posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 06:37 PM
Geophysics isn't merely continental drift and tectonic plates or a gradual process only. These are theories, but not the only theories. Catastrophic
changes such as lands rising, sinking and pole shifts are also theories in this field. Not only has Japan as of 2011 March 18th, moved east a number
of feet, but parts also moved "down" as in sinking. The field is very limited even with these theories, for example, look at earthquake predictions.
Watching all these events like this, around the ring of fire, can one predict most of Japan must sink? The science doesn't make earthquake
predictions except in the most relative and distant ways, such as "expecting a superquake" in California.... But predicting the inundations of lands
or an event is beyond some of the theories in geophysics, but not all the theories.