posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 12:14 PM
This looks like an interesting site. I've been reading some threads and their seems to be signs of intelligent life here
I've been interested in mystery's for over 30 years. I try to look at things with an open mind, without drawing conclusions.
I find being a true 'believer' just as bad as being a true 'sceptic'. Both refuse to look at the evidence of the other.
A good story can give me goosebumps, but seperating emotion from facts is importand to me.
You won't see any posts from me in capitals and explanation marks. Big shouting topics are just not believable.
My english isn't always perfect since I speak Dutch, hope you don't mind.
I'm mostly self-educated, studied electronics in school but don't remember much of that.
I'm married and have a son who's eight.
Now i'm off to read some more, seems like I got hooked to this place!