Thanks for the continued replies. I will keep trying to address the points brought up here as much as possible so please be patient.
Here are some photos from the trip to Shibuya.
It was not easy finding "dramatic" pictures in Tokyo, because by and large there seems to be pretty little drama at the moment. To anyone who knows
the city, what would be most striking would be the small number of people on the streets, the vast number of closed stores, and the dim lights. Not
exactly the stuff of alluring photography. But I've done what I can to find some points of possible interest.
Geiger reading as of this post: 014.99 CPM. Nice low happy numbers.
1) Below: A sign near the elevator politely and humbly asks people to cooperate with the dimming of the lights to save electricity. Such signs seem
to be all around:
2) Below: Hiroyuki-san, my indefatigable driver. He is quite nervous about radiation, but I'm not sure his cotton mask is ultimately going to be all
that helpful in the event. I can tell he's worried I'll make him drive to Fukushima.
3) Below:Shibuya crossing viewed from the pedestrian overpass from Shibuya Station about an hour ago. (Any potential skeptics note the tastefully
subtle "Silent Thunder" scrap of paper in the lower right corner.) If you know Tokyo at all, you will probably be aware from looking at this picture
that the three huge video billboards that usually run 25 hours a day are black and silent. I've been coming to Tokyo regularly for almost 20 years and
I've NEVER seen the big billibards in Shibuya go dead. It would be like Times Square shutting down the Coca-Cola ad, or Vegas turning off all the
neon. Sobering in its absense.
4) Below: Voulnteers ask for money in Shibuya. They were really putting their hearts into it, almost screaming. "Even if you have only one yen, it
would be fine!" shouts the young man in the middle, over and over.
5) Below: Another group of less-conventional but no less enthusiastic volunteers busking for relief money.
6) Below: ...but at least the Zen Mall is open. What is the sound of one hand shopping?
7) Below: As the sun turned its worried face from a subdued, nervous Shibuya, the moon deigned to make a cameo appearance. High above frail man's
flickering lights and stalled construction projects, her impassive coldness remains somehow eternally comforting in its ancient universiality.
More to follow...
edit on 3/16/11 by silent thunder because: (no reason given)