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Originally posted by madmanacrosswater
full of it. I can hardly wait for part 2.
The really true difference between a conservative and liberal is the "me" that conservatives are concerned about. Talk to 99% of them and sooner or later the "me" or "mine" comes out.
Originally posted by KrazyIvan
you forget the people work for it that why the mine come out. they bust their asses fors it. the liberal government wants to take it away. id be pissed if someone was taking away # i worked hard for.
Ahh liberalism, Todays most popular morality, or should I say pop-morality,
The belief that we as a society can do better. That we can feed the hungry, cure the sick, give homes to the homeless, jobs to the jobless, education to the ignorant and love to those who hate.
Well that doesn't sound so bad does it?
Your first lesson is that all the problems in this country stem from one group of people, a group so heinous, so deceptive, so brutish and borrish that they probably eat thier own young., A species which is responsible for all the myriad evil in the world. From prostitution, to the glass ceiling, to poverty and injustice, these horid mortal foes are the antithisis of every thing that is good and just in the world. they are the conservatives.
Liberal lie number 1
We can spend your money more efficiently and put it to better use than you can.
We will make our nation a nation where every man and woman goes to college and every child has an elite education. If your out of work we are gonna feed you for as long as you want. Were gonna build low cost housing and give credit to buy it with to those who through no fault of thier own are unemployed.
This liberal lie, like all liberal lies, is subtle in its evil. It hides not on the surface but deep beneath where most unfortunatley never bother to delve. Like most dogma this liberal lie cannot be questioned for only a consevative would question the justice in helping those in need. However upon closer examination it does not stand up to scrutiny, For one more americans are employed by small businesses than by corporation, and most small business fail. They fail because racial quotas require them to hire the most ethnic rather than most effective staff.
If a business owner has to hire a minority by law he is more likely to hire the first minority who applies for the lowest paying job with the least responsibility rather than carefully choosing a more qulified minority for a better job.
Freed of the restrictions of enforsed racial profiling that business owner would most likely hire a diverse workforce anyway and they would all be qualfied.
They fal becuase of excessive taxation on both the business and on the owner. They fail because too much of thier profit has to go torwards supporting the needy.
At the same time it penalses and demonses those who create the jobs, and the opportunities for others nd creates a sense of seperation and difference between minorities and others.
This liberal lie like most liberal lies is designed to do one thing, to keep people down and willing to surrender both control and thought.. To keep the poor poor, and disinfranchised to provde the foot soldiers of thier moverment. To keep the ignorant ignorant so the lies go down easier.
It ensures that you never sever the ubilical cord and stay forever suckling at the government teat. Its designed to destroy th economy so they have the excuse to make you even more dependent so they can control you further. And the vcious cycle of control and dependence never ends.
Originally posted by KrazyJethro
Now wait just a minute, I'm a conservative and I posted. You have to understand that we are not all even close to believing this crap.
What you also have to understand, is that this:
"Success Through Selfishness* - It's the Republican Way!
* Also bigotry, aggression, greed, prejuidice, misogyny, violence,
narcissism, hubris, deceit, homophobia, avarice - oh, and don't
forget Daddy's MasterCard!"
is what is taught about conservatives
Now, here is the problem with your entire essay. Nothing that follows refutes in any way the feasibility of this last quote, or shows that Liberal Lie Number 1 is false.
No business owner has to hire a minority by law. You are lying again.
Sure, liberals want to keep the poor poor and the ignorant ignorant. That's why we want to end poverty and provide a quality education for everyone. You right-wing propagandists are such liars.
All you've done, mwm1331, is underline the tired old right-wing belief that the only person you need to care about is yourself.