posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by kassych
That is usuallty the case. Just like the usa after 9-11 set up atmospheric monitoring stations at ports of entry and along the north west coast and
sout west coast to detect any chemical weapons release. We all know that the jet stream is always coming from the west flowing east across the usa. We
know what is coming our way as we have sent aircraft through it and our ships through it to see how contaminated the air is and believe it our ships
have monitoring eq as well. This is fact that in the jet stream coming our was is radioactive fall out. We are not safe and we are all going to breath
this stuff in this is fact.
The problem is our government will never tell us because the do not want to creat a mass exodus of the west coast this for sure would cause
devastation of the us economy which is teetering on the edge of collapse.
There is nothing we can do but take potassium iodine to prevent our thiroid from absorbing all the fallout.
If any of you have home air purifiers I would reccomend that they are on full power and that you apply duct tape around you windows to prevent air
from coming in. Better yet you could buy a home filter and modify it to bring in a very small amount of outside air and filter the air coming into the
homes but leave att the windows shut this will make the building have a positive air pressure to keep stuff from being drawn into your bed rooms and
room in you home. If you hade a small blower motor you could fasten a high particulate filter to it or even draw the air in through a water filter
kind of like how a bong works. Just make sure your using a carbon type filter as this absorbs radioactivity. And when you change out the water you
need to use caution as that will now be toxic waste. Careful how you dispose of it as you may make your self sick.
Good luck everyone and be safe.
Stay alert and stay alive...