posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:35 PM
Not being a physicist or engineer, I have to admit that your theories are outside my experience. May I offer a few uneducated thoughts?
In Theory 1 you begin with a jump into the air, then down on the springs that would push you back up from the ground. It seems you would lose some of
the energy from your jump through the pressure release system that makes your landing softer. If you didn't go back straight up, you would lose some
height as the energy was propelling you forward and only some energy would be left to push you back up. Finally (in my opinion) there is some
inevitable loss of energy in any system. If you put one unit of energy into a system and it gives back more than one unit, (which it would have to do
if you're going higher each jump) you've got a perpetual motion machine. Very impressive.
I'm not convinced by your other theories, but I may not understand them.
Oh, by the way, better develop a thicker skin. I hate to say it, but even the most gentle of people here will be attacked or insulted at some point.