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Who made the decision to promote mass Muslim Immigration into Australia?

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posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by Thurisaz

Yeah except the last time Australia was embracing a patriot named Pauline Hanson, she ended up in jail on trumped up charges.
We no longer have a valid functioning opposition party who offers an alternative to all the crap.
They are just as bad in their greed and need to stuff in more and more people.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by badw0lf

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by dude69

And that's the point.

It is PC to demonise all things 'white' and 'European' and blame them for all of the world's ill's whilst conveniently forgetting or ignoring the at least equally bloody history of 'non-white's' and 'non-Europeans'.

It's pretty ironic but hardly coincidental that those who demonise 'white's' and 'European's' at every opportunity are the Islamic apologist's who refuse to apportion any blame for Islam's extremism upon Muslim's themselves.

The constant refusal of the majority of Muslim's and their apologist supporter's to accept any responsibility for current sitution merely exacerbates it.

Of course not all Muslim's are bomb plotting terrorist's or brain washed religious fanatic's intent on world domination, but quite a few are and the reluctance of the majority to deal with the wolf within their fold contribute's to the suspicion and mistrust.
When these extremist's then take every opportunity to promote their belief's and opinion's, including complete disregard and respect for our culture and tradition's, and openly state their desired intention to use our 'democratic' law's of equality and free speech and belief to further their agenda of Sharia and thus in turn deny us those self same right's in our own countries.
Is it any wonder that some people mistrust all Muslim's.

Until they themselves get out of their self-imposed closed communities, integrate into society as a whole and make real effort's to counter the extremists then the situation will only continue to worsen.

That they are welcomed into 'western' countries with open arms, granted the same right's and freedom's as everyone else, are sheltered and looked after by our welfare systems, educated and encouraged to become valued and contributing member's of our societie's suggest's that not all of the problem's and fault's lie with 'white's' or 'European's'.

And I suppose it would be remiss of me to compare the treatment of immigrant's / worker's etc to Muslim countries to that which Muslim's receive here?

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by dude69
reply to post by badw0lf


posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by Thurisaz

oh no I am not too lazy to provide the info.

By the way I wasn't referring to you there... The other guy who wanted facts when they are plastered all over the place right now, is who I was referring to.

Some things are not all backinblack and white...

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by badw0lf

Originally posted by Thurisaz

oh no I am not too lazy to provide the info.

By the way I wasn't referring to you there... The other guy who wanted facts when they are plastered all over the place right now, is who I was referring to.

Some things are not all backinblack and white...

Nah you're right, it's not black and white..
Sometimes it's simply redneck racism..
Though I wonder where your family came from..
I'm guessing you're not Aborigine so you must be from immigrant stock...

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Thurisaz
reply to post by punterdeb

well sit down then

Please, let me clarify the point I was trying to make:

What right has a person got to winge about immigration when they are in fact, an immigrant themselves?

What right do you have to decide what a person can or cannot whinge about?

I don't think the OP has an issue with immigration, the issue is with the volume of muslims being granted permanent residency in Australia.

There is not one example from anywhere in the world in any period of history that Islam has shown itself to be a beacon of peace and harmony and there is nothing to suggest this is going to change. Western Governments know this yet they continue to roll out the red carpet, why? Why is it now virtually impossible for even multi millionaire families from Great Britain to immigrate to Australia despite the fact Australia is still a commonwealth country?

I don't want to hear the "Christians were worse and killed more people" argument. They woke up to themselves a few hundred years ago.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 09:42 AM

There will be no further attacks on others members or racist comments. This is a valid topic but MUST be discussed with decorum. Any further violations of the T&C which you all agreed to abide by when you joined will be subject to action up to and including post ban.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by punterdeb

A round of applause for someone with the brass nuts to say what we are all to scared to say, or we will be labeled "racist".
Full marks, good on ya !

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 09:56 AM
Well this thread has good timing.

60 minutes is doing a story on radical Muslims in Australia tomorrow night it seems.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by dude69
reply to post by badw0lf

Uumh...well what is this thread about then?...I thought it was about white Australian people venting their unfathomly stupid racist nonsense. Wanted to join bad...

Islam is a race?

There is a difference between multi ethnicity and multiculturalism.

Multi ethnicity is fantastic.. it enriches Australia.

Multiculturalism is also ok... so long as the cultures within the mix are not diametrically opposed in a moralistic and sociological sense. The later simply does not work. It fosters segregation and erodes the cohesive/unified vision for the well being of it's citizens and future success of the nation.

Think of a successful sports team where the unified game plan ensures every player is on the same page, shares the same goal and works together as a finely tuned machine. Then consider the team embroiled in bitterness and upheaval and compare which team enjoys the most success.

This has absolutely nothing to do with race.

Just my 2 cents.


posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Exactly. I am surprised people on ATS always confuse multiculturalism with multiethnicism. All races are equal (or, the average differences between them are so miniscule compared to individual diferences and environmental, non-genetic effects that it is pointless to take them into consideration). On the other hand, cultures are NOT equal. There are SUPERIOR cultures and INFERIOR cultures. Cultural relativism, just like moral relativism, is a crazy notion unsubstantiated in logic.

We are criticizing multiculturalism, because it endangers western superior cultural and moral status quo with inferior ideologies. We are NOT criticizing multiethnicism.

edit on 18/3/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by punterdeb
i should just add for those outside of sydney - Blacktown is a suburb in western sydney that has a very large population of Sudanese.

hahaha. I had to give a 'please explain' once when I mentioned Blacktown playing a poker tournament online. As the only aussie left the rest of the table were briefly mortified at the thought of a Blacktown.

I'm surprised the do-gooders haven't already jumped on it. Give it a couple of years and it will be Neutralcolourtown.

Manly will also need to be changed once Abbott retires from his local seat as its too sexist. It will soon be known as either Womanly or Personly Warringah

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by Dr Expired

Who made the decision to promote mass European Immigration into Australia?

I'm American. This land isn't truly mine. The same way Australia isn't truly yours...

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by dude69
I love how white people always mask their blatant racism with sincere concern for their country...get f'ed...Just be honest and say: " I don't like these people because they have a different skin color and they talk funny. "

Even though I'm in Canada and most of the people commenting in this thread are Aussies, couldn't help but not to reply to this remark. I never read in this thread such comments about skin color or speech deficiency. I'm reading a real concern of some citizens about the way the immigration situation is in their country. We have the same problem in Canada too. Immigrants from muslim countries not wanting to include themselves in the society, crime (especially somalis, lebanese, pakistanis), welfare that has been going on for decades, people who came to this country years ago and still don't speak english, don't work, live like parasites on our taxes, want to bring their second and third wifes now too, including 10 other kids they have with them and again keep em in welfare...Total refuse to be part of canadian society and the worst, a crazy trend to impose their belief system on us, making weird scenes on a public beach when they see a girl in topless, refusing to get rid of their burkas or other religious stuff knowing very well that in some places like airport or driver's license they can't and so worth, complaining big when the city refuses to let them build mosque with minaret or allowing them to use loud speakers for their prayers... The list can go on forever. And I'm talking about a country like Canada which is well known for its tolerance and willpower to cope with all the cultures of this world. But know the problem has gotten to serious. This people seem not to accept the system and the reality, they refuse to be part of it and at the same time they ask for their rights to be respected, they apeal to the democracy and human rights and blah blah blah... In other words the perfect example of that say: Do as I say but don't do as I do. My big question is, is the multiculturalism the right thing to apply? Or is it going to be a big boomerang for our society? September 11, 2001 I was in New York. The night before went to New Jersey and was close to Palisade when the attack happened. I can't and I will never forget the way how a large group of muslims were gathered at the brings of Hudson River on the Jersey side and were cheering loudly and happily about what was happening. This people were american citizens, few of them by birth right and few naturalized and yet in a moment when their country was being attacked and people were dying, they were cheering and praising Allah that the infidels were paying for all the wrongdoings against their muslim brothers around the world. How sad is that? Makes one think if it was the right choice to give them the taste of a democracy and freedom and try to make them feel humans, unlike in their countries of origine? Europe looks like is paying the price. I hope we are not going to be subjected to the same trend.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by punterdeb
as a direct decendent of a first fleeter i feel comfortable in saying if it wasnt would have been the dutch. and just look how good that worked out for south africa. i cant stand the people who when all arguments fail, go back to the old "you invaded this land".

Well you did, and it's a valid point.

What makes your concerns or views more important than the aboriginals who didn't want outsiders invading and populating the land?

Where's the difference? There is no difference. You just create an imaginary time frame which makes your citizenship legitimate, and the Muslims you don't like illegitimate.

You're allowed to be against immigration just as much as anyone in Australia. But you sound like a hypocrite when you start banging on about people taking over and changing cultures. It's just laugh out loud hilarious. I love Australians against immigration, there's a level of irony that leaves me smiling for days.

Thanks for the laugh guys.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by punterdeb
reply to post by CarpenterMatt

the thing is, is that if you dont live in sydney, you really dont know what we are talking about. i am talking from experience here. you only need to go 2 hours from sydney in any direction and the main population of that area is australians. i take you back to the recent floods in queensland and victoria. when you watched the main media coverage of that, it was your good ole aussies. sydney is dying with the immigration we currently have. i can honestly see that in 10 years time the riots of cronulla will be very very common.

Maybe you should find another League club to support. Obviously South Sydney isn't the club for you. What with their promotion of multiculturalism and the rights of the aboriginal people.

Most your team are Aboriginal, Polynesian or Poms. About 5 "good ole aussies" at best mate.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Thurisaz

Originally posted by Dr Expired

I would simply ask my Government , why did you allow this to happen.

OMG your blaming the Govt? um we live in a democracy... do you vote?

We the people vote in the 'talking heads'. Now what do you suggest?

You could always start up your own political party?

We don't live in a Democracy, not even close to it. We have Democratic voting, that's far different than a Democracy.

We get to vote which politician or party we want to ignore us. That's it. Once someone is in office we have 0 effect or influence on government policy.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by Melbourne_Militia

They have proven that they cannot assimilate as a group and ther needs to come a time where politicians grow some balls and stand up and say that we will choose who migrates into this great country for the good of the country and harmony of society.

I could go on but will finish with this...if the government do not make changes soon and start taking responsibility for the F$%K up that the recent immigration and refugee programs have become, then dont be surprised when the citizens take matters into their own hands!

The same argument has been going on for decades..
It's been the Chinese,Italians,Greeks,Lebanese,Yugoslavians, and on and on and on..

They all took time to assimilate and some are still not there yet..

The main reason most struggle to assimilate is because bigots like the one polluting this thread piss off at the first sign of someone not 'normal' or like them.

Immigrants go about trying to fit into communities and embrace the native people and what happens? The good old Aussies sell their house and run for the hills. This happens the world over. I wouldn't call it white flight like some people as you can go to any country and people do it. 1 or 2 "outsiders" and they're gone. Also its often white people getting away from white immigrants.

It's a joint effort and you can't put all the weight on immigrants. How are they supposed to grow up to be "good ol aussies" if they have none around them, because none want anything to do with them? Then you get a few in a school, and bigot parents don't want their child there so they send them to a predominately white or "australian" school. And these issues become absolutely exasebated. It's a vicious circle.

What you find is these problems arise only in communities dominated by immigrants. But it's hardly their fault that Australia wanted nothing to do with them.

I've been to Australia as a pom, I can't even begin to imagine how non-white people feel in that place. There's absolute disdain for anyone deemed an outsider. Except when they want to talk to you about the "massive" problem of Muslims in Britain, then they're all smiles.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Telos

As Richard Pryor once said: " You mo'f***as wanna kill each other, that's yo business, just don't do it on my porch. "

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