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3-17-2011 Two Dreams Grandfather Dying

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posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 01:44 PM
Last night I remembered most of two dreams, with the first dream taking place in my birth town.

It was night and my mom, brothers, and I were returning from a grocery store to my parent's house; probably by automobile, but I could be wrong.

We got stopped about three streets away from the house by a desk, automobile, and something else that was blocking the road; so we waited to see if someone would move them, but they did not, so we got out to try to find the owner of the stuff.

We did not see or hear anyone outside and so my mom & brothers decided to knock on the door of a house that was next to the road, but the door was not completely closed and it opened; my mom said that one of my former classmates & friend lived there, so they went inside to find him.

They did not see him and did not want to explore the entire house, so they decided to just carry the stuff back to the house, and I decided to go inside the house myself after my brothers & mom left.

Inside it was dark, with small rooms, and the house was maze-like; in one room I saw a very young kid sitting on the floor playing a video game and he did not seem to notice me, since he was so focused on the video game, which I was surprised that such a young kid was playing.

I eventually found a room where my former classmate was sleeping on a bed, and he woke up & said hello to me; I told him about the road being blocked and so I took him to see it but oddly the stuff was no longer blocking the road, the automobile was gone (probably), and only the groceries that I was supposed to carry were left on the ground.

My former classmate and I talked about a few things, and I remember that he talked about some video games.

Then he started mentioning this woman that he was talking to and trying to date, he asked me if I knew her and mentioned her name, and oddly I instantly recognized a person in my mind who I thought that it was.

I asked him if she had blonde colored hair, whitish colored skin, and a somewhat chubby body build; and he said yes, to my surprise, and I was not exactly sure how I knew the name & what she looked like already.

Maybe she was in one of my dreams earlier that night, or a dream further in the past, or maybe I seen her & saw her name in real life somewhere (but I can not recall anyone in real life that looks exactly like that and I can not remember the name mentioned in the dream now).

At the end of our conversation he mentioned that the kid playing video games was the son of someone else that lived at the house, and oddly he told me that the boy's father has a bad habit of sleeping naked; and how he keeps telling him to stop doing that, but he does not listen.

I then carried the rest of the groceries up the road to the next street, and now the sun was starting to rise; so it must have been early morning now.

Sitting on a porch I saw a man who looked like one of my older cousins & another man and I said hello to them, and I kept walking; but then it started to rain, so I ran under a tree next to the road while I tried to cover something that I was carrying that I did not want to get wet.

I noticed my grandfather walking on the road and I told him hello, as he was trying to walk up the street to get back to his house, we were now 1 ½ streets away from the houses; he smiled and waved, and then I started to walk again, even though it was still raining.

But I noticed that my grandfather appeared to have slipped & fell on the road, so I dropped my stuff and ran to help him, and I heard the man on the porch (which really was my cousin) & one of my uncles running to help as well.

When I got to my grandfather he appeared to be having problems breathing and could not talk, and appeared to be dying; so I picked him up and started to run up the street trying to get him back to his house as it rained.

My cousin ran ahead of me and my uncle was behind me yelling out something to me about adjusting the way that I held my grandfather so that he could breathe; oddly my grandfather was not very heavy as I carried him.

I kept trying to adjust the way that I was holding him, trying to support his neck & back, but he still seemed to not be able to breathe and/or he was dying; my uncle kept yelling something & I could not understand what he meant, and so I stopped & tried to adjust the position my grandfather was in.

But it was not working, so I started to panic a bit & get scared, and my uncle's yelling was not helping either; I looked at my grandfather face & he was slipping away and I accidentally woke myself up from the dream due to the high emotions.

I woke up feeling scared, sad, slightly panicked, and confused; since I had awakened so quickly by accident, and in these few seconds I saw something near my bed that looked like a blueish & whitish light that was changing shapes (which somewhat scared me even more, but then it made me mad, since I quickly wondered if it could be behind the bad ending of that dream).

It was like my eyes were trying to adjust to just waking up but I was seeing this light change shapes, one of which appeared to be somewhat in a vague shape of a baby, and since I was still trying to process that I was really awake now & I was in a slightly shocked & confused state; I was not sure if I was hallucinating or if my eyes were just adjusting to the light.

Just in case that shape-shifting light was something real and in case it had something to do with my bad dream, I swung my pillow at it, but then it was gone.

In the place where I saw it, was just the white rotating fan, that was on; so it appeared to just be my eyes adjusting to it as the fan moved.

I realized that I was awake now and just had a bad dream, and that my eyes were probably just playing tricks on me as they adjusted to the light & movement of the fan.

I woke and looked around the house to make sure that nothing was really there (just in case), at this point I was feeling a mixture of feelings still, but I was ready to face anything; even if it was a 10 foot shadow creature or something. (I was not going to let fear or anything control me or intimidate me in my house)

I was ready to walk up to the face of anything, to show that I was not afraid anymore.

Nothing was there and I did not feel like going back to sleep yet, after that horrible ending to my dream (holding my grandfather (my last living grandparent) & looking at his face watching him dying and not being able to help), so then I took some time to write some of my dream down; then I got back in bed at about 5:something AM, and it took me a little while to go back to sleep but I did.

The next dream involved me going to do some shopping for a former classmate of mine and her husband, they wanted me to go to Dollar General to buy them a certain type of alcohol (the kind you drink) and something else.

I drove there and the Dollar General was in a slightly different location than in real life and it was night time; as I was walking to the entrance a small spaceship-like object flew over me & I saw what appeared to be someone in a spacesuit inside of it.

It was a very small spaceship with a clear glass bubble-like thing on the front and the rest was a greenish color, and it was flying like it was unstable & it was silent.

Since the spacesuit looked like a normal human spacesuit, I guessed that NASA and/or the military were doing an experiment/test or something; I stopped to watch and some other people stopped to watch as well.

We saw a few more of these small unstable spaceships flying low and one almost crashed into the parking lot, and we also saw these toy-like things that were like space debris and/or satellites and/or something.

Some kind of Field appeared to be pulling the objects into the sky and they were hovering over us & the parking lot moving around slowly/oddly at a set height in this Field, and I got a strange feeling; I heard someone say that there were test dummies in the spacesuits, not real people.

At that point I really felt it was a NASA and/or military test/experiment, and I did not think that it was safe to stand underneath the Field; so I went inside Dollar General, and pretty much forgot about the whole thing/situation oddly.

This Dollar General was large and looked like a combination of a Dollar General/Best Buy/& a small grocery store.

There were people shopping and kids playing video games in the electronic section; so I searched for the alcoholic drink that my classmate and her husband wanted, but I could not find it.

I found an emergency/hidden exit-like door on the side of the building that led to a walkway near the school that I went to Junior High School at, oddly, and I saw an outdoor isle of mostly wine.

It was morning time now maybe and I saw some people walking on the walkway, and the wine section appeared to belong to another store maybe; I did not find the drink still, so I went back into the store.

I bought the other stuff that they wanted and then I went outside, where I saw my classmate and her husband, and so I gave them the stuff I bought.

We then walked and talked, and they took me to meet one of their friends that worked in a small part of the shopping complex; there was a glass door that led up a hall with a room on the left side with no windows that looked like a small computer lab.

Inside the room was their friend and two other guys working on computers; there were computers around the outside of the room, a desk for the boss (who was not there), and a table with these weird devices that looked like old desktop cassette players with a mercury thermometer on top & a light.

Their friend was wearing a large t-shirt & blue jeans, and seemed like a very outgoing and somewhat annoying guy.

They went to talk in the hallway, while I went to see what the other two men were doing on the computers; this place seemed to be a government and/or military network defense office/room. (a very insecure one)

The two men had short blonde colored hair, whitish colored skin, black slacks, white button dress shirts tucked in, black ties, and appeared to be computer gurus.

Their backs were facing the door and they were focused on the computers, I saw many blocks of red & green on the screen, red blocks had (firewall breached or something written on them) and the green blocks showed firewalls that were not breached.

I noticed that on the table behind them, that some of the strange devices (that looked like desktop cassette players with a mercury thermometer on top & a light), had a green light on and some had a red light on & the words Breached on the red ones.

The devices with the green lights had a cooler temperature than the devices with the red lights, and I noticed that each device had a button, so I guessed that pushing the button would reset the hardware firewall & drop the temperature; so I pressed a button on one of the red devices and then it turned green & the temperature went down, like I expected.

I asked the two men if they wanted me to press the buttons on the devices when ever they turned red, and they said yes, and so I did.

While they dealt with the software firewall breaches, I dealt with the hardware firewall breaches, and I asked them if they always had attacks like this every day; and they said yes, it seemed that they had several hackers attacking the network every minute or something.

I thought that this would be a nice job and hoped that the boss would hire me when he got back, and I hoped that they would train me; since computer stuff & defense stuff is my specialty.

After the attacks decreased, I asked the two men if they used custom firewalls, but I do no think that they responded; then my classmate, her husband, and their friend came to get me so that I could join them on their walk to the store next door and so I followed them.

Their friend was doing a lot of talking and several women joined him, and he was making jokes & even made fun of what I was wearing (which was an ugly red t-shirt and some ugly blue jogging sweat pants
) , for some odd reason it looked like I had just finished jogging or something; it was a bit embarrassing.

After surviving their annoying friend's talking, we went back to the hallway near the room that he worked in, I am not sure what his job was because he did not seem to know anything about computers & was not even dressed like the other guys.

I walked back to the room to see if the boss was back, which he was not, and then a very small kid walked into the room looking at the computers.

I wondered why was this place so insecure (no security, no armor, no guns, no locks, no cameras, etc) and why was the door always open, and who was this kid for?

The two men on the computers had their backs to us and did not even notice us, we could have stolen stuff or been terrorists or the kid could have broken something or the kid could have gotten hurt or something.

The kid was amazed and probably accidentally bumped into my leg, and the kid was giggling (it was a very young kid, that probably could not really talk much).

I noticed that the two men still did not notice us so I guessed that I would have to walk the kid back to its parents, and I heard a woman call the kid; the kid laughed & started walking toward the door, and then I helped the kid walk back to its parents but then I woke up.

The end,
-John Jr

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 06:07 PM
I was told that dreaming of a loved ones death is a good thing for them. they will gain or prosper in something.. I know that it doesnt necessarily mean they will succumb to the outcome of the dream.. though not always the case..

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Myendica
I was told that dreaming of a loved ones death is a good thing for them. they will gain or prosper in something.. I know that it doesnt necessarily mean they will succumb to the outcome of the dream.. though not always the case..

Interesting, thank you for sharing that, I never heard of that before.

I checked on my grandfather, just in case, and he was doing good fortunately.

Dreams certainly can be odd/interesting sometimes.

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