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I just cannot get how someone only sees what he wants.Some of the research from certain members(mattie (cough) that he thinks helps him actually hurts him because the instead of reading what he wants to post he just throws it against the wall and whatever sticks he posts.
Originally posted by charlespearl
reply to post by MathiasAndrew
Air Weather Service was created in 1937 and is now know as, of 1997, Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA) are the command and control structure of Chemtrails and Weather Modification
Save the documents before they are deleted. They have been doing it for over 50 years. They put chaff and other radar tracers in it so they can trace the Chemtrails on radar. Remember that! Only the military can perform this type of operation. Please read the documents listed below to understand it.
Technical Report 177 An Introduction to Weather Modification
The Air Weather Service mission includes the field testing and operational application of weather-modification techniques.
1999: A review of Cloud Seeding Experiments to Enhance Percipitation and Some New Prospects
Substantial work has also been conducted in the past 10 years regarding the dispersion and transport of seeding material in both convective and orographic clouds.
The use of tracer material to tag a seeded region has been particularly helpful in this effort. The two tracer materials that are used most often are chaff and SF6. Both materials could be released from either the air or the surface.
The dispersion and transport of the chaff is monitored by radar, while the detection of the SF6 is usually conducted with aircraft equipped to detect it at very low concentrations. (Stith et al. 1990; Klimowski et al. 1998).
D. Designation of cloud treatment techniques.
1. Seeding agent(s) to be employed.
2. Method of transfer to clouds (aircraft, ground generators, or others).
3. Location of seeding in cloud (base, mid-level, top, other).
4. Method of dispersal into cloud (Agl generator, flares, rockets, dry ice dispenser, etc.).
5. Time(s) of day seeding is to be performed (if selective).
6. Duration of seeding in each operation.
E. Requirements for facilities and equipment.
1. Operational center.
2. Meteorological equipment.
3. Aircraft.
4. Ground generators.
5. Seeding devices.
F. Personnel.
1. M e t e o r o l o g i s t ( s ) .
2. A i r c r a ft crew.
3. I n s t r ume nt t e c h n i c i a ns and o b s e r v e r s.
G. Measurements to be made.
1. Meteorological.
2. Aircraft.
3. Radar.
4. Other.
Internet Trolls and Chemtrail sprayers... Besides if it is good for us why don't you let us know. Unless... you have something to hide...
Keep spraying and I will keep posting. Note taken: I guess you do work on the weekends....
Originally posted by Tecumte
Clearly to me huge portions of the U.S. are under almost constant jet made cloud masses as shown by sattellite footage,
and though 'intent' is hard to prove it appears to me these flight paths, how and where they are located and how they start and stop, etc. to generate cloud banks for weather control through possible seeding techniques are anything BUT 'accidental'.
Originally posted by MathiasAndrew
What do you think you disproved about SF6 or hygroscopic seeding being used as chemtrails?
What do you think you disproved about SF6 or hygroscopic seeding being used as chemtrails?
They are all being used and are all part of what people call chemtrails.
i pour a glass of water and you say "its not water". so we could go on endlessly arguing duck season rabbit season! i have seen all the pictures of what i see as contrails (water vapor) you say they are chemtrails.
Originally posted by MathiasAndrew
reply to post by jetmech
i pour a glass of water and you say "its not water". so we could go on endlessly arguing duck season rabbit season! i have seen all the pictures of what i see as contrails (water vapor) you say they are chemtrails.
What if you pour a glass of water and it takes second to spill out, and then you pour another glass of water and it takes 30 seconds to pour out.
You might begin to suspect that your glass of water might be something other than just plain water.
Originally posted by MathiasAndrew
reply to post by firepilot
You could suspect that someone came along and threw a bunch of chemical salt on the snow that melted faster.
So in this case the the hygroscopic salt is not absorbing the moisture from the air ..instead it is absorbing the moisture from the snow.
Originally posted by Tecumte
Here's a site with a huge amount of links and material on weather modifiction that some might find useful:
edit on 29-4-2011 by Tecumte because: link added
Originally posted by Essan
Originally posted by MathiasAndrew
What do you think you disproved about SF6 or hygroscopic seeding being used as chemtrails?
I think the problem here is one of difference of definition.
You define chemtrails as any substance dispersed into the atmosphere at any altitude by human activity under any circumstance for any reason and usually invisible from the ground.
Everyone else defines chemtrails as prominent clearly visible lines, resembling contrails, extruding from aircraft in the mid to upper troposhere which persist and may then spread across the sky.
The argument everyone else is involved in is whether these lines are indeed just contrails as meteorologists and aviators claim or whether they are something else. Your consistent attempts to derail threads by posting a mass of irrelevant disinformation does not exactly help anyone reach a conclusion on the matter. But maybe that's the point?
EXAMPLES of chemtrails
1 ) Space Shuttle exhaust
2 ) Chemical dumping for extinguishing fires
3 ) Fuel dumping for emergency and other required scenarios
4 ) ICBM exhaust other military rockets
5 ) Cloud seeding by plane and other cloud seeding methods (rockets)
6 ) Other methods used for aerosol Geo engineering (ex. balloons)
7 ) Jet exhaust with anomalous persistent contrails