posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 05:52 PM
I have seen several posts concerning hauntings, or things going on in ones home. I was brought up in a very active home and I have had something with
me all my life, two of my children also do. Recently activity has really picked up here in my home...silly stuff. The washing machine keeps turning on
and I have to go push the knob back in. Tubs of margarine keep disappearing, yes, margarine LOL, I keep buying it, it keeps missing, along with usual
stuff of doors opening and closing, the TV going off an on etc...aaaaaaaaanyway. I'm curious as to what many of you with activity think you have
going on. Entity, Guardian Angel, or Spirit? I'm not really sure what I have. It has always been there, but has helped me many times through out my
life, and has probably saved my life.