Let’s lay aside for a moment the question of who or what the Galactic Federation really is, and take a look at what Sheldan Nidle is reporting:
The Creation
The universe we are aware of is part of a universe that was created by “The Creator” at some distant point in the past. We are a part of this
creation, but also participants in it.
This universe consists of a number of interlinked “universes” that operate on different, but related, physical laws. The one we are aware of is
called “3D” the D referring to either “dimension” or “density” depending on who you talk to.
A being will normally become “trapped” in this density, or perhaps a lower one, and will have to “raise its consciousness” to get out. The
next step for us is the 5th dimension.
This sector of this 3D universe, at least, was created as an experiment in bipolarity. In a bipolar universe, no physical action can occur without an
energy difference being present. Thus an electric flow is possible only between two unequal charge levels.
This physical bipolarity was extended to beings. One of the principle polarities in this system is good versus evil. Survival, only an illusion for
beings who are actually immortal, was set up as the measure of the goodness of an action. A pro-survival action is defined as “good” and a
non-survival action is defined as “bad.”
Any major physical object, especially if it’s warm, normally has at least one being connected to it. This goes for the sun, the earth, even the
moon. In fact, these various planet-beings even have names.
Beyond this, each being can choose what might be called an “ideal physicality” for itself. Most of these forms follow common patterns: At the
center is an energy source; next are layers of materials in which various activities take place; and on the outside is a protective covering, often
spherical in shape.
The Dark and the Light
And so, as various societies of beings played through this game, it became obvious that some could be attracted to the “dark,” or evil, polarity,
while others could be attracted to the “light,” or good polarity. This left most beings however, trapped in a seeming endless cycle of being good,
then bad, then good, etc.
This uncertainty, combined with the desire of good and evil beings to interact, lead to a culture of constant violence, and a disregard for the
planet-beings these games were played on.
In our solar system this got really bad. Wars caused Venus and Mars to become uninhabitable, and another planet was totally blown up. Earth narrowly
missed a similar fate. This has continued since humans have lived here.
The Promise
For various reasons that aren’t clear, The Creator decided to put a time limit on the duration of the 3D experiment on earth. That time limit is
now, basically, up. Certain promises were made to the participants. The humans were told that they would be returned to 5th density. At this awareness
level, the need for bipolarity vanishes, and beings are able to live in peace with each other and concern themselves with higher-level games.
The earth, in turn, was also promised that it could return to a non-polarized version of its ideal form. This only pertains to its outer shell. Its
inner parts are still in pretty good shape.
In order to keep these promises, the Creator has to accomplish 2 things:
1) The 3D and lower life forms on earth’s surface have to be moved somewhere where they can raise their consciousness. This has to be done in a
non-violent way, so killing them and then taking the disembodied beings somewhere else is out of the question. 3D beings don’t appreciate being
handled that way.
2) The earth must be allowed a period during which it can “reset” its outer surface. Only after this is done will the surface again be
The Galactic Federation was assigned to put these actions into effect.
The Situation
Normally, when the Federation gets such an assignment, it means that the planet involved, and its population, is ready for the change. In the case of
earth, though, this was not so.
Earth had been under the undue influence of a dark group – part of a larger group called the Ancharans – which we know as the Anunnaki. They
helped put in power a group of people insanely dedicated to the dark. This group had a technology for perpetuating itself, and did so, even during
periods when the Anunnaki were absent. These guys were set up as the control group on earth. Their operations contributed to considerable destruction
on the planet during the 13,000 years that they have existed here.
So when time came for us to raise our consciousness, they fought back. There have been several attempts to overcome them, and several failures. This
most recent one is to be the final attempt.
The Light always had allies on earth. But they were not having much luck until the Ancharans were somehow persuaded to make peace in the mid 1990’s
our time. They then persuaded the Anunnaki to pull out and sign an agreement in 1998. These events caused the “dark cabal” to fortify its
“matrix” tactics with a false flag attack in 2001 to make it possible for them to increase their military presence around the world. Now, however,
they have a “light cabal” to contend with, who are backed by the Galactic Federation being assisted by various earth Ascended Masters.
Thus, even with the 2001 tragedy and much subsequent chaos and bloodshed, the Light is gaining the upper hand and could possibly pull off their
The Plan
Their plan has 3 main phases where they are most involved:
1) Remove the dark cabal from power completely.
2) Set up a temporary holding action on the surface.
3) Complete the evacuation operation and subsequent rise of consciousness.
They have sworn up and down that they are completely organized and ready to do steps 2 and 3.
They have not yet been able to accomplish step 1. This is where they need the most help right now. But they are confident they can do it (and have
expressed this in every communiqué since 2006.)
Here are the basics for step 2:
• Install interim governments around the world who will cooperate.
• Brief the populace through these new governments what is really going on.
• Implement plans to replace the past criminal institutions with non-criminal ones:
- Eliminate the fractional reserve monetary system and install currencies backed by precious metals and gems.
- Eliminate the central banking system and replace it with Treasury-run federal banks.
- Eliminate income tax and the IRS in the U.S. Replace it with a modified sales tax and a new collection agency. Similar tax reforms everywhere
- Forgive all indebtedness. Return all banks to sound lending practices. Use various funds that have been amassed covertly to give every citizen
adequate spending power.
- Replace the current justice system with one based on Common (Natural) Law.
- Replace the current educational methods with ones that actually respect the right and responsibility of the individual to think for himself.
- Replace current political systems with community-based (non-centralized) systems. Ensure all basic human rights are respected and worked for if
• Following this is an immense educational project to bring the populace up to speed on what they have not been told about. This includes full
disclosure of the ET story.
• Also, new technologies kept secret by the dark cabal will be made publically available for peaceful uses.
• Various ET technologies will also be made available. The ETs will also give us tours of their ships and other parts of the galaxy. We will also be
introduced to our inner world cousins, the Agarthans. They have lived inside the planet for almost a million years. They will be our hosts during the
time that it takes earth to reset her surface. They may also host some of our flora and fauna. The rest will be handled by the Federation.
Here are the basics for step 3:
• All humans are removed to the inner world to live with the Agarthans.
• Special facilities have been set up for us there. We will spend a lot of our time in special light chambers to handle our bodies so that the rise
of consciousness is possible without killing ourselves.
• We will have a lot to learn and become aware of in order to truly graduate to the 5th density.
• When all is ready, we will be free to return to the surface to re-inhabit it.
Special features of the Galactic Federation technologies:
Fluid Group Dynamics
They mention this technology all the time. They describe it as similar to "ho'oponopono," a Hawaiian word for a technology of mutual cooperation
and support. They are totally crazy about this system. They rave about it all the time.
Paranormal Abilities Assistance
Apparently they have various technologies that assist one to acquire and use what we normally call paranormal abilities. Telepathic abilities are
stressed the most.
Medical problems of ascension
They seem to know a lot about this. They talk about it a lot in the updates. They describe how the activation of a chakra (or energy center) in or
around the body can make you feel.
Special Updates
The early updates give you the basic story. After the first 6 months they repeat themselves a lot. These updates are like press releases. There’s a
lot of “things are going as planned” type of reassuring verbiage in them. In the second half of 2010, though, they begin to become more
May 25, 2010: Some details are given about how the power groups polarized after World War 2.
June 1, 2010: Emphasis is placed on how earth changes necessitate faster forward progress.
June 29, 2010: They give new details about the earth’s crust.
July 6, 2010: A fairly detailed account of the history of the solar system is given.
Aug 24, 2010: More detail is given about earlier attempts to stop the dark cabal. The Dracos are mentioned for the first time.
Aug 31, 2010: They tell the story of why JFK was assassinated.
Sept 7, 2010: They tell the story of why and how the WTC disaster happened.
Sept 14, 2010: A dissertation on land ownership.
Sept 21, 2010: They present a rationale for an increased level of intervention.
Sept 28, 2010: They summarize their most current planning.
Oct 5, 2010: They present a rationale for why they have been trying to convince the dark cabal to resign voluntarily.
Dec 28, 2010 and more recent updates also stress current planning and scenarios. The 25 Jan, 2011 update admits that many readers probably really
aren’t tracking with the whole “shift in consciousness” theme.
The most recent update, just released, is also quite emphatic.
Are these guys for real? Are they giving us the straight dope? If not, they’re sure trying hard to convince us they are. I’m not fooling: Sheldan
has released one of these updates almost every week since the beginning of 2006. That means I had to download more than 250 web pages so I could read
them off line. It was so much material I couldn’t make myself read it all carefully. Hopefully I’ve picked up most of the important bits.
Their plan sounds good to me; a bit conservative, but a lot better than no plan. And as far as I’m concerned, the monetary and banking reforms are
spot on, as is the emphasis on taking out the cabal.