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Could power plant explosions trigger tsunami to head for the west coast?

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posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:18 AM
Just something i've been discussing with a few people and I saw something in a thread here so I wanted to bring it up. I live in Vancouver just for reference, but not in an area near the coast, I live by the Fraser River just on the border of Burnaby (for those who know the area)

I personally would be more concerned about this for myself than radioactive fallout as if dangerous fallout is headed our way arrangements could be made to get out of the city before the fact and I would have some time. I don't own a car at present so i have no way of getting to high ground quickly if needed....I guess maybe SOMEONE in my building would be kind enough to help me out but you can't exactly bet on that. I'm 8 floors up in a solid concrete highrise though and obviously I can go up to the roof though (the building is 15 floors) so at present that i guess would be my best bet for high ground.

Thoughts? Opinions? Facts?

I know Vancouver Island would be in a bad way if one hit, so would more coastal communities like Richmond and Coquitlam.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:21 AM
The force released, even from a nuclear bomb, off the coast of Japan, wouldn't do much to Vancouver. A nuclear plant explosion would have no where near the force to do anything of the sort either. Lets pretended some how that a reactor can explode like a nuclear bomb (it can't but we'll pretend). Unless that plant is located under the sea, most of it's force goes up into the air taking the path of least resistance.

I wouldn't be too worried about it if I were in your location.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:23 AM
Short answer is no, you're perfectly safe if these plants explode. They would create but a small ripple near the Japan shoreline.
edit on 15/3/11 by EnigmaAgent because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:23 AM
No, it won't. I a 9.0 barely cause a stir on the west coast. An explosion won't do nething. I would be more worried about the radiation. If it gets bad enough. Get some Potassium tabs/pills.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

okay thanks, i'm not really worried per say...just curious, i have a friend who is about ten times as ramped up about everything than anyone on these forums and he was talking all kinds of doomsday about massive tsunamis being generate, I should know better than to listen to him though...i don;t think he really knows all that much about anything he talks about.

Never hurts to ask though right? lol

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:32 AM
what all of us need to be concerned with
right now is a Japanese volcano

Mt. Fiji had a 6.0 quake earlier today and if it
blows, then it will suck up that radiation into
the jet stream and take it right over North
America unless the jet stream changes
from it's current wind patterns.

So you may wanna keep a keen eye
on volcanoes more so than a tsunami.
It poses a greater risk to us from Japan.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by onyx718

Everyone can remain calm right now. I've explained, in other threads, the current situation, worst case scenario, and the actual process taking place now.

doomsday if you are in Japan maybe, the rest of us will be fine.

The plants can't explode in a nuclear blast, as I've explained but will briefly explain here.

Nuclear fission takes place when an atom of fissile material (uranium) decays. In this radioactive decay, the atom loses a neutrino. When this happens, some of the atoms mass is converted into energy.

In a nuclear power plant large amounts of fissile material and gathered together to give a neutrino a better chance of hitting an atom, which releases a neutrino, which hits and atom, etc etc etc.

They use graphite medium to capture some of the neutrinos, essentially keeping the reaction at a barely sustainable level. Atoms are mostly space, which is why they need so much fuel in a reactor.

A bomb uses the same principle but is different. A power plant is a controlled reaction, and bomb is uncontrolled. With a bomb, a conventional explosive is used to push the fissile material closely together to reach what is called "critical mass". This is essentially saying the material is packed so densely that any neutrino is guaranteed to hit an atom.

Once this starts, it's an uncontrollable (and unstoppable) chain reaction. As each atom splits, converting some mass to energy, we get a nuclear blast.

Because the fuel used in reactors is not crunched into critical mass, it can not sustain a chain reaction. The nuke plants won't explode like atomic weapons.

What CAN happen, is they fail to contain the fuel rods, the become exposed to the air or ground water and explode, sending radioactive material everywhere, the fires and explosion sending it up into the air and spreading via the jet stream.

Even then, BC isn't really facing doomsday, most of that material with dissipate on it's way over the pacific.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 05:11 PM
I do not have answers to your questions as everything is speculation right now.

But when the west coast had the tsunamis last week (I live here in the PNW) - let me say that you will be okay. I was surprised/grateful for the number of people I saw helping each other out - car rides, places to stay, meals, etc...One of my good friends was in an area that was hit and it was orderly, calm and people were very helpful. (Drove them to their home for a meal and a safe haven)

I am sure they would set up emergency shelters in your area or places like churches, temples, synagogues, etc. They would probably also have resources to get you out of the area - like members with open spaces in their car.

No need to fear or panic, just keep your head on your shoulders and be resourceful.

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