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Why liberalism is such a seductive evil.

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posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 10:58 AM
Ahh liberalism, Todays most popular morality, or should I say pop-morality,
The belief that we as a society can do better. That we can feed the hungry, cure the sick, give homes to the homeless, jobs to the jobless, education to the ignorant and love to those who hate.
Well that doesn't sound so bad does it?

Hey I wanna be a part of the solution. Maybe I should be a liberal too.

I think that all children deserve a good education, that all people deserve an even chance at life, I want my kids to be able to enjoy the rainforest and national parks.

And thus the seduction begins.

First they get you in the door theyve sweet talked you, now its time to indoctrinate you.

Your first lesson is that all the problems in this country stem from one group of people, a group so heinous, so deceptive, so brutish and borrish that they probably eat thier own young., A species which is responsible for all the myriad evil in the world. From prostitution, to the glass ceiling, to poverty and injustice, these horid mortal foes are the antithisis of every thing that is good and just in the world. they are the conservatives.

Now that your in you find you have an enemy which you pledge to battle to your dying breath.

Now the real indoctrination can begin.

Liberal lie number 1
We can spend your money more efficiently and put it to better use than you can.

The argument
Its not fair that some people can sit around all day and do nothng because thier daddy was rich while good honest hard working people have to slave away all day long while giant faceless corporations and modern day robber barons live in gilded palaces living off the sweat of the average man. So were gonna take that rich mans money which he stole from the people anyway and redistribute it to the poor and disinfranchised. We will make our nation a nation where every man and woman goes to college and every child has an elite education. If your out of work we are gonna feed you for as long as you want. Were gonna build low cost housing and give credit to buy it with to those who through no fault of thier own are unemployed.

The Seduction

This particular liberal lie appeals to all the underachievers, disinfranchised, unemployed and poor because it tells them that its not thier fault, that the deck is stacked against them and its the fault of the rich man that they cant get ahead. It appeals to the stupid and the lazy because it tells them its not thier fault that they flunked or dropped out of highschool, it was the fault of the schools for not speaking thier language, or respecting thier customs, or religon, and if they come from a poor neighborhood then they didn't miss much anyway because only the schools in the rich neighborhoods were any good anyhow. It appeals to the middle class and the upperclass and the intellectuals because it makes them feel lke thier "doing thier part" and showing how enlightened they are.

The Evil

This liberal lie, like all liberal lies, is subtle in its evil. It hides not on the surface but deep beneath where most unfortunatley never bother to delve. Like most dogma this liberal lie cannot be questioned for only a consevative would question the justice in helping those in need. However upon closer examination it does not stand up to scrutiny, For one more americans are employed by small businesses than by corporation, and most small business fail. They fail because racial quotas require them to hire the most ethnic rather than most effective staff. If a business owner has to hire a minority by law he is more likely to hire the first minority who applies for the lowest paying job with the least responsibility rather than carefully choosing a more qulified minority for a better job. Freed of the restrictions of enforsed racial profiling that business owner would most likely hire a diverse workforce anyway and they would all be qualfied. They fal becuase of excessive taxation on both the business and on the owner. They fail because too much of thier profit has to go torwards supporting the needy.
The other problem is mental, the fact is that ambtion and perserverence have created more fortunes than all of the genius in the world and when mnorties are told constantly that the deck is stacked against them and that the "man" is keeping them down they begin to beleve it. When a persons mind is made up thier reality always mirrors thier thoughts. A person who does not beleve they can succeed can't.
At the same time it penalses and demonses those who create the jobs, and the opportunities for others nd creates a sense of seperation and difference between minorities and others.

The purpose

This liberal lie like most liberal lies is designed to do one thing, to keep people down and willing to surrender both control and thought.. To keep the poor poor, and disinfranchised to provde the foot soldiers of thier moverment. To keep the ignorant ignorant so the lies go down easier. Its desinged to make you feel good about yourself while at the same time convincing you that you are valueless and that you need protection from the WASP overlords. Its designed to replace your sense of responsibility with a sense of entitlement and your work ethic with dependence. It ensures that you never sever the ubilical cord and stay forever suckling at the government teat. Its designed to destroy th economy so they have the excuse to make you even more dependent so they can control you further. And the vcious cycle of control and dependence never ends.

Tomorrows Episode

Liberal lie number 2
Abortion s a womans right, and a fetus is just a bunch of tissue.

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 12:24 PM
full of it. I can hardly wait for part 2.

The really true difference between a conservative and liberal is the "me" that conservatives are concerned about. Talk to 99% of them and sooner or later the "me" or "mine" comes out.

Most could care less about society as a whole as long as "me" is taken care of and "mine" money is not used to further along the nation. A good education using "mine" money helps put in the long run more money into "me" pocket.

Sorry my friend. There are millions of "lazy" liberals working daily in this great country of ours.

I hope part 2 of your sermon also includes why embryo's created in a petri dish cannot be used to help millions of people.

Also, don't forget part 3. Why an American should have their freedom of speech taken away by not being able to burn a flag in protest of gov't policies. I did serve 3 years in the military protecting that individual's right to do so.

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by madmanacrosswater
full of it. I can hardly wait for part 2.

The really true difference between a conservative and liberal is the "me" that conservatives are concerned about. Talk to 99% of them and sooner or later the "me" or "mine" comes out.

you forget the people work for it that why the mine come out. they bust their asses fors it. the liberal government wants to take it away. id be pissed if someone was taking away # i worked hard for.

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by KrazyIvan
you forget the people work for it that why the mine come out. they bust their asses fors it. the liberal government wants to take it away. id be pissed if someone was taking away # i worked hard for.

They don't see it that way, the part about giving them (libs) your money is supposed to be a good idea because they believe (you) don't know what to do with it, so they opt in to spend it (for you)......

If libs are so concerned with dispersing other people's money why don't you move to Canada, the lib gov't is good at that. You guys would feel right at home, and they would love you! Know why?

Because once they get you legal you start working, and half of your hard earned money will go bye bye, you won't even see nearly all of it come tax time, and don't forget that 15% tax on everything you buy is also helping pay for programs and medicine.

Have fun surviving on half of what you make, they will love you though because you don't find anything wrong it, when their behind closed doors they laugh and hug your money, muahaha.

Successful people in Canada are rare. It's hard to have a life at the top because the lib gov't enjoys stifiling your will to do so...

Really, move to Canada... You'd love it there.
And then you could also stop bitching about FoxNews because instead you'll get CNN, CBC, and AlJazeera... How much more one sided can you get!!

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 01:32 PM
The "lie of liberalism" is that it's not so much a lie. The fact of the matter, is that socialism is awesome, and can work very well to encourage growth.

This is the premise under which a good number (not all) liberals operate under. Take a look at Austria for a minute. They have basically the perfect model for socialism. Albeit they only have 9 million in the whole country. This is the reason it works. It is not bogged down and overextended.

Under huge countries like America, Russia, China, etc. ANY system is a bad system, and will be corrupted, overextended, and overcomplicated. If you smoked the current system completely and instituted socialism, it would work...

For a while. Then it would do the same thing we have here, and Canada, and France. Programs would get over regulated and red taped to death. There would be waste in spending and accountability problems.

So I understand that you want to make liberals into the same demonic intoctrination oriented facists as they make us conservatives (which Madman tried to do), but it kills your point to use the venom.

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 01:44 PM
Did you write this steaming pile of excrement yourself, or did you plagiarize it from another right-wing propagandist? It is ironic, to say the least, that you claim to be exposing liberal lies, yet your bloviations are filled with lies and misrepresentations.

Many of your lies are willful misrepresentations of what liberals believe. You start out honestly.

Ahh liberalism, Todays most popular morality, or should I say pop-morality,
The belief that we as a society can do better. That we can feed the hungry, cure the sick, give homes to the homeless, jobs to the jobless, education to the ignorant and love to those who hate.
Well that doesn't sound so bad does it?

But then you tell a flat out lie when you claim that liberals blame conservatives for society's problems.

Your first lesson is that all the problems in this country stem from one group of people, a group so heinous, so deceptive, so brutish and borrish that they probably eat thier own young., A species which is responsible for all the myriad evil in the world. From prostitution, to the glass ceiling, to poverty and injustice, these horid mortal foes are the antithisis of every thing that is good and just in the world. they are the conservatives.

You are engaged in classic projection. Your essay purports to show that liberalism is evil. This is a constant conservative theme -- that liberals are to blame for the evils in society. Liberals don't blame conservatives for society's problems. We just claim that many problems, like homelessness and poverty, can easily be solved with proper tax and social legislation.

Here is your second lie.

Liberal lie number 1
We can spend your money more efficiently and put it to better use than you can.

This is classic strawman tactics. But let's just let that stand as the lie you are going to refute.

Then you give another reasonably accurate summary of liberalism.

We will make our nation a nation where every man and woman goes to college and every child has an elite education. If your out of work we are gonna feed you for as long as you want. Were gonna build low cost housing and give credit to buy it with to those who through no fault of thier own are unemployed.

Now, here is the problem with your entire essay. Nothing that follows refutes in any way the feasibility of this last quote, or shows that Liberal Lie Number 1 is false. Instead, after an irrelevant diatribe concerning to whom the liberal lie appeals, you launch into a completely irrelevant and inaccurate discussion of small businesses.

This liberal lie, like all liberal lies, is subtle in its evil. It hides not on the surface but deep beneath where most unfortunatley never bother to delve. Like most dogma this liberal lie cannot be questioned for only a consevative would question the justice in helping those in need. However upon closer examination it does not stand up to scrutiny, For one more americans are employed by small businesses than by corporation, and most small business fail. They fail because racial quotas require them to hire the most ethnic rather than most effective staff.

First of all, your racist views, common to many right-wingers, are showing. Second of all, Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act only applies to employers with 15 or more employees.

Regardless of how you define small business, those with less than 15 employees are going to be a significant percentage. Your reference to "racial quotas" is a gross distortion of what Equal Employment Opportunity laws actually say. These laws do not require employers to hire according to racial quotas. For employers with 15 or more employees, you have no evidence, only your subjective prejudices, that laws prohibiting discrimination in hiring have any effect on business failures.

If a business owner has to hire a minority by law he is more likely to hire the first minority who applies for the lowest paying job with the least responsibility rather than carefully choosing a more qulified minority for a better job.

No business owner has to hire a minority by law. You are lying again.

Freed of the restrictions of enforsed racial profiling that business owner would most likely hire a diverse workforce anyway and they would all be qualfied.

There is no such thing as endorsed racial profiling, this is just another lie. Sure, the business owner would most likely hire a diverse workforce. LMFAO. If it weren't for Equal Employment Opportunity laws, racial bigots like yourself would hire NO minorities.

They fal becuase of excessive taxation on both the business and on the owner. They fail because too much of thier profit has to go torwards supporting the needy.

NEWSFLASH! Only businesses which make a profit are taxed. Businesses which do not make a profit are not taxed. They go out of business because they lose money, not because of excessive taxation. Businesses do not fail because too much of their profit goes towards supporting the needy. Government taxation takes only a portion of the net profit.

If you knew anything about small business, which you obviously don't, you would know that most small businesses fail because of inadequate capitalization and unrealistic or non-existent business plans.

At the same time it penalses and demonses those who create the jobs, and the opportunities for others nd creates a sense of seperation and difference between minorities and others.

I am not sure what "it" refers to, but liberals do not penalize or demonize those who create jobs. This is just more right-wing propaganda.

This liberal lie like most liberal lies is designed to do one thing, to keep people down and willing to surrender both control and thought.. To keep the poor poor, and disinfranchised to provde the foot soldiers of thier moverment. To keep the ignorant ignorant so the lies go down easier.

Sure, liberals want to keep the poor poor and the ignorant ignorant. That's why we want to end poverty and provide a quality education for everyone. You right-wing propagandists are such liars.

It ensures that you never sever the ubilical cord and stay forever suckling at the government teat. Its designed to destroy th economy so they have the excuse to make you even more dependent so they can control you further. And the vcious cycle of control and dependence never ends.

It is fitting that you end your essay with more lies. Liberals do not want to keep people sucking at the government teat. Job training and education programs are all about helping people to become self-sufficient. Liberals certainly don't want to destroy the economy. How can you lie like that?

In closing, let me just point out again that nothing in your essay refutes what you call Liberal Lie Number 1, or the feasibility of using taxation and social programs to end such problems as homelessness and poverty.

[edit on 7/21/2004 by donguillermo]

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 01:50 PM
This thread has got to be one of the biggest, stinking, steaming piles of dog # I've seen on BTS in a while.

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 02:18 PM

Thanks. That was hilarious.

All you've done, mwm1331, is underline the tired old right-wing belief that the only person you need to care about is yourself.

Coming soon from mwm1331 Productions...

Success Through Selfishness* - It's the Republican Way!

* Also bigotry, aggression, greed, prejuidice, misogyny, violence,
narcissism, hubris, deceit, homophobia, avarice - oh, and don't
forget Daddy's MasterCard!

And you had such potential, mwm...

To all the enraged liberals who have replied to this nonsense, just remember that fifty years ago, people like this would have been in the minority - so hurrah for progress! When Bush is drop-kicked out of office in November, they'll all slink back to their gun clubs and militant enclaves in the midwest, and we can all get on with fixing the damage they've caused.

Editted for formatting and comedy-induced typos. And to add this:

[edit on 21-7-2004 by StrangeLands]

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 02:28 PM
Now wait just a minute, I'm a conservative and I posted. You have to understand that we are not all even close to believing this crap.

What you also have to understand, is that this:

"Success Through Selfishness* - It's the Republican Way!

* Also bigotry, aggression, greed, prejuidice, misogyny, violence,
narcissism, hubris, deceit, homophobia, avarice - oh, and don't
forget Daddy's MasterCard!"

is what is taught about conservatives, which is equally stupid and rediculous. (I know it was a joke, but there are those who think it and are indoctrinated like this for real)

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
Now wait just a minute, I'm a conservative and I posted. You have to understand that we are not all even close to believing this crap.

I do understand that. There are shades of grey on the right, just as there are shades of grey on the left. But read mwm1331's original article, and the frenzied, rabid replies, and tell me that this is a balanced, even-handed conversation. Hardline Republicans, so indoctrinated by the GOP that they're barely capable of functioning, do believe it, KrazyJethro - and they are your political opposition just as much as they are mine.

What you also have to understand, is that this:

"Success Through Selfishness* - It's the Republican Way!

* Also bigotry, aggression, greed, prejuidice, misogyny, violence,
narcissism, hubris, deceit, homophobia, avarice - oh, and don't
forget Daddy's MasterCard!"

is what is taught about conservatives

With respect, it's not what's taught, it's what's observed. I'm all in favour of finding a bipartisan middle-ground, but when I read hilariously overblown (and ostensibly serious) articles like this one, I can only respond in my inimitable fashion...

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 03:13 AM
donguillermo -
You say that liberals do not blame conservtives for the ails of america yet who is opposing your socialists positions? And if you positions are good and just whaty does that make those who oppose them?
You admit that most business fail because of under capitalisation and yet why are they undercapitalised hmmmm? Perhaps due to unneeded restriction, regulations and taxation? And when these new business finlly do begn to turn a profit, should that money which would be so much better spent expanding that business so as to allow them to employ even more people, go to the government? As for me being a racist well I have come to ewxpect little from you donguillermo and you never fail to dissapoint.

Now, here is the problem with your entire essay. Nothing that follows refutes in any way the feasibility of this last quote, or shows that Liberal Lie Number 1 is false.

Ahh and that is the crux of the nub isn't it. and what makes ths pop-morality so poular, you see there is nothing wrong with wanting to help the disinfranchsed, its how you go about it that is important. Feeding a man and supporting his family for him is detrimental to both him and his family. How does a man have pride in himself if he's eating government cheese? How do his children learn the value of hardwork and self education if thier parents are living off of society? What do we teach the citizens by paying thier way. That the american dream is a god job, and a home of your own? Or that the american dream is sitting back, watching jerry springer and collecting government checks while living in a project? Tell me oh hillary worshipper, if socialism and socialistic policies are so good for nations then why oh why is china becomming more capatalist? Why did the soviet union go bankrupt? Could it be that the type of socialistic policies the democrats want to institute act as a slow poison to the economy? Could it be that without both rewards and penalties for achievement or lack of people are less likey to be motivated to succeed? What message do you send to the poor by giving them a handout? That they are no more than beggars perhaps? As for your comments that liberals do not demonise those who create jobs, then why pray tell do all the liberal sources I can find always talk about the rich screwing the poor and keeping them down. Have you ever stopped to consider how a person becomes rich in America in the first place? Look at Sam Walton, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and the other giants of american industry. Every single one of them got to where they are by performing functions and producing services in america which have helped the common man.

No business owner has to hire a minority by law. You are lying again.

really. No business owner? tell that to contractors and franchisee owners, tell that to manufaturers and sales managers. No dong you are the lying liar nd these are the lies you tell. I do quite bit of hiring at my job actully and I hire the most qualified people for the job including whites, blacks, asins, hispanics, arabs, jews, muslims and anyone else who has the intelligence or ambition to be good at it.

Affirmitive action teaches society that minorities are not competitive with WASPs, that the "man" is holding them down and that without the governments support they can not succed. Which is racism of the worst kind. Consevatism teches that there is no difference between minorites and anyone else, that all are competitive and that all have both the abilty and responsibillity to succeed.

Sure, liberals want to keep the poor poor and the ignorant ignorant. That's why we want to end poverty and provide a quality education for everyone. You right-wing propagandists are such liars.

Well thats what you say but is it true based on your actions?
If you want to end poverty then why do you add to the endless dependence of the poor on the government? Why do you try to pass laws that enforce the notions that minorities are lesser? Why do you take capitol from those who have proven that they know how to make money work and ask the government who can not even complete the simplest tasks on time and on budget to spend it? Does it not make sense that a man who came from a working class background and made a personal fortune by employing others to improve society knows better how to enrich that society than the government? Liberals claim to want better eduction for everyone yet they never do anything to try and make that happen.

strangelands -

All you've done, mwm1331, is underline the tired old right-wing belief that the only person you need to care about is yourself.

Ahh but thats only your (mis)interpertation of what I said. I never said that. I said that it
is my responsibillity to provide for my own needs and wants. As for caring for others I have far more hope, goodwill, and faith in those who are strugglng than you. I believe in helping the disadvantaged, I disagree however in the way liberals want to go about it.
The way to help the nation is not by penalising those who succed but in giving them rewards for choosing to help. You see at ts core liberalism has no faith in people. It has no faith in the individual, it teaches that a lone individual can not affect change in the world, only the government can. History has proven this philosphy false countless times.
Liberals believe that they have to have heavy taxaton because they dont beleve that those who make money can be trusted to do good with it. It assumes that the only way to succeed is through selfishness, and deceit. It assumes that those who rise do so on the backs of others. The government must be responsble for the welfare of the people because the people themselves can not be trusted to. This is anatema to conservtive minds. We beleve in the individual, whether white black, brown, or green. We believe that those who are succewsful will choose to care for those who are not in a way that is in ccordance with ther own morality. Rather than raisng taxes why not a tax credit for every dollar donated to organisations like toys for tots, habitat for humanity, and others. If you want people to be able to afford a good education why not make anything spent on education, tutors, and non fiction books tax deductible? How about creating a tax credit for any donations to the nations educatonal system. We have some of these policies today in a limited sense but why s there a restriction. If I give 100,000 to the local innercity school district that should be tax deductible as things now stand only a small percentage would be. The rich today don't give as much to charity as they would like because there is no motivaton to do so. If a man has to choose between putting 100k in his business or donating it to a worthy charity under todays tax structure he will put it in the business because the fact is its not much of a tax benefit to give it to charity and actually harmful to himself and the business he runs. But if he could take a credit on all of it he would. The fundemental flaw and the overriding evil in liberalism i that it teaches that the "I" is woth nothing and cannot be trusted but the "we" is all knowing and all wise. It teaches that people cannot succeed on thier own and if they do they cannot be trusted. it teaches that they way to improve our society is to make it more restrictive and take away our freedoms. The point of society s to protect the "I" from the "we" not the other way around. Why else did the founding fathers lay out the indivudal freedoms in the bill of rights? To protect the "we" or the "I" Conservatim is about true equality not enforced favoritism.
And as a last point one who is truly selfish can never become truly succesful in todays business environment. An employer who screws his employess can not keep them and without good employees a business is doomed. The man who thinks only of himself can not make allies and without allies can not succeed. A decietful man is not trusted and without trust business can not be conducted.
Lay down your fear of your fellow man liberals, do away with you belef in the inferiority of minorities, have faith in your fellow man, in short join the republican party.

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