posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 09:23 AM
Hi All, had some recent issues over the last couple of months where certain websites media players including ATS would not play, only until recently
did it really start annoying me so after a little investigation i found the issue involved and thought i would share it for any other ATS'r who may
run into this (since i came here first looking for an answer).
The issue is caused by your Antivirus software, more importantly in most cases i can see around Kaspersky Antivirus software. The easy fix is to open
up the settings area and deactivate the anti banner scanner. If you want the anti banner scanner on then make sure you have the firewall skills to
allow the ATS player through, can't remember the company name now but the video options or dev tools in chrome will give you the company.
Hope this helps someone in the future.