posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 10:12 PM
Originally posted by Zanti Misfit
The Fact of the matter is , the United Nations is Now Dictating what the United States Can or Cannot do in regards to International Conflicts
don’t agree with that assessment.
The Security Council resolution to implement the no-fly zone was introduced at the request of, among others, the Arab League. The United States could
have vetoed the resolution if it thought it was a bad idea. There was broad international consensus for the no-fly zone.
Further, I don’t believe the United States, or any other member state,
has to participate in the hostilities. In that sense the US isn’t
being told what it can or cannot do. The US, apparently, simply agrees with the participation in this particular mission.
I am a supporter of UN’s declared purpose of “maintenance of peace and international security and respect for human rights,” and although flawed
in many aspects, I think the UN is a useful organization.
You don’t agree with it, that’s fine and a legitimate position.