Im going to stick with the logical explanation........its a bird!
You can see birds at the bottom of the screen may be more than one bird....its certainly not a massive horse running at 60mph + thats for
Why have you started this thread....when you have replied here????
Oh that's the horseman of the apocalypse...I thought he would be physically doing the damage, rather than sweeping past at night hoping nobody would
see him....or maybe it was a rehearsal for the big day OR! he's a new member of the apocalypse and is in training OR.....I am getting carried away
and should stop typing.
I normally just lurk, but I got call out what I strongly believe to be the illusion of a horse on this one. It sure looks like a vehicle of some sort
moving down a street to me. Not to mention there is like 4,000 different "apocalyptic horsemen" videos on youtube already, so I doubt god would use
youtube to deliver us a real message of the coming apocalypse.
One time I made a video at night and it came it really weird. It looked like a black shadow moved over my car. It is probably a poor video camera. It
did look kind of eiry but if someone would not have said to look for a horseman I would not have recognized it as such.
I must have missed that thread. I am just curious if any christians now more about these apolilyptic signs. I would like to see a post on all the
signs of the apcolypse and what has been fulfilled. I am not saying I believe but it sure does seem we are living in some strange times.
hahahaha are you kidding me? there is absolutely NOTHING that looks remotely like a horse in that. You're seeing what you want to see just like the
egypt flame reflection that MOVED WITH THE CAMERA and only with the camera looked like a "horse"
There's something else in the 2nd video.....someone please look again and see if you see what I see.....strange movement between the buildings; stop
at :32 and stop start stop start, some kind of black thing racing like a bat out of hell.
Is there a clear video of this same scene because I see what appears to be something like a horse in the background but I'm more interested in that
black orb or whatever it is
edit on 18-3-2011 by bluemirage5 because: (no reason given)
yeah that's what i thought you meant. Just looks like a bird to me, the "horseman" appears to be birds or a light anomaly as well. People SEE horse
because they are told what to look for....its the same as when you see the devils face in those pictures where there are giant flames...its not really
there because you are told what you are supposed to see and your brain decides to recognize. It's called matrixing I believe