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Magnetic sensation around third eye chakra

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posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:38 PM
Great video, although it'd useful to actually try the magic potion before commenting on it..

I think it's pretty safe to say that the guy has done acid/shrooms etc. Ayahuasca is actually quite different thing. As most psychoactives are about things that he talked about, Aya is about healing. It's a medicine. It's way different in the sense that you can continue to feel the healing effects even months after the session. I know, it doesn't sound as intriguing or mystical as one could imagine, but that's the truth.

Shamans say, it's a "connection to the spirit world". Well, all I can safely say it will show you things that you wouldn't even believe, even with most 'delics. It works on so many levels, guides you like a loving mother, and has very deep connection to nature. It is the nature. And it let's you understand that you're part of the nature too. And the cosmos.

But I think he might be onto something here. We're all dependant on the Sun, and everything organic here has a connection to it. Maybe, in the future we'll know how the Sun and it's activity actually affects humans, I think it's being heavily overlooked. Good video, although heavily speculative.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 06:19 PM
Weirdness, was dude sleep walking the night he supposedly got killed.
This is interesting.... Full Moon, Super Moon, Claims of waking up sweating from sleep...

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 08:16 PM
Due to the electrical devices that surround you, it is probably an ambient magnetic field that is causing disturbance in your third eye. If you were to develop a more extreme sensitivity, the world would actually become an uncomfortable place at the moment, as there are a myriad of devices that are preventing us from seeing into the "other world" - basically, the powers that be know of the spiritual transformation, however, they know that if the average person is not shielded, that many people will start to see ghosts and sprits and all kinds of things.

If the average person caught a glimpse of the other world, they would become defensive and paranoid within the space of a few short weeks, I mean, imagine if all the average people were to be able to see auras - physical differences already cause many conflicts, when people start to observe spiritual differences, and start to perceive others as being light and others as being dark, then a myriad of problems occur - and God forbid they realise that the people who have an aura are those that have a higher soul, as they would instantaneously recognise that thier souls have fallen - I am already seeing a large degree of spite and envy towards those with a strong positive aura, and a large degree of fear and animosity towards those with denser physical souls, however, the truth is people who do not have such energetic resonance are basically just brains in bodies, destined to reinarnate (i.e. second death).

Its somewhat of an irony, but the electronic cage that operates protects people from the "other world" and it is made out like there is some kind of "war" with two sides in opposition, however, from a higher-dimensional perspective, the entire thing is a trap, with both sides of the "war" enemies on a lower dimensional level, but friends on a higher dimensional level - something that is beyond the understanding of the average person.
edit on 6-4-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 12:42 AM
What tips would you give to a beginner.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:54 PM


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