posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 09:34 AM
Hi sidge
I am really looking forward to this.
As far as what you "see" it could be either or both but I am more interested in seeing what we can come up with on the paranormal side. The owners
of this house are scared to death and hopefully we can help them out or at least answer some questions concerning the place. It would be interesting
to see if your gift, and I do believe you and a couple others from the last time have one, extends into that level or just what I "see".
Here is basicly what I am thinking of.....
I will give you the time and date, maybe even post from their house, and you and the others tell me what you see.
If its just their house fine, discribe it, but I am MUCH more interested in what ELSE you might see.
Does anyone have any suggestions?