posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 01:00 PM
Hi long time lurker and my thoughts go out to Japan and the Global community affected by this on-going crisis. I thought I had to post this article
when i stumbled across it entitled "Will Radiation Sickness Vaccine Transform Hazards of Nuclear Into Energy Innovation?" by Maurice Picow in July
2009 on the Green Prophet website. I don't know about the credibility background of the site, though the political agenda looks to be Green and
anti-nuclear. If the author's information is correct, I speculate that this nuclear disaster be it regional or global may be attributed to Mega
Industries such as that of the Pharmaceutical sector; where this Vaccine is a potential money maker if provided to the population of Japan which will
soon suffer the effects of radiation sickness?
As the effects from radiation exposure and subsequent death is relatively short and having such a large population, could this type of vaccine be
rubber stamped through the standard Medical Testing procedures? I also ask if this also somehow related to the recent buying of mass stock piles of
sodium iodine, in order to prevent the public from having a choice in receiving the vaccine.... which just to throw it out there..... could contain
the new RFID chip?
What does everyone else think?
Link to article ===>
(Sorry mod, don't know how to post the link properly yet)