posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 08:59 PM
An absolutely fascinating site, which I happened upon today after a search I performed for information on the Bin Laden video. As much as you have all
provided thought provoking insight. I still am left with unanswered questions, and hope I would be permitted a post before this topic is moved.
Having already heard the HS warnings of today, I perused my usual news sites, one being NEIN. I came upon the piece which spoke about the video and
how at the behest of security officials, the image of the encoded clip was removed (I read the original). Being the ever curious person that I am, I
wanted to take a look at the code and see if perhaps there was a connection to today�s events. That search led me here, to this discussion.
Not at least versed in internet technology, the level of investigative expertise thoroughly amazed me, as well as offered what I can only characterize
as intriguing possible answeres for some anomalies I had already noted. Without stating what they are, as I well note that another member makes the
point that you are here to shed light only, the following still puzzles me:
1)The exact nature of the search on AOL for; �americanpitbulls.� Was it that this word was searched and returned the afore mentioned twexus site, or
the alpha/numeric code itself was searched which translated into americanpitbulls found only on the twexus site?
2)Perhaps it is my suspicious nature of late, but, when I made my search via google, I found your site after many attempts to find a direct relation
to what I was seeking. I can understand I think, how Ms. St. Claire came to learn from FreeRepublic about your analysis, but I am perplexed as to how
it is twexus happened to get wind of your analysis. Perhaps he can explain.
3) The mock ads for an FX institution and a college appearing under the pictures from the tewxus site, along with the circular links and very odd
3)I note that on July 22nd, NEIN link to Steve Quayle, listed as a high terror threat, DC; NYC and LA. Specifically to the U.N, Pentagon and LA
downtown. This weekend two terror alerts were officially issued, which included NYC and DC.
4) That one particular independent news site reports information gathered from NEIN, but references their information, albeit mostly as a source,
coupled with the similarity NEIN shares in nomenclature with Homeland Security and the information disclosed on the nature of Ms. Claire�s request
for fund assistance
Perhaps it all means nothing, but I am glad to have stumbled across this site, and will be checking often to see what disinformation campaigns have
been uncovered.