posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:49 AM
I've always hated formal dress codes, so I really don't like point 3 :p However, I can appreciate the sentiment behind the point. Points 2,4,5,
and 6 all seem really good to me. You would naturally substitute 'english' for 'whatever other language' in another country, but for the USA, it
is appropriate. The language of instruction should be the national language.
I am not entirely certain what he is trying to say with the first point, though. Every time I go back to read it I get a different interpretation,
some good, some bad :p It seems like what he's trying to say is that we shouldn't be trying to define ourselves solely by race, ethnicity, or
religion, as many people seem to do, but that attributes like character and intelligence are more important. If that's what he is saying, I approve.