posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 12:08 PM
Who is Stephen Cambone? He's a Neo Con Rumsfeld appointed to a post that did not exist before 2003. He's described as the Intelligence Czar, and one
of the few people Rumsfeld trusts. He's largely despised within the Pentagon & elsewhere, according to reports. He's also NOT qualified for the
Who is Stephen Cambone?
by Peter Ogden
July 20, 2004
The release of the 9/11 Commission report this week � and the recent release of the Senate report on intelligence � are at last providing a clearer
picture of the flaws in our system of gathering intelligence. And as the use of intelligence by the Bush administration in the run-up to 9/11 comes
under increased scrutiny, we are also learning a great deal about the people behind its collection, interpretation, and dissemination.
A name that we have not frequently heard mentioned, however, is Stephen Cambone. As the nation's first ever undersecretary of defense for
intelligence, Cambone wields vast power within the intelligence community; yet, his only qualifications for the post are a fierce loyalty to Donald
Rumsfeld and an unshakeable right wing ideology.