posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:08 PM
The Ides of March was a day which celebrates MARS the god of WAR. Mars was an Olympian. Why this date?
If we look the next clue can be seen quite easily, is if you count 315 days in you get the date November 11 so essentially it directly links to the
mystical number 11.11. (I have received this number for many years) so 315 is 11.11
Another interesting fact is how 315 relates to the bible, a very important and significant verse in the bible is Genesis suggests that god
will send something to fix something (loosely)
the 315 is a very important number, so if we look at all these clues, I can see the end of something, possibly WAR, and something is comming to fix
something, its related to the 11.11 that many of us have been getting. I would say its the beginning of unity, as the Olympic rings symbolize unity of
five continents ( it stopped on FIVE hundred days too)
Lastly, Ides of March is now known as the day in which Julis Caeser was murdered, his Murder changed the course of history! his murder was seen by a
seer who warned him, beware of the ides of march, since this the ides is known as a date that changes the course of history.
so the clock stopping symbolizes major historical changes, and I would suggest it one where we become unified...
and now MORE
the hours seconds and minutes, is 24...symbol of Jupiter
so we have caser and jupiter in this clock...they are linked as casar was appointed a flamen dialis of jupiter
there were 15 falmens, and 3 more important gods
315 again
the 3 gods were quirnus/janus jupiter and mars
Janus is the god of BEGINNINGS, the countdown is a countdown to and ENDING
Jupiter is god of gods, rules my olympus
and Mars is the god of war..
Mars is celebarated by the ides of clock stopped...