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AMERICA KNEW!! (hedging on ThyroSafe company, Sweden)

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posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 03:41 AM

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 03:48 AM


posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 03:56 AM

The topic of this thread is "AMERICA KNEW!! (hedging on ThyroSafe company, Sweden)". Please keep discussion to the topic of the OP and not focused upon insulting or threatening one another.

Future posts containing any threatening language can and will lead to the temporary or permanent loss of posting privilege. This is the only warning that will be given.

Thank you.

ATS Member and moderator
edit on 3/17/11 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 04:07 AM
I appologise to all on ATS - I should know better than to let people get me angry. I should know better than to read stuff which I know is tripe and then get angry about it. Everyone one on here has the right to write whatever they wish to, and I would not have it any other way. I will try in the future to filter out the rubish and therefore not be tempted to comment on it. Of course the catch 22 is that untill you read it it can be hard to make a jugement on it's contents. Humph! Any way - sorry folks, I let my anger get the best of me, I should have learned to rise above it by now!

To stayon topic - America did not know.
edit on 17-3-2011 by Shamatt because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Shamatt

America MIGHT have known.

You don't know a damn thing. So stop pretending like you do. Its atrocious.

This bridge isn't big enough for you to fit under, troll. Go spread ur ignorance elsewhere.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by SunTzu22

I will have to say... that the red flags/signs that I picked up on before the 26 December 2004 tsunami came from the exact same gov't agency displaying troublesome behavior prior to this EQ/tsunami. What bothers me is the way the intel is being passed along to civilians. Those of us who aren't insiders usually don't decipher these red flags/signs until after the event occurs.

So that's twice for me now... three times if you want to include 9/11. I now consider them a reliable source for impending doom.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by hederahelix

Doom is in the eye of the beholder.

If the US totally revamed its policy, and empowered its people, there are those who would say that the US is "doomed".

For others, it would be a Utopic reality.

Relativity in other words.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by SunTzu22
reply to post by Shamatt

America MIGHT have known.

You don't know a damn thing. So stop pretending like you do. Its atrocious.

This bridge isn't big enough for you to fit under, troll. Go spread ur ignorance elsewhere.

Thank you for being big enough to accept my appology so magnanimously. It is nice to see how you have learned from our experience together on this thread and stopped making wild acusations and rediculous presumptions based on your own prejudice. I am humbled by your superior intelligence and feel that as a troll I am not even worthy of sharing the same ether as you. In fact, I think I will now sell my encyclopedia and just ask you about anything of which I am not sure, as you are obviously the most intelligent person i have ever interacted with and know absolutely everything.

Please forgive me for being so ignorant, but I would like to ask my first question of you oh almighty one: Can you please post some evidence to back up your claims.

Perhaps you could post evidence that nuclear radiation from an atomic bomb is easily mistaken for the radiation produced by a failed reactor designed to produce power. You know, something scientific which includes the names of the isotopes involved: You know, strontium-90 and caesium-137 for example. And how these can be mistaken for the Uranium 235 and Plutonium 239 used as fuel and leaked from a nuclear rector.

And just maby you could give details of the Japanese electronics industry has been damaged, citing references. You could even illustrate how the US is better placed to pick up on the global manufacturing defecit left by this loss of production abiluty than say Korea, or Taiwan, or Malaysia.

Most exciting of all, perhaps you could enlighten us on exactly how a nuclear bomb would produce so many aftershocks for so long after the initial explosion? And so many small but significant quakes and tremmors in hundreds of locations around the Pacific rim? These include over one thousand small tremmors and quakes on the west cost of the USA, Canada and Alaska.

If I may be so presumptuous as to point out at this point that speculation is not evicence.

I have no doubt that someone with your massive intellect will easily be able to answer these simple questions. I almost feel silly asking you to waste your time on such trivialities, but I am sure that there atre many other ATS'ers out there, who like me, are just not able to work all this out for themselves.

Of course, there is always the option to admit you have no idea whatsoever about any of this, and are just talking out of your bottom, but we both know that is not true.

Golly - I am just so excityed to hear the truth from you on all of this.

Thanks so much

Your Friend, Shamatt.
edit on 18-3-2011 by Shamatt because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:53 AM
Make sense... I'd personally have to start over with that thread.
US knew what ? Rail gun? wtf? are you high?

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by omegazap
Make sense... I'd personally have to start over with that thread.
US knew what ? Rail gun? wtf? are you high?

OMG!!!!! Please be carefull, you may be labeled an idiot and a troll if you disagree with the OP! This guy is my hero now, he is just sooo clever! I can't wait fro him to answer all of my questions so that simple people lke you and I can see the truth behind all this.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by omegazap

Kinda looks like u gotta double account. be careful.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Shamatt
I appologise to all on ATS - I should know better than to let people get me angry. I should know better than to read stuff which I know is tripe and then get angry about it. Everyone one on here has the right to write whatever they wish to, and I would not have it any other way. I will try in the future to filter out the rubish and therefore not be tempted to comment on it. Of course the catch 22 is that untill you read it it can be hard to make a jugement on it's contents. Humph! Any way - sorry folks, I let my anger get the best of me, I should have learned to rise above it by now!

To stayon topic - America did not know.
edit on 17-3-2011 by Shamatt because: (no reason given)

Man! What did those ATS staffers tell you behind closed doors?

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by Shamatt

Originally posted by SunTzu22
reply to post by Shamatt

America MIGHT have known.

You don't know a damn thing. So stop pretending like you do. Its atrocious.

This bridge isn't big enough for you to fit under, troll. Go spread ur ignorance elsewhere.

Thank you for being big enough to accept my appology so magnanimously. It is nice to see how you have learned from our experience together on this thread and stopped making wild acusations and rediculous presumptions based on your own prejudice. I am humbled by your superior intelligence and feel that as a troll I am not even worthy of sharing the same ether as you. In fact, I think I will now sell my encyclopedia and just ask you about anything of which I am not sure, as you are obviously the most intelligent person i have ever interacted with and know absolutely everything.

Please forgive me for being so ignorant, but I would like to ask my first question of you oh almighty one: Can you please post some evidence to back up your claims.

Perhaps you could post evidence that nuclear radiation from an atomic bomb is easily mistaken for the radiation produced by a failed reactor designed to produce power. You know, something scientific which includes the names of the isotopes involved: You know, strontium-90 and caesium-137 for example. And how these can be mistaken for the Uranium 235 and Plutonium 239 used as fuel and leaked from a nuclear rector.

And just maby you could give details of the Japanese electronics industry has been damaged, citing references. You could even illustrate how the US is better placed to pick up on the global manufacturing defecit left by this loss of production abiluty than say Korea, or Taiwan, or Malaysia.

Most exciting of all, perhaps you could enlighten us on exactly how a nuclear bomb would produce so many aftershocks for so long after the initial explosion? And so many small but significant quakes and tremmors in hundreds of locations around the Pacific rim? These include over one thousand small tremmors and quakes on the west cost of the USA, Canada and Alaska.

If I may be so presumptuous as to point out at this point that speculation is not evicence.

I have no doubt that someone with your massive intellect will easily be able to answer these simple questions. I almost feel silly asking you to waste your time on such trivialities, but I am sure that there atre many other ATS'ers out there, who like me, are just not able to work all this out for themselves.

Of course, there is always the option to admit you have no idea whatsoever about any of this, and are just talking out of your bottom, but we both know that is not true.

Golly - I am just so excityed to hear the truth from you on all of this.

Thanks so much

Your Friend, Shamatt.
edit on 18-3-2011 by Shamatt because: (no reason given)

Oh, ...I don't know..........oh yeah, Passive Agressive, thats the word i was looking for.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by Shamatt

a nuke going off underwater is just the catalyst that triggers the already built up stress on the plates...the aftershocks would not be mini bombs, but naturally occurring slips is what i would think...

And if you need proof of the effect on the electronics industry in japan...just look at pretty much every Japanese stock...they've all taken a hit and you need just look at the drops within the last week...

Also...the radiation from the bomb underwater would technically not be seen due to the fact that it had gone off underwater and all the water would mask the radiation for a very long time...I'm confused why you even brought up the radiation from a bomb in comparison to the radiation from the reactors...the radiation from the bomb would literally never be seen unless somebody mounted an undersea operation to find it, and that's unlikely...

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Shamatt

You know, your attacks make a better stand up routine than they do a flame job.

but no, im not gonna encourage your troll-like behavior.

Remember.. THIS IS... A....T...S!!!! ( kicks the troll into a deep well )

youll find plenty of ignorant people down there...

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by here4awhile

You forget that a deep sea nuke will create a massive amount of gas to be released, some of it making it all the way up to the surface.

That gas will contain rad-isotopes, and will be picked up by Navy vessels ( which have rad detectors).

We wouldn't be trying to fool the people, we would be trying to fool GOVERNMENTS.

And some stupid people on this thread seem not to understand that more that ONE bomb would be used for such an operation.

Some even more stupid people don't realize that our Navy rail gun ships are part of the 7th Fleet. ....

So I don't know how people can call this a bad conspiracy theory. None of my ideas require any new or unknown technology.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by Phenomium

Originally posted by Shamatt
I appologise to all on ATS - I should know better than to let people get me angry. I should know better than to read stuff which I know is tripe and then get angry about it. Everyone one on here has the right to write whatever they wish to, and I would not have it any other way. I will try in the future to filter out the rubish and therefore not be tempted to comment on it. Of course the catch 22 is that untill you read it it can be hard to make a jugement on it's contents. Humph! Any way - sorry folks, I let my anger get the best of me, I should have learned to rise above it by now!

To stayon topic - America did not know.
edit on 17-3-2011 by Shamatt because: (no reason given)

Man! What did those ATS staffers tell you behind closed doors?

Nothing - I reviewed my previous posts after rceiving an infringment and decided that what I did was out of order - I don't need to be told when I have done something wrong I can work it out for myslef. So my apology was my own idea, and from me because I wanted to give it.

I do feel that others should be big enough to at least accept it, and at best do similar - I was seriously abused on this thread. I was called a pedophile because I disagreed with the OP and told him his theory was stupid. And I am the one who is looked at as the bad guy!?!? WTF is that all about?

I give up - this is a rediculous idea. Any one who thinks that there would be the slightest shred of truth in this needs their head examining. I accept you are free to say as you will, as I am. I should not be abused for excersisng a right we all have, and one I encourage in all, even all you fools who accept this stupidity.

Are we to accept that scientist are clever enough to calculate the exact place and charge required to set of this earthquake and sunami? When we can't even predict if or when or where an earthquake will occure? Are we to accept that Japanese nuclear physicists are unable to tell the diference between damage done by flood and damage done by a high speed projectile? Are we to beleive that ANY world government would be willing to kill over 100,000 civilians, make another million homeless and wipe out half an economy of a trading partner, risking a return to global recession just to sell a few pills?

Come on people! Use your common sence for a moment.

And all this from someone who throws abuse, threats of violence and disgracefull insults at someone who was intelligent ehough to dissagree with him!? What sort of person does that?

So - go ahead, beleive what you will. It is what the government want - as many stupid people as possible to buy the # they want you to beleive so that there is no more room in your heads for the real truth. So while you all bussy yourself with this idiocy, the rest of us will concentrate on real issues, which are backed up by scientific fact, and common sence.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by here4awhile
reply to post by Shamatt

a nuke going off underwater is just the catalyst that triggers the already built up stress on the plates...the aftershocks would not be mini bombs, but naturally occurring slips is what i would think...

And if you need proof of the effect on the electronics industry in japan...just look at pretty much every Japanese stock...they've all taken a hit and you need just look at the drops within the last week...

Also...the radiation from the bomb underwater would technically not be seen due to the fact that it had gone off underwater and all the water would mask the radiation for a very long time...I'm confused why you even brought up the radiation from a bomb in comparison to the radiation from the reactors...the radiation from the bomb would literally never be seen unless somebody mounted an undersea operation to find it, and that's unlikely...

Wrong - I asked for proof that the USA was better placed that say Taiwan, Korea or Malaysia to pick up the slack, not proof that the Japanise economy was sufering.

Wrong - The radiation would be pulled to the surface in gasses as explained by the OP - it was in his first post that the rail gun would be used to cause a meltdown in order to hide the radiation from the blast - that was HIS idea, not mine. I think it is rubbish. How the rail gun would acheive this was not explained, and no evidence or science has yet been provided to back up this rediculous claim.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by Shamatt

Its not my responsibility to educate you on kinetic energy weapons systems.

This thread is NOT a troll kindergarten...You are whats ridiculous. And if you couldn't tell, you are more of a joke than anything.

Hows that well look down there?

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by SunTzu22
reply to post by Shamatt

Its not my responsibility to educate you on kinetic energy weapons systems.

This thread is NOT a troll kindergarten...You are whats ridiculous. And if you couldn't tell, you are more of a joke than anything.

Hows that well look down there?

You don't have the ability to comment on my legitimate questions because you don't have any answers. All you have is "A creepy feeling" from when you watched the news. Man, you don't even have logic or common sence on your side. You don't answer any questions, you just continue to be rude and abusive. You are not even enough of a man to accept an appology, nor to offer one when you have been so outragoulsy rude and abusive.

In anyones book, that makes you pretty pathetic.

You ignore legitimate questions.
You call anyone who does not agree with you an idiot and a troll
When argued with you threaten violence
When bettered in an argument you accuse people of being a pedofile
You are not big enough to accept an appology
You are unable to appologise for your horrible behaviour.
You are too pathetic to bother with, you should be ashamed of yourself.

I am unsubscribing from this pathetic tissue of lies, so don't even bother to respond as I will not see your post.

You are the most pathetic little boy I have ever encountered on the web, and I have been using it since you were crapping in your nappies. Enjoy your "intuition". May it serve you well.


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