posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 08:20 PM
On a more serious note,
The little old lady that froze to death this winter (more than one) and the students that can no longer afford their education along with increasing
bread lines and more and more homeless...
These people paid and keep paying what little they have in taxes that are going to pay for this public display.
Will the Prince pay even one penny out of his pocket for this private party that will cost millions from the tax payer? No.
If I couldn't pay the heating bill, send my kids to college or put food on the table, would I be happy and enlightened in these dire times to see my
taxes go to this sanctioned theft from the citizens?
When he's on his honeymoon, will he think of any person that paid for him to be on holiday while they are at work to be able to afford only basic
necessities and couldn't even think of a weekend camping trip with the kids because gas is so expensive?
My opinion?
Just another greedy, self centered, self entitled spoiled brat that has never and will never see the realities and hardships that the minions suffer
so that he can pose for the World and line his pockets with money he didn't even get a callous for.
But, that's just my opinion....