymen interested. You'd love it. Extremely prophetic books written awhile ago. It's a real loss he died. The equation is all about intent. Cheers.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by iamconcerned

I agree some of that stuff was far fetched, but that particular site seemed to present best general overview. I hope the zany speculation part doesn't diminish the consideration of Schumann Resonace as a possibility.

It is a very real occurence:

(I tried to suggest caution regarding the "products" being touted on its behalf and should have omitted the wild speculation. My bad - apologies.)

edit on 29-3-2011 by kinda kurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:03 PM
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, if so - sorry.

Concerning the flash of light near the end and the sound fading out. It occurred to me that the speed of sound is much slower than light. If the source of the sound were of at some distance the light would get there first and then the sound. In other words the light flashed and then we hear the sound fade out, but actually it could be that the sound faded out and then there was the flash of light. Suppose for a moment that the sound and the light are related and that the scenario I just gave were true. Given that you could calculate the approx distance to the source. The flash of light indicates when the sound ends. The time elapsed between the light and the sound ending on the recording gives the travel time of the sound. speed = distance/time. Knowing or approximating the speed of sound, varies with pressure, etc. you could calculate the distance.

I know that that is a major assumption that the sound and light flash are related. Also an assumption is that the flash really occurred when the sound is finally gone. But if these assumptions are correct and the distance calculated something interesting at that distance from her location might turn up. Sorry I'm too busy and lazy to do it myself.

Of course if she were very close to the source and the light flash and sound are related then the events occurred just the way they are recorded. But if they are related and it was at some distance then the recording creates an illusion about the timing of these two events. Sound is delayed.

I don't know what do you think? Just a thought.
edit on 29-3-2011 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by iamconcerned
Hi there, long time lurker here, but signed up today to respond to the threads that seem to be dominating this topic. Apologies for how long it is, but hopefully people will find it useful. It was curious to me that during the original thread, posted here , that so many people kept saying over and over that they had heard the same thing, from all over the dang planet, that it seemed to be crowding out the sockpuppets and the can't see past their nose folks. After plowing through many many pages, it was obvious this was a powerful meme. I was extremely concerned, based on the intesity of the video, and intrigued. I had a very good guess what it was, but I thought it was worthy of a nights plowing through google searches and youtube searches and profile checks for further videos and recommendation list dead ends, etc etc. So I popped in some Eskmo (serious dubstep cuz the bay area pwns j00) and off I went on my adventure. As the night progressed, I required more and more beer, because I was getting more and more concerned and depressed. It appears this meme is very powerful, but has been percolating under the surface for a few years now (a few=3-5). Not a lot of footage, scattered, crappy audio/location, tons of it not compelling (no offense to camera phone people plz). But some of it scared the holy hell out of me. I was getting tired of reading about people trying to debunk daisyjays78, the brave soul who crystallized this meme so it broke out into the wider consciousness for stragglers like me to pick it up. This meme was percolating for awhile, like I said, but required a spark to ignite discussion and bring it to the forefront. That person/spark is the brave soul Daisyjays78. She has consistently tried to deal with the disinformation brought her way in the orignal thread, and has persevered bravely in the face of some complete assholes/idiots. She has bravely fought back the disinformation and sockpuppets so this meme is now almost global. She has redone her youtube page so it is more concise, makes sense, includes mainstream info to fight off sockpuppets, and refines the meme even further. I think she realizes she is the spark, and god bless her, she is actually up to the challenge. I further bless you personally on this quest, add me as backup. I came across a very interesting response to her video on a website in my drunken nighttime search. Please realize her video has gone viral, people are propogating this meme on many, many blogs because it's true. Here it is :
Re: Florida What is This Loud NOISE IS IT HAARP? March 20, 2011
Works fine here too Jake.
This was a great catch! That was Ducting alright, but it wasn't of any kind of natural phenomenon.
This is what a powerful LF/ELF (Low Frequency/Extremely Low Frequency) rf carrier wave sounds/feels like when it is scanned through the human audio range. The carrier contains most of the power that is being transmitted, so when it passes through the audible range this is what your hearing/senses will focus on.
But wait a minute! Go back and listen to the video again. This time listen closely WITHIN the overwhelmingly loud sound (which is the carrier). You can actually hear sounds within that are changing pitch, going up and down in frequency. This is what is known as modulation. The modulation is the actual work being performed (example: The voices/music you hear on your radio) but it is the base carrier that has to get it where you want it to go.
Modulation is not a natural phenomenon.
For those of you who cannot pick-out the sounds that I'm describing, I understand. I have been working in this stuff for over 40 years so my ears are quite well-attuned and experienced.
In the 70's and 80's Russia and the United States was experimenting with what they called at the time "Over The Horizon Radar". We knew that this was a "cover story" because this was military experimenting with transmissions across the entire radio spectrum, and wherever you were (world-wide) any person would hear this transmission whenever they happened to scan through a range of frequencies that you may be listening to - say shortwave radio or CB radio for example. So they had to have a story to squelch the questions, right?
Whenever this transmission would come across a frequency that you happened to be listening to it would completely wipe it out and make it useless. It was a strong steady carrier which was modulated with a constant "clicking" sound, which itself would vary up and down in frequency within the carrier. People in the Ham Radio community came up with a name for it, and I'll bet some here will have heard of it. We called it "The Woodpecker". Of course no one knew at the time what they were doing, but now we know. This was the birth of HAARP.
I have suspected for years that they've been manipulating the weather in the Mediterranean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, and now this video has spoken volumes to me. Along with the sound, which most definitely is not thunder (or an airplane), see the ionization in the cloud deck? And it makes perfect sense that this would be caught in Florida, especially during this time of year. Hurricane season is right around the corner!
HAARP is real, and what they are doing with it is real. And like any technology, it has been advanced and refined into a fine art. They have come a long way!
Oh, and by the way. HAARP is not only what most know of being located in Alaska. It is a world-wide network of installations which are designed to work together in focusing their energies with maximum power to almost anywhere in the world.
Please don't listen to your local media, unless of course you just want a good laugh!
p.s. Sorry Folks. I didn't mean to write a thesis!
Re: Florida What is This Loud NOISE IS IT HAARP? March 20, 2011

Harley, write away my friend!
Yes, I came across the woodpecker signal many years ago. Then I left the whole ham radio scene and just filed away that experience to yet another unexplained phenomenon. Thank you, thank you for bridging that old experience and bringing knowledge up to speed.
You bring much needed knowledge. Thank you for sharing.
There is a lot of information in regards to HAARP on the internet. So much so that I do not know what is valid information and what is disinfo. Could you recommend certain websites or certain papers or certain individuals that, in your opinion, contain more valid info than not?
Thanks again!

In the fight against disinformation I present the following links. They are my contribution in the fight to backup DaisyJays brave entrance to global meme-dom. Since this sound is occurring all over the world in these vidoes, this discussion can finally graduate past local concerns like rockets that can be heard in a 100 mile raduis magically, or airports creating noise that travels 100 miles magically. It must be absolutely crazy scary, and enthralling and enlightening for Daisy Jay to be the conduit of so much energy at once. Since I won't be posting any responses, I never really wanted to un-lurk in the first place, I will be happy to pre-empt all the idiotic responses to my post. Yes they all sound like Chuck Norris farting. Yes they all sound like Justin Bieber's love aura while touching your private parts. And yes, they are all, every single freaking one of the videos, fake, ghey and stupid, just like your extremely easily deceived little brain. Hats off to ATS for being such a cool huge group of people that this meme survives, and avoids takedown by the sockpuppets. In a way this place reminds me of the original group of people on the web that formed a powerful meme, the BBS The Well.
What do I think? I agree with the person on the blog above, she was in the middle of a torsion field. Since she would have been in the middle of a field of excited plasma/magnetics/electrons/positive ions/orgone energy/leylines/whatever the holy hell you want to call it field, she would have experienced the sound as coming from all directions as she did. And she would have experienced all sounds waves from probably .5 hz on up if she was near the epicenter of the field, as she did, which made her nauseous, and freaked out beyond belief because nothing on earth does that. I read one post saying it felt like they were being scanned. Nice analogy since these sound waves would penetrate you like you were in the middle of a CT scanner, x a billion (watts that is, and that is just the Alaska wattage). All the other posts mention the sound is coming from all directions, and the sound in the Israeli video is the most disturbing since she called it sound warfare, and her husband is clearly unconscious while the tone is going. If some of the tones in some of the videos were to continue on a daily basis for a prolonged period of time, like the one in Israel or British Columbia, and hiding in a cave or underwater didn't solve the problem, clearly I would have issues, or perhaps mass surrender of forces/mass freakout of a large population, if thought about on a larger scale. I'm very happy someone was brave enough to get really good footage with decent sound to percolate this meme high enough for me to notice. Cheers Daisy Jay. I am very concerned.
Who was using it? Far too convoluted for this mere .000000001 rank masonic to decipher, and anyone else would be mere conjecture as well, but just knowing it exists and that you aren't crazy is very powerful. There are two other possible explanations, which are not improbable but statistically small. Explanation 1.) The comet Elenin has a larger gravitational pull than Nasa is letting on and the Earth is actually attempting to expand as a result of a tug of war between the gravitation of the Sun and other plantets and the comet lined up along a sight line. Or Explanation number 2.) Aliens want a ring side seat for our apocalypse, either self induced or otherwise, and are picking up their various hitch hikers as a last taxi to BeetleJuice. (see the 2 'alien' vids I included, only because it fit the criteria of the noise being just as loud inside the house, sure sounds like last call to me

If you'd like this meme to propagate and percolate even further, it's rather simple really. You favorite all the youtube videos. You put the top 12 videos that encapsulate this sound the best, and put them in your top 12 favorites so they show up first. You put Daisy Jays video as your channel video. You link from your blog to these articles/comments/videos. You search like once a week for memes this events occurs under, such as 'strange sounds sky' 'weird sounds sky' strange rumble sky' 'weird rumble sky' and on and on etc. Lots of dead ends, but pay dirt can be rewarding, and frightening as you add another video to the list. Hopefully people will take more footage so we can juice the meme further so it gets even more noticed. In this way you are starting your own mini google bomb, and your meme propagates quickly and hits critical mass. Sadly this is the real deal. The most important message of all is, if you are experiencing this, YOU ARE NOT CRAZY. Do not believe the sockpuppets. You should be very worried about the people that can't wrap their minds around this, and will go crazy very quickly and be a huge problem for you personally if it occurred. The tragedy of it all is these installations with all their elf/hf towers could be used to transmit energy, NUKE RADIATION FREE, and practically free of drag/resistance, since this energy encounters practically no interference which is why it is used to talk to submarines at a huge depth, even water barely puts up a fight to a .8 Hz wave. You could set up huge solar installations in all the most brutal deserts, and transmit the energy without wires to another tower installation anywhere on the planet, and distribute it from there. By now this is probably one of many suppressed technologies that could solve more than a few of the worlds energy problems. But instead it is used as a military/financial Oligarchy tool to blackmail entire nations who wish to avoid military/financial hegemony. Perhaps Elenin will crush them all in their underground bunkers with it's tectonic shifts. If haarp proves anything, it is that karma might be a real thing, since intent is very much involved in quantum mechanics (Schroediner equation), and quantum mechanics is the science we now live under, just no one bothered to tell us.



When hypersonic travel was first tried, they couldn't get much past mach 5.3, too much heat from creating a pocket of air that can't move, couldn't disperse the heat well enough, way too much g's for a human to survive. I found a couple video's of what I believe is the Aurora plane using a torsion field to create a pocket of their own gravity field to avoid getting ripped to shreds as they obviously go past mach 7 or even 10. My brain can't compute how fast, probably close to altering time, certainly at least as fast as a rocket launch (it appears to me magnitudes faster). Notice the charged plasma trails they leave behind, glowing at night. These are reported on youtube with meta words like ufo wormhole glowing tail or trail, etc, you can certainly find more if you look. Obviously everyone thinks this is an alien invasion. The concept is hard to wrap your head around of course, an airplane that leaves a plasma trail similar to a comet.

I'm sorry to disappoint all the ufo people on this site, but most of what you are seeing is charged plasma/magnetics/ionosphere, which is interpreted as a UFO by people who can't compute. On the other side, I have no explanation for the video of the ufo with the changing colored lights making freaky deaky whale noises at a bazillion decibels, perhaps stat trek is right (again) and someone wants to come to earth to talk to the whales since they are the smartest/oldest inhabitants, or it's the last taxi home as I mentioned earlier. There are certainly things I can't explain. Peace.

Will read all of this later, but can you or someone do a quick one liner to sum up this person's conclusions?

Thanks for all your work, just at work myself so can't read it all.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 10:56 AM
To many pages to scan through and see if this was posted, but this is a link to a local news outlet.

If you scroll down on the comments page ( look for ANON) someone says they called the sheriff and was told there was a plane at the airport testing an engine.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 12:17 PM
2 Years ago My girlfriend and I were at our Central NY home. Just west of Syracuse. Just after dusk we heard a familiar sound to the one in the video.... only we honest to god seen something winch was not a helicopter nor a plane. it was LOUD! and we heard it bother before and after we seen it. about a 20 minute episode. i really wish i had thought to grab a camera!

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by ZeeKraken

I will....I haven't heard it again since that day. I just bought a new cam just so that I could catch it if it happens again. Nothing so far though. I am very skeptical about things, so I would never say I heard something if I didn't. But..... I know we need it documented. If someone else said they heard it, I would want proof too!

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:14 PM
Yes In My opinion it was an aircraft engine "Test Cell".

I was in the Air Force for 8 years and served in California. There I worked on the SR-71 Blackbird. Every 6 weeks or so they would do a test Cell run on and engine to tweak it's performance. and it would go on for about a half hour sometimes, disrupting movies in the theater, quite dinners in the house and other settings for miles around.

It usually had a group of engineers piled into a little shack near by with a bunch of cables hooked up to the engine as it was locked down in a hardened cage. Run Tests and stuff.

the link above you can see that.


posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 02:20 AM

I heard the same exact sound this morning but it wasn't as loud, maybe it was because I was inside a building with only one window slightly open?

It was awesome cuz early this morning I said to myself, "Why haven't I heard the rumble where I live?" And about 2 or 3 minutes later I heard a ringing in my left ear (not a loud one) and then, barely audible at first, I heard the same sound that other people are reporting to hear all over the world!!!! I was SO excited.
hahaha I'm a nerd what can I say?

The sound came from the sky somewhere and lasted about 20 minutes. It started out small and grew then reached a peak then started to fade until it was completely gone.

I speculate that the "rumble" and the "hum" are one and the same except for one major difference: One is above ground and one is below ground. I haven't personally heard the hum.

Either way, I think it has to do with engines and portals, jumpgates and stargates. That might explain the light at the end of the vid as an electrical discharge associated with gate movement? Cloaked craft that we wouldn't see but hear?

Now everyone knows that there are ancient portals underground as well as in the sky right?
I know wormholes are fiction, I've heard it before.

But what if they aren't? Then what?


Alien invasion.

edit on 1-4-2011 by Antoniastar because: typo, what else?

A possibly related thread....

weather radar circular patterns australia
edit on 1-4-2011 by Antoniastar because: to add more detail.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by StealthyKat

Hi SK,

Totally agree with you about recording the sound. Wish I could have but I have a pretty good excuse...I was trying to go back to sleep when I heard the sound outside my building where I live and didn't have my laptop in bed with me.

Cuz, you know, I have to use my laptop to record anything, either that or my micro-cassette player but that wouldn't work cuz then we would hear the sound of the cassette motor in the background and that wouldn't work at all. Even when I have the volume all the way down when I record anything (which is standard practice for me), the motor still is easily audible. And that's my new Sony recorder. When I had my Memorex micro-cassette player, I never had that problem. Ah the good ol' days. They just don't make 'em like they used to. lol

So yeah, I would have loved to record the sound.

Oh well maybe, if I get to hear it again, I'll have my laptop with me. Don't know how great it'll be but it's better than nothing? I use my laptop webcam for a camera too (it's a little awkward) so if I see anything, I'll see what I can do.

I'm such a dork sometimes.
No, I don't wear taped up birth control glasses and Jurassic Park tie and underwear. LOL
edit on 1-4-2011 by Antoniastar because: typo.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 03:39 AM
Alrighty then, I didn't know FEMA has contingency plans made out in case of UFO encounters in the U.S., I just found this old ATS thread (while Googling something else) and so it's not all that improbable that the "rumble" could maybe be UFOs.

FEMA?s Firefighter?s Guide Chapter 13

The following admonition was printed on the inside front jacket of
Frank Edward's book on flying saucers:


"Near approaches of UFOs can be harmful to human beings. Do not stand under a UFO that is hovering at low altitude. Do not touch or attempt to touch a UFO that has landed. In either case the safe thing to do is to get away from there very quickly and let the military take over. There is a possibility of radiation danger and there are known cases where persons have been burned by rays emanating from UFOs. Don't take chances with UFOs!" In view of the federal law (cited earlier) empowering NASA's administrator to impound, without a hearing, anyone who touches a UFO or its occupants.?

Read more here...

FEMA Firefighters Guide ( The UFO Chapter

I just flagged it so that makes 2 flags.

edit on 1-4-2011 by Antoniastar because: an ooopsers.

edit on 1-4-2011 by Antoniastar because: add something important.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by Antoniastar certainly don't LOOK like a nerd!
I agree....we should try to record....just have something handy so when we hear it, we can grab it fast. I still have not heard it again, but I have my windows open so I can hear it if it comes back....let's keep our fingers crossed!

Oh....I saw that firefighter thing too....I wonder if it is real? If it is....then they MUST think there are ufos, or why would they train firefighters how to deal with them?

edit on 1-4-2011 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 01:41 PM
I will try to record the sound today or tomorrow. Thankfully the interdimensional extraterrestrial starships do not mind.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by obaMABUSh

as i am still NEW, i cannot post a separate thread yet...

i am starting and will be updating, as fast as i can manage, a new blog regarding the recent events in central florida and the possible correlation with the phenomenon that daisyjays captured.

from the first page:
"SEVERE storm TAMPA BAY, FL 20110331 – 00 – intro
Posted on April 1, 2011 by obamabush.fl

the entire bay area was swarmed yesterday by multiple wave fronts and squall lines that spawned multiple tornadoes, LITERALLY THOUSANDS of lightning strikes, hailstorms and areas of moderate to intense flooding. the path of the storms’ damage formed a wide STRIPE across THE ENTIRE WIDTH of the state, from the southwest to the northeast (or vice-versa). fortunately, to my current knowledge, no one was killed or maimed.

the storms set new records for rainfall. the news radar recorded more than 1250 lightning strikes within its coverage area, by a neat tally in the on-screen display. there were , perhaps, MANY more, as i was busy first with safety and then cleanup issues, and could only tune in from time to time.

I DO NOT BELIEVE that this was a ‘natural’ storm.

through casual observance of the skies, starting in january, i became aware of what i can only call ‘unusual’ activities. this blog will focus on my first-hand accounts of these activities, and will include photos and videos, taken by me, using a cell-phone and a small video recorder. the images and videos are not stellar, as i am no photographer, and am using just average equipment.

the conclusions i have drawn are, i believe, still compelling.

the following entries will start from my initial observations in january, cover the past 2+ months, eventually getting tied in with the aftermath of the storms, and the photos found here below."

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

no PMs yet either, until i hit 20 posts...

so, sorry if i am breaching forum etiquette...

the strange "disappearing helicopter", as well as most of the UNUSUAL sky traffic i had mentioned in my initial posts were travelling along, parallel to, or at right angles to, the "LINE" that i have drawn on a map here:

in the helo vid, when the sound goes away and you can hear it circling in the distance before it returns, that place PRECISELY matches the western landfall of one of the tornadoes from yesterday.

i will be posting the "lazy" time-lapse i have been gathering over the past 2 months, regarding NUMEROUS, LARGE chemtrails originating from the same precise area and that follow the "line" that i have drawn. the line also corresponds exactly to the origination points of tornadoes and hailstorms from yesterday.

just thought you might be interested. no further person-to-person spam from me unless requested.

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