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Florida-March 2011!Wow! Eerie 20 Minute, Loud Rumbling Sound *Video*

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posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by gridjockey

The reference in the video to "It getting closer" was because it was thought at the time to be a Tornado... And the drill theory definitely doesnt explain people 20 miles way hearing the same thing at the same time.. Or the news would have just said it was the drilling.. Instead they said it was thunder and ducting..

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by gridjockey

It was actually raining lightly..

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 09:46 PM
thanks for coming to the thread, if I had to guess, I think this is HAARP. I saw this interview with Leuren Moret about the Japan EQ/Tsunami/nuke hell and she hypothesizes HAARP caused the EQ. If you have time to watch, it is very informative. There are "signatures" of the HAARP system that can be recognized, I wonder if what you witnessed is such a one. You asked that question at the end of your video. People have gone all over the map looking for explanations. Once all the obvious has been eliminated, what are we left with?

I'm glad I watched this, it put a lot of the discussions that have been going on here about the various atmospheric anomalies in perspective.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by Scorpitarius

Here is a reply I made on another thread about TBM's.

I am sorry but I have a problem with the TBM theory. A TBM can only dig a maximum of a few feet if that in 20 minutes. Did the tunnel stop after 20 minutes? If not why did the noise stop? Why would TPTB be digging a bunker 20 minutes at a time? Here is the fastest TBM that I found.

The largest tunnel boring machine in the world or TBM is the German built

S-373 Herrenknecht double shield and it is owned by the Spanish Govt. It was dismantled from its last project in the Asturias and 500 trucks transported it to Sorbas for reassembly and now it’s ready to start work. The TBM is a mile long and it is AWESOME. The TBM currently holds the world speed record for tunnelling as it managed up to tunnel up to 105M a day on the Madrid to Valencia AVE line in 2007/8. 988/

105 divided by 24= 4.375 meters an hour.
4.375 divided by 60 minutes=0.072916667 meters a minute
0.072916667 meters multiplied by 20 minutes =1.4583333 meters in 20 minutes

If my math is wrong, please correct me.

If it was a TBM then it would have only dug 1.458 meters in 20 minutes. This is not enough to accomplish anything. With all do respect. I think we need to focus on another theory. I have looked into this theory and the numbers just dont add up.
End copied comment.

I think that the TBM theory is seriously flawed. Unless "they" are using some kind of new TBM that isn't known.

This is my opinion and I just want to find out what these noises are.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by Pilot

I agree.

Theory: HAARP caused the quakes and possibly the noise. The noise is approximately polar opposite the Japanese quakes.

Here are the readings from HAARP for the days around both this noise and the Japanese quakes.
Chart of Japanese Quakes
HAARP data

The Bermuda Triangle (Florida) and Devils Triangle (Japan) are polar opposites according to this video... so that means the Florida noise and the Japanese earthquakes were roughly on the polar opposite sides of the global from one another. Source: first 30 seconds of this video:

Pure coincidence that HAARP was turned on, left running until after they got the big earth quake and aftershocks going then turned off? Not in my book... but I'm a conspiracy nut.

Debunkers have fun with it, but my mind is well over 90% certain I know what caused those quakes. Not sure if it caused the noise but it is might suspicious to me.

Oh, It happened to be running before the Haiti Quake also...
Pictures of the Haiti Quake and more in this ATS thread.

HAARP had also been on several hours before the China earthquake also May 12 2008.

This is only circumstantial evidence. Not proof. But it makes a darn good conspiracy.
The Induction Magnetometer is like a giant microphone that measures when the ionosphere is being bombarded by Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) waves. The picture shows the readout between 0-5HZ. When HAARP is active it shows up distinct patterns which differ when HAARP is used to do different things. HAARPS patents show it can be used to bounce these waves off the ionosphere and send these waves underground where they want them. So basically HAARP is like a speaker and the Induction Magnetometer is like an oscilloscope showing the waves HAARP is broadcasting. Speakers can be used to shatter a glass if vibrated at the exact frequency of the glass. Theoretically (conspiracy theory) HAARP can be used to vibrate the ground at the frequency needed to trigger a slip already pressured fault lines.
Here is a History Channel Program on the theories:

Earthquakes are natural, and it doesn't matter if there are a thousand natural earthquakes a year, that does not invalidate that HAARP might have been used to trigger these few earthquakes. It also doesn't matter if HAARP can be used to do other things. It can theoretically do this also. It is not used to do this every time it's turned on; most of the time it's used to do other things. That does not invalidate that it can trigger earthquakes. The same way a knife can be used to do all sorts of useful things from shaping wood, cutting rope, or even turning a screw in a pinch. Just because you use your knife for a thousand good things, it doesn't mean you can't also use it to stab someone.

edit on 23-3-2011 by pianopraze because: formatting

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by discl0sur3

I found the cause, Its the earth. Right in between where that lady is describing there is the largest cave system in Florida where they had filmed the old Tarzan movies. I have been there and the caves are really cool. This sound has to be coming from them at Wakulla Springs State Park, FL. If it was not storming that day this would have been on the major news networks, a lot of people visit that park and this would have terrified them. If I did not live five hours or more away I would go and confirm it for us.

Here is the same sound from Tibetan Caves.

We are in some deep pooh pooh cause the whole earth is rumbling. This Florida noise happened on the 16th and could have been caused by the large Japan quake but we will have to see.

This thread needs to be in the Fragile Earth forum and not UFO one because this needs mega attention right now given all that is going on with our planet.
edit on 23-3-2011 by Sky watcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 07:56 AM
To the video in the op.

Just heard the exact same noise followed by 4 flashes of light.
I'm in auckland, New Zealand.
it happened at approximately 1:30am.

Any other kiwi members heard it?

Have camera ready in case it happens again.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by -elmo-
To the video in the op.

Just heard the exact same noise followed by 4 flashes of light.
I'm in auckland, New Zealand.
it happened at approximately 1:30am.

Any other kiwi members heard it?

Have camera ready in case it happens again.

Do you have any Cave complexes near you? That would be the source of the noise and whats actually causing it? I don't know.

Yep you sure do, Here they are and this is what you have heard.
edit on 23-3-2011 by Sky watcher because: New info

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by Sky watcher

Originally posted by -elmo-
To the video in the op.

Just heard the exact same noise followed by 4 flashes of light.
I'm in auckland, New Zealand.
it happened at approximately 1:30am.

Any other kiwi members heard it?

Have camera ready in case it happens again.

Do you have any Cave complexes near you? That would be the source of the noise and whats actually causing it? I don't know.

None of that no. I live right in the middle of Auckland.
Nothing like this ever happened here before. Its quite weird.
edit on 23-3-2011 by -elmo- because: spelling

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by discl0sur3

C'mon people, that was a jet engine test! Nothing exotic, strange or scary about it. The military and commercial repair facilities perform these all of the time. It may be unusual in that area, but overall it's nothing new or strange.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 08:30 AM
I was intrigued by this thread because I had a similar experience over 25 years ago with my friends but the next day the papers reported numerous ufo sighting in the area of Hudson County, NJ. My friend even claimed he found a pic someone took of the craft flying over the Hudson River on the same night. Only difference was the rumble lasted only a few moments before silence then came back again a few times before it went away.

Anyway, I get home this morning from work and my girlfriend tells me she woke up at around 3am by the same rumbling sound like I experienced, only it was more like the videos I showed her in this thread! She said it even woke up our upstairs neighbor! Only difference was my dog slept through it and he's usually spooked real easy...Darn Pug snores so loud no wonder!

We live in Clifton, NJ.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by -elmo-

Yeah I found many in your area, seems you need to get out more and explore

Go check them out, Just bring a hard hat if you have one. I bet thats where your sound is coming from.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:31 AM
I got it! They're testing jet engines in the sewers of NJ!

I'm just having fun with you but...Come on guys...reaching a bit?

Obviously these noises are coming from above. Do they sound like engines? Yes and No. I live right in the final approach of Newark Airport and we can tell the difference between jet engines and what these sounds are. Unless invisible Harrier jets are hovering overhead, there's nothing like this sound and it's spooky. I wish there was a logical explanation. I still have doubts about what I heard years ago being a UFO only because I didn't see it and most UFO craft are silent according to reports.

Now if you tell me this could be some experimental craft our Dept. of Offense is working on, I'd say it's possible. But I can't accept any theories about this being from the Earth because the sounds are no doubt coming from above.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 10:40 AM
I live in Miami , Florida after hearing this video and showing it to my sister she told me she heard the same thing weeks ago for quite a time, it sounded like an airplane but never going away and then it came to me what I had forgotten I had heard it too way before she did, but for some reason it escaped my memory which is strange because I usually remember this kind of stuff.That day I went outside looking at the sky, there was no plane passing or anything really that could be causing the sound. However it was a little difference in the sense that it had an interruption,silence then it came again. I don't remember shaking, I wasn't looking for it either, I wish I knew what it really means, in my view i think we are being watched....

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by ferdberffle
reply to post by discl0sur3

C'mon people, that was a jet engine test! Nothing exotic, strange or scary about it. The military and commercial repair facilities perform these all of the time. It may be unusual in that area, but overall it's nothing new or strange.

So no one hear can recognize a jet engine test? Let me ask around: Is there anyone here who wouldn't be able to conclude they are in the range of a jet engine test? Are all of you 11 years old and have never seen or heard a jet?

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by discl0sur3

Just watched the entire video.

For those saying this is staged because she made comments such as, "These are known to last for hours" and etc....duhh! She was thinking the entire time that the noise was coming from a tornado!

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 11:57 AM
I live in the Kansas City area and about two weeks ago as I was laying down to go to bed I couldn't sleep because I kept hearing what sounded like thunder far off into the distance. I turned the tv back on to check the weather and there was nothing but clear skies. So I laid back down thinking it was the train tracks. Those are about 5 miles away but the way my particular suburb lays it can echo forever. But this time it sounded completely different. My first thought was to post it here, but then I got lazy and super tired and finally fell asleep. But not after listening to this for a good 15 minutes. I live near a small airport and when I say small, I mean, flight school/airport with the runway butting up to a major street. That being said I CONSTANTLY hear what sounds like missiles taking off from this airport. Some days, since I live in Kansas it reminds me of the movie The Day After. The creepy one set in my home town about nuclear war. It's really odd considering how small this airport is. Anyhow, just wanted to chime in on the low rumbling sounds people seem to be hearing all over the country.

More on topic, when I first saw the video in the op, my first thought was a jet engine, but if that were the case then why the news story about it being the weather, wouldn't their local news station be able to get a hold of airports in the area to see if it was in fact jet engines

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 02:22 PM
2:22 pm central time......I am in north central Louisiana right now....This noise had been going on for the past 45 minutes or so.......and then just stopped..... I was kind of skeptical thinking it was construction or something so I drove around and saw nothing going on. People in the neighborhood were standing out in their yards looking up. It was most definitely coming from the sky I didn't have any way to record it, but it sounded like rommmmm rommmmmm rommmmmm with a rumble underneath, and an occasional banging sound. It was clear and sunny when I went outside and heard it's cloudy and windy. This went on for 45 min to an hour...and just stopped abruptly...then still and quiet....came back at a lower pitch for maybe 5 minutes, then stopped abruptly again. So far it has not come back, but I'll post if it happens again. Is there anyone in Louisiana who has or is hearing this? At one point it got so loud, I had to raise my voice to talk with the neighbor. This is the first time I heard this, and it was really unnerving. I hope an answer comes's really freaking me out!
edit on 23-3-2011 by StealthyKat because: spelling

edit on 23-3-2011 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by StealthyKat

It is nice to have first-hand reports from credible members. Nice work SK. I too am intrigued by this phenomena but so far no exact matches. Here is some interesting info and a couple of decent sites just to share:

A strange effect was long noticed in the audibility of very large explosions and similar noises. The sound is observed in a region surrounding the source, perhaps extending 50 km or more. Then there is a zone of silence, but at several hundred kilometres, the sound, or at least its lower-frequency components, is sometimes again heard, and with extra delay. Guns on the continent were heard in England, for example. In the 1930's, this anomalous propagation was finally recognized as the effect of temperatures comparable to those on the ground, far above the stratosphere. The sound was reflected by these hot layers and again bent downward towards the earth. Sound from sources like jet aircraft or rockets can also be trapped as in a waveguide in the stratosphere, with higher temperatures both above and below, and can be detected thousands of miles from its source by a receiver in the stratosphere.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

That's very interesting! I wish I could have recorded it.....I just hope that maybe someone else in this area can confirm, because people want more than some one's word. I had the oddest feeling listening to it, I can't put it into words....Oh, one other thing.....ALL the dogs in the area were barking and very agitated. The only thing that was different from some of the other reports, was the fact that I saw no flash of light. It's funny, because I was discussing this with a friend just this morning, and I was kind of on the fence about it....but now I KNOW people are not imagining this. I just heard on the local radio here (small town) LOL, that people had been calling in about the noise, so apparently, many more people heard it as well.

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