posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 11:20 PM
Extremists of any flavor are bad, be they Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Taoist, Hindu, Sikh, Agnostic, Naturalistic, scientific, economic,
political... it doesn't matter what exactly. An extremist viewpoint blinds the "believer." It gets a person to do things that are morally unacceptable
no matter what race, color or creed anyone is. No matter what deity one believes in, or what ideology one ascribes to, once that person's actions
based on their belief system causes another human suffering, then it is wrong.
If you're going to pray, pray for something good, because if god hears you, then he/she/it will listen. If you're Christian and you are thanking god
for harming another or praying to god for him/her/it to smite another then your belief system is twisted and so convoluted that you are blinded to the
core tenets and foundations of the Christian faith and ideology... It's people like that that give the faith a bad name. I wonder if she knew Jesus
was a Jew. hmm
edit on 15-3-2011 by Crunkman919 because: misspelled word