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Modern Feminist Narcissism and the Sperm Bank

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posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by StigShen

Responsible adults do control their reproduction, and abortion is one of many ways a woman has to stay in control of her body. Yet another popular misogynistic train of argument (trolling), is to act as if the responsibility of the entire reproductive area is confined solely to females. This troll claims it would never create a bastard child, so we must assume this OP never has sex (actually not that big of an imaginatory leap.)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by The Sword

Huh?...Chauvinism?'re a smart fella huh...Let me repeat what I said: Imitating male behaviour is not
liberation and it isn't progress of any kind. Meaning general male behaviour is useless to begin with, all you have to do is read the newspaper...Every conflict was established and is being carried on by imitating it as a a woman renders their behaviour as useless as that of men. Hope I made things a little clearer for you.

Which I think is sad, because if anyone, women are actually the ones who do have the capacity to really improve society, since they're not driven by a little thing called testosteron which manifests itself in wanting to go overseas and shoot strangers for example, yet they choose to pursue a hopeless ego-driven campaign.

More than often it strikes me as though women are only out for some sort of petty revenge on men...which is
only fair, really, but pointless nontheless... not only that, they've had the same rights as men for some 40 odd years now so their current cries about sexism and chauvinism shrinks to pathetic proportions.
I give respect and credit to the first women who stood up for themselves, like the female African American group " Mothers alone working " from 1960 who took REAL risks and faced real sexism, real male oppression and not to mention rampant racism. The women of today...uumh...not so much.
edit on 23-3-2011 by dude69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by dude69

so, what do you think women should be wearing, pink, frilly dresses?? mini skirts???
I wear jeans all the time, not because I want to imitate men, but rather, I can get the work I have to get done, done easier and safer with jeans...I wear sneakers, or pretty much flat shoes, not because I want to impersonate men, but rather, my feet wouldn 't survive high heels!!
what can I say, to me, comfort is God!!!

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
reply to post by dude69

so, what do you think women should be wearing, pink, frilly dresses?? mini skirts???
I wear jeans all the time, not because I want to imitate men, but rather, I can get the work I have to get done, done easier and safer with jeans...I wear sneakers, or pretty much flat shoes, not because I want to impersonate men, but rather, my feet wouldn 't survive high heels!!
what can I say, to me, comfort is God!!!

For me too ^^ could wear a bearsuit and a welder's helmet for all I's your choice.
Personally I'd prefer women to wear mini-skirts all the time, but hey...
...ya can't have everything.
With imitating male behaviour I meant joining in on the neverending, more along the lines of working for a corporation that robs ppl of their money, poisons the atmosphere and creates wars, or joining the army. You know, ...feeding the machine...
That sort of thing... What women should do is simply condemn those men that want to kill and fight, cause then politicians and TPTB would have to carry out fistfights as they would have nobody to fight their wars.
For anything like that to happen, women would have to be physically stronger than men though, but then women would probably start beating the sh!t out of men worldwide.
...which would be kind of funny to witness, but not possible of course...
edit on 23-3-2011 by dude69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

Why do you personally attack the OP in multiple posts after he was banned? First of all, I did not agree with a number of his assertions, but I never had the gall to attack him personally, unlike a number of posters in this thread.

Second of all, attacking him personally after he got banned is low. You assume he was a troll, never got laid, and was a misogynist (that last one does have hints though). God forbid I ever have an intellectual disagreement with you hotbakedtater, lest I become the object of your flaming.

With that said, I think the OP had a very pessimistic view of feminism. I find it true that feminism has done a great deal to reveal new opportunities for women where they previously had not existed. However, I think that the implications of gender equality need to be better assessed in modern society (not because they are bad, but because we need to understand those implications in order to adjust to them).
edit on 23-3-2011 by Nathwa because: Spelling mistakes.

edit on 23-3-2011 by Nathwa because: additional spelling mistakes.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
reply to post by StigShen

Responsible adults do control their reproduction, and abortion is one of many ways a woman has to stay in control of her body. Yet another popular misogynistic train of argument (trolling), is to act as if the responsibility of the entire reproductive area is confined solely to females.

The control though, is ours. Entirely, certainly under the laws in the UK that currently govern me and ostensibly at least, my 'behaviour'. If I get pregnant, it would be considered my choice, and mine alone, unless I choose to make that decision with another person and enter into a contract of marriage, which would, by default, give the father the legal rights to any 'issue' from that legally binding agreement. Otherwise, without that contract, the father has no automatic rights to any children, and yet, is and can be made responsible for said children financially, even if, he has no relation to the mother, other than a drunken one-night stand. This framework protects a woman's right to reproduce and to retain an active role in the raising of her children, rights that woman previously did not have, even in the case of rape, a man had the right to claim the child under feudal laws. We have that power at least, and I am not so naive to think that there are not women who abuse those rights.

The pendulum has seemingly swung too far the other way.

I did think the blog in the OP was biased (and frankly not very well written), with very high moral overtones, but as the single mother of a 'bastard' child, I felt quite above such remarks

...but I didn't detect mysogyny or 'trolling'. Contention maybe? Is that a bad thing? I'm not sure. The thread soon descended into soap opera though. All very emotional and revealing

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

edit on 23-3-2011 by dude69 because: nevermind

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Nathwa
reply to post by hotbakedtater

Why do you personally attack the OP in multiple posts after he was banned? First of all, I did not agree with a number of his assertions, but I never had the gall to attack him personally, unlike a number of posters in this thread.

Second of all, attacking him personally after he got banned is low. You assume he was a troll, never got laid, and was a misogynist (that last one does have hints though). God forbid I ever have an intellectual disagreement with you hotbakedtater, lest I become the object of your flaming.

With that said, I think the OP had a very pessimistic view of feminism. I find it true that feminism has done a great deal to reveal new opportunities for women where they previously had not existed. However, I think that the implications of gender equality need to be better assessed in modern society (not because they are bad, but because we need to understand those implications in order to adjust to them).
edit on 23-3-2011 by Nathwa because: Spelling mistakes.

edit on 23-3-2011 by Nathwa because: additional spelling mistakes.
I just called it like I saw it. I dont consider it flaming I consider it to be educating.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

I understand, it just seemed as though you were coming off very strongly in your posts, but I can appreciate the angle that you are presenting. Thank you for the clarification.

One thing that I picked up from Stig's posts is that he asserts the women have become more irresponsible, reckless, and careless since the proliferation of the modern feminists (he uses sexual promiscuity among young women as an example). Is feminism really to blame for that trend, or is it more of modern society (men seem pretty promiscous too by those standards).

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by Nathwa

maybe irresponsibility pays more????

our society, our economic system/welfare system, seems to reward irresponsibility!
and well, they had a choice, pass the era, and make women equally responsible or launch and extend a bunch of social service programs, kind of like..
"that's okay, we know you women can't handle the responsibility, the gov't will step in and take on the role or provider and protector if you or your husband decides to end your relationship!."
the main problem they had with the era is that it would have force the military to open up all positions to women, and they didn't want to do that, so well, it didn't pass....
women were still seen in some areas of the country as not as needing when it came to good paying jobs in the 80's, and still probably are!!! like I said, twice, I have worked in companies where I knew more about the job, had more experience, was doing harder work, just to find out that the new guy that asking me what color ink was this was making more money than me!
well, now, guess what....
women are just as needy when it comes to good paying jobs as men are. and women are serving in the front lines in the militiary....
but well....still no ERA, and I bet if they tried to resurrect it, it still wouldn't get passed!!!
they didn't give women equality, equality comes with responsibility, and the means to fullfill that responsibility. they just gave her a choice of masters...husband, male guardian, or gov't.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
but well....still no ERA, and I bet if they tried to resurrect it, it still wouldn't get passed!!!
they didn't give women equality, equality comes with responsibility, and the means to fullfill that responsibility. they just gave her a choice of masters...husband, male guardian, or gov't.

Yes! Exactly!

In the UK, on the otherhand, I am equal, in all ways (that matter), to my fellow men. A blessing of birth and nothing to crow about, but it does make a fundamental difference. It would to me anyway. I am still in bondage to state of course, but my bondage is on the same footing as the male contingent. And it's a start at least

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by Nathwa
reply to post by hotbakedtater

I understand, it just seemed as though you were coming off very strongly in your posts, but I can appreciate the angle that you are presenting. Thank you for the clarification.

One thing that I picked up from Stig's posts is that he asserts the women have become more irresponsible, reckless, and careless since the proliferation of the modern feminists (he uses sexual promiscuity among young women as an example). Is feminism really to blame for that trend, or is it more of modern society (men seem pretty promiscous too by those standards).
LOL! I tend to come off pretty storng when I am passionate about a subject! I love debating feminism topics. I happen to disagree that women are more irresponsible.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

Ok, that is good to know. Stig believed that women are "irresponsible" because of feminism. I would argue that people in general are irresponsible as a result of the world that we live in today. As a result, I felt as though Stig was being very narrow in his assessment.

With that in mind, I think the appropriate question would be "why are people in today's soceity irresponsible?" That, I think, is a question for another thread.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

I said I didn't read all the posts. Not everyone has time to read every single post on every topic that briings something up they'd like to comment on. And the rest of my post is fine. Geez

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by TheRealTruth84

I agree wholeheartedly with TheRealTruth84's reply on this topic.
As my first post said, I live in an area where it's normal and almost EXPECTED that mothers will get on foodstamps and housing programs. And there are billboards that say things like "God's GREATEST miracle, A BABY!!"
and there is not a planned parenthood within 150 mi.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by TheRealTruth84
I have mixed feeling about this article. I truly believe that the degeneration of the family unit is well under way. I am from a split family (3 times over), and was raised by my mother. She is a dynamic woman, and the hardships that she has experienced in her love life have only driven her to bigger and better things for her and her family. I would never wish for a different child hood, but understand the effect that not having a consistent father figure can have on a kid, especially their biological father.

The majority of people these days are interested in one thing and one thing only, instant gratification. Men have been creatures of this habit forever (I still am), only over the past couple generations have we seen this trend in women as well.

*Much like this article, these are broad statements based on a trend that is being documented in society everyday. This in no way reflects the great marriages and relationships that still exist....

In the past women were the glue that held a family together, they were expected to be strong and diligent, while still being warm and loving. Many men, not all, abused this to the point of destruction. We forced women to live a sheltered life with very little access to the outside world except for running errands and the occasional dinner out.
Women rebelled... is that really a surprise? Speaking relatively, this is no different than teenagers rebelling against their parents oppression.

So as you can see I am a male who has had a strong women in his corner since I was born. What you wont hear from me is blame, I do not blame women and I do not blame men, for the # families that are raising children improperly everyday. What I can't stand, is this slippery slope that we have been trending towards this last 30+ years. No one holds themselves accountable for anything, anymore. Everyone points blame at the other....

People need to make a stand for The American Family and most of all a stand for human dignity. This problem will only magnify itself, if it is not addressed. Communication and accountability are two ingredients that can start us on the path of healing. Tell your spouse they offended you and why, don't scream at them follow it up with a friendly comment or chuckle. You may realize they respond better when your not jumping down their throat every second.

People need to stop being so selfish and understand we are only hurting ourselves and our future. Understand that todays youth is our future, start acting like an adult and be a role model!

What country are you talking about? Either way your totally ignorant of History and should cease from telling it until you have cured yourself of your ignorance. Also by your own admission your a matriarchal male, a male conditions for the purpose of "respecting" women because they are women.

And it is amusing that your talk of accountability in one breathe while in another you absolve women of it. You ignore the injustices and indignation's committed against boy's and men. And like most matriarchal males you justify your chauvinism by projecting it on all other males. Not all guy's live for instant gratification(not all humans for that matter) so stop putting us in the same category as you.

People who go "women have it so hard" make me sick(some people have it rough, but a gendered comparison is bogus). Most women have it pretty dam easy. And just because your mother seemed to attract the wrong kind of guy's doesn't mean we are all like that.

You know what men did to annoy women? It was the invention of modern technology that made their lives seem pointless and boring. Without refrigerators it was women who by and large preserved food, washing clothes once upon a time was hard work. Heck women even made soap and all kinds of stuff(but I think food preservation is the big one). Men made womens lives seem redundant.

’Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation, and destroy the male sex.’

-Valerie Solanas, the SCUM Manifesto

Look at complaints from MRA's(Men Rights Activist's) who demand equality and/or justice compared to the complaints of this"rebelling woman" who demands the extermination of all males.

Also read this book so you can get rid of your estrogen soaked perspective and regain some sense of balance.
Self-Made Man: One Woman's Journey into Manhood and Back Again
edit on 3-5-2011 by korathin because: placed "can" for an accidental double "get"

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