For people who can't view it. The counter usually stays at 42-52 CPM but can jump around to 22 CPM. CPM stands for Counts Per Minute.
"background radiation level might average anywhere from 5 to 60 CPM, and while background radiation levels are random, it would be unusual for those
levels to exceed 100 CPM"
edit on 19-3-2011 by ApostleTriad because: (no reason given)
Yeah, I've been monitoring this throughout the day.
I think it's a really cool idea and it would be great if more people throughout the country would do it. I'd do it myself but i don't have a geiger
Oh, and you probably want to do yourself a favor and close the chat window to the right of the video -- I've never seen such moronic comments in my
edit on 19-3-2011 by dvrt10 because: (no reason given)
I posted this a few times in other threads. Good link for those who are worried.
It's in West L.A. and the guy who set it up does live chats to answer questions.