posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 12:52 PM
Just wish to add something else here to the topic.
Reading on another thread, some felt to blame the Almighty for our disasters.
One thing we, christians, jews, muslims, buddhists, atheist, etc, etc must understand is that our common Creator did not create robots, but humans, in
His Likeness. We are all His children with the gift of life as well as free will, to inhabit this planet.
There are unknown universal laws when our creation was created, that today we, a current civilisation of only a mere few thousands years, are
beginning to comprehend. Just like a child that cannot be taught calcalus or orbital mechanics without a solid grasp of its foundation in maths and
science, so too must we be slowly taught by building upon current knowledge.
Newton was one such human who had been gifted and grasp a small concept of universal laws - every action comes with a reaction.
Our Creator is the supreme being, and has the powers to do much, very much. But once creation is done, like software program, it has to run on its
own. Twiking is possible within the software, but not large changes, for do so, it will require a new software code to be re-written and the current
software destroyed.
As is the universal laws being implemented. Twiking here and there by means of divine intervention is no harm, but to do something major will only
affect other components within the Universe, and then a major overhaul would be necessary to wipe away everything and restart a new one.
Our planetary systems are one such universal law governed. Earth changes are but only part of those laws as gravitational pull and movement within
different galaxies in other parts of the Universe, affects not just Earth, but everything else. Worse if a major intervention is required.
For centuries, we had been on the right path, to progress and evolve. But unfortunately, by the time of our current generation, we had stopped, due to
greed. All our major inventions and innovations were borned out of greed to keep mankind dominated. Machines of war and machinations of banking
systems and science to enrich only the few.
We could have made that leap to the stars 60 years ago and fulfill our destiny to the stars, but we did not. Today, we face the consequences of that
decision. But fortunately, planet Earth is not cracking up, only small portions of it. and it is still not too late to correct our errors, more so
with man-made disasters such as building nuclear power stations on well known quake zones. That is utter free will man-made stupidity.