reply to post by kid_cudi
Another great post!
Nuclear energy in my humble opinion is not clean and it's not healthy. I am living proof of that.
When something's "waste" has a life of 1,000 years or more it's dangerous.
the effects of radioactivity is alteration of one's DNA and once your DNA has been altered, as of this writing, there is no fixing it. Your children
and your children's children will be affected.
A story to prove my point:
My mother was born December 10, 1910. At approximately 6-8 years old she had tonsillitis.
She died at age 53 from they think lung cancer because she smoked but they are not sure it could have been thyroid cancer. She died February 23, 1962
leaving me an orphan.
The way they treated tonsillitis back in the early 1900's was putting the child up to an x-ray machine and gave them a couple good "zaps".
Now x-ray machines back in the early 1900's was not regulated as now. God only knows how many rems my mother received.
Results: At the time of her treatment I was one of her eggs inside of her. I was born with a cleft palate, cataracts and a very severe high frequency
hearing loss. I am considered above average in intellegence test, but I cannot grasp algebra or geometry.
I had three sons, did not do drugs, drink, ate a very natural healthy diet, did not smoke and was a excellent parent. My oldest son is AD/HD, the
youngest is autistic and the middle one they can't classify yet. In ways he is gifted and in ways he is cursed, a lost soul.
My granddaughter, like her father also has AD/HD.
Messing around with nuclear energy is stupid, dirty, dangerous, and as T'Pol on Star Trek would say, 'Illogical".
Question: How many nuclear plants do we have in California, Oregon and Washington?
Are these reactors built to as high a standard as the Japanese ones? My understanding is Japan has one of the strictest building codes for nuclear
reactors in the world.
We're playing with fire.
Also, now we are again bombing another country.................we keep warring.
One of these days we possibly are going to have WWIII and it's not going to be pretty.
As this is a conspiracy site; I have heard there is such a thing as abundant, free and clean energy available but TPTB, The handful of elite that want
to charge us for our water, our air, our energy, our everything are not about ready to allow for this technology of clean, abundant and free energy to
be allowed.
They, the men/women that are profiting handsomely from our dirty energy are not about ready to relinquish their strangle hold over the majority of the
human race.
Those that have tried to alert the public about free, abundant and clean energy have all met mysterious suicides or accidents.
This planet is being run by a bunch of psychopaths and the majority of people remain asleep in the matrix.
What has happened in Japan is a warning, a precursor to things to come.
Now look up the post on ATS about the Illuminati cards by Steve Jackson that were done in 1995.
The rollercoaster ride we are all on is speeding up folks, make sure your safety bar is down and you’re buckled in tight. I have a feeling we
haven't hit the top yet.
I did an extensive study on WWII and researched the affects of the two atomic bombs America used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
No, nuclear energy is as dirty as it gets.
Mankind is like a hairless monkey playing with a blow torch.
I have relayed some very personal and hurtful information as a warning to mankind.
Please no trolling my post.
Although all three of my children are classified as "abnormal' if you or your child were ever drowning, any three of my sons would be the first one
to jump in and save your butt.............they are brave, kind and honest.
As a side line and this is a conspiracy site: Somehow, I wonder if humanity's DNA isn't being tweaked with again BIG TIME?
I suspect that there is the possibility that we are being distracted, dumbed down and mucked with - we just can't see the enemy, they are that much
more advanced in their stradegy than us.