reply to post by ltinycdancerg
Thank you for the link to the photos. There are a few observations I like to make. I hope someone considers opening a thread on "Interpretation".
I don't know the history of who created these cards. What I do perceive is someone who is spiritual, psychic, and prophetic. Profoundly intellectual.
There are other perceptions but it feels best to leave it.
If your orientationn is to pray - PRAY before interpreting these cards. I feel strongly that they are Divination Cards. The energy I percieve is
"ouiji" like in their divination powers and I perceive that they have the potential to be (psychic/spiritual) toxic to someone who is empathic,
sensitive, etc. I mention this not to induce the energies of fear - I feel the power in the symbology and words, and I perceive these powers to have
the capability to "turn" on you if you leave a humble, prayer focused state or focus their diviining powers towards forces of darkness - evil.
When divining I have found it helpful to trust first impressions when I first perceive/look at a card. Write it down. Look again, let your eyes focus
where they will. There are many levels of visual and spiritual perception to each card.
I perceive that some of the cards are like a "coyote" cards - the trickster energy is at play. If you don't feel anything about certain cards,
leave them until another time.
Some thoughts on interpretation of the symbols:
Certain symbols manifest their meaning depending on the perceivers time/space perceptual orientation.
Certain symbols meanings are revealed in a particular time/space continum. It seems like time needs to be in a particular place in the time/space
continum for the symbology to be apparent. For instance: "Italy" - Berlesconi - sex scandle at first glance. "Hallucinations" takes on a whole new
meaning with what we are learning about HAARP and Remote Viewing.
Count everything. Everything is on each card for a reason. Numbers, words, "things like trees...etc."
That's all that is coming to me for now. I am feeling very tired from my engaging with the symbols. Watch out - they are insiduosly fascinating.
Sorry for the spelling mistakes.
Thank you again for the limk - thank you God's 5th Column for the way that the photos are displayed and ordered, helpful with ease of access