posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 08:06 PM
Paramedics will attend the scene and tend to the injured. If anyone is still alive they will be treated and where possible removed from the scene
immediately. These are some of the few people allowed to enter the crime scene in order to preserve life.
Police officers cannot pronounce life extinct that has to be done by a doctor in most countries.
Contrary to popular belief most ambulance crews are not doctors and unable to pronounce life extinct per se however they are able to assess very
accurately if a victim is in a state that would respond to resuscitation. Many pointers include pupil dilation, ecg readings etc etc.
Some fast response units do include doctors and they will pronounce life extinct at the scene.
Believe me if they could have been resucitated then they would have been but sometimes the injuries sustained are just far too severe.
Once someone is identified as life extinct there is no need for an ambulance.
You will probably find that the people you refer to as autopsists are nothing more than a private ambulances ie not one kitted out with lifesaving
equipment. They often look like dark vans or minibuses with dark windows.
They will usually take the body directly to the Mortuary and sometimes the body will be accompanied by a law enforcement officer to ensure continuity
of evidence.
In certain cases where the offender has not been found or identified the body or bodies can be frozen to preserve evidence prior to the identification
and conviction of an offender.
I hope this answers some of your concerns and what I describe can vary slightly state to state or country to country depending on local procedures but
it's pretty much the same process.
edit on 14-3-2011 by studio500 because: (no reason given)