posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 03:36 PM
Hello, this thread isn't meant to offend anyone, if it does offend you please stop reading it.
Growing up, I had a lot of "step dads" (I'm 17 now) and most of them were really abusive towards my mom and I've always wondered why that was, so
I looked on the InterWebs and I found some answers and I was satisfied with those answers. But recently, I saw my one of my moms exes (I'll call him
Tom, 'cause his name is Tom) at five guys and to my surprise he was with a man
At first I thought they were just friends, but I soon realised
that he was gay! So as I ate my burger and my fries, I came to this conclusion:
The world would be a much better place if homosexuals would just be gay and stop trying to change/hide who they are. Just think about it, if someone
hates gay people they are most likely gay (studies have shown this), just like Tom. He claimed that he hated gay people, he called them names and he
made it seem like he hates gays with a passion so he was the last person that I thought would be gay, but now I see that his gay hate was just a cover
to hide his homosexuality!
Which means that heterosexuals need to stop the hate/dislike, whatever you want to call it, or more wars will be started, more unnecessary deaths, all
because Obama (and a lot of other world leaders) are not comfortable with their sexuality.
And this just isn't for gay people it's for any one that suppresses something about them that they do not like, it's not healthy, suppressing who
you are will make you evil, so don't do it.