Originally posted by MonkeyWrench30
reply to post by Curio
Governments are great at covering up on the initial stages. But as you can see no the news people are trying to leave the country for a reason
and that is because its unsafe and unhealthy to be amongst that much radiation. If their citizens are being scanned by radiation monitors as a
deciding factor as to whether they are allowed to leave the country or not that means that radiation levels are pretty damn high because they are
essentially quarantining their own borders.
I totally agree.
-They have quarantined their own country pretty much, and I'm sure are more than happy to let people leave to ensure survival and take some pressure
off for keeping who stays alive and safe.
-Our reporters in Japan look scared. They have concerned eyes, and facial expressions. Anderson Cooper, of CNN, at one point when the power plant was
blowing up, said to the anchor back in the States "Should I leave [name]? Should we get outta here now?" and the anchor had this look like he wanted
to say something he couldn't, and managed to stutter out something that was prob. voiced through his earpiece.
However, even if they are being truthful, I'd be pretty nervous being on an island with all those reactors melting down. From what I saw, were a
couple of rooftops blowing off of reactor buildings, intense heat and hydrogen blowing off? I think these puppies can't be saved, because they have
already melted down, now it's a battle to grasp some sort of control of the radiation leak, and keep them from melting out the bottom, if they
haven't already.
The man that was in control of three-mile island was speaking, and he said for the 2 hours that the fuel rods were exposed at TMI, they melted halfway
down. He tried his best to not say what he isn't supposed to say, but if what he spoke is accurate, they have no way to know anything about whats
going on in those buildings, and they wont know for years till they cool it down. When they finally opened up TMI they saw that what they thought was
going on, really wasn't.
-Our govt will cover this up even after the truth starts leaking through, then they will one day turn it around and point fingers, though it really
has nothing to do with the United States (unless we caused this earth quake/tsunami). GE built the reactors, and one of the men working on them, along
with many others, saw flaws in the design that GE over looked. Something to do with the reason it failed, and that there are 16 reactors, or plants
using them (was unclear on that), in the USA.
To be honest, when it comes to nuclear reactors, I'm no expert, however to do understand their design, how they operate, and when the coolant pipe
brakes and you loose coolant, how the hell can you expect to keep it going till it's cooled down safely. I think they need to take these reactors,
and containment buildings, and put them into a giant containment building with a massive cooling LAKE under them, so when they meltdown, they open a
trap door and drop one off in the drink.