All these hate filled people......
The Imrams and their ilk are it? They ARE coming for you and sucking up to them will not save your hides. They will slaughter you
because you are who you are, infidels and caucasian trash. They will slit your throats, the throats of your women, the throats of your children -
babies included. They will show you no mercy even while you beg for your life.
They prepared for their moment of "glory" along time ago, they studied you in your countries, they know your weaknesses. If you all think that
being a Jew hater is going to save your sorry arse, think again.....they don't care, you are who you are. They hate you even more than the Jews.
Prepare yourselves because all of the North Africans are coming. They are coming to your shores and they will destroy everything in their path
including anything that moves, shouts, screams. They will first kill your men then they will rape your women and little girls before slicing their
Watch this video.....WATCH IT!!! This is what they are going to do to you and your families:
and if thats not enough let me know, I'll paste some videos up where these extremists BEHEAD your men after capture.
Have I frightened you yet? I hope so.
All this is about to come to pass very soon so I would rethink your position where Israel is concerned because they of all people know exactly how to
deal with these crazy Muslims who not only threaten the state of Israel but they threaten YOUR very way of life. These extremists are hiding among
your flock, they are waiting for the order to be given and when they rise up in number as their populations are in your countries, you had better know
how to pray fast. Believe me, even the liberal Muslims will run from them.
Iran is not only a threat to Israel, they ARE a threat to your nations, to our democratic liberal thinking nations.
Listen to what I tell you, I know what I speak. I know how these North African Muslims fight in wars, I know how the Arabs in the Middle East fight
in wars.
Israel is NOT your enemy, although they should be by the way you talk, but they are our allies....they are our brothers and sisters, they are MY
brothers and sisters.
When you go to war with these mad people, you will want Israel by your side. You will NEVER win a war against these Muslim countries without Israel.