Originally posted by macman
The unrest in the ME is, for the most part, a way of life for the people there.
They have been fighting each other since dirt was invented.
That's a lie you've been told. it's a lie you're told to convince you to be apathetic and uninvolved. It's a lie engineered to get you to offer
quiet support to the dictatorships and regimes that are "good" for us. it's a lie you're told to make you turn a blind eye to the massacres of
civilians from Algeria to Israel to Iraq to Pakistan. The goal is to get you to just shrug and say "they're barbarians, what can you do?"
They've been "fighting each other" ever since we chopped up the Maghreb and Middle East and Indian Subcontinent, handed power to an elite few, and
supported them in the extortion and murder of their citizens. This started in the early 20's, and only really took off starting in the 60's.
Our nation - along with others, France and the UK especially - invade these nations. They economically exploit these nations. They greenlight
invasions, they empower dictators. They arm "security forces" who kill and torture political opponents with western guidance. We sell them weapons
and intelligence and in exchange they keep the prices of their natural resources artificially low so we can get them for pennies on the dollar.
When the people of these nations rise up against this - against the tyrannies, against the foreign piracy, the people in the media - who are owned by
the very people making profit from the suffering of the middle east (or Africa, or South Asia, wherever) will look at you and tell you the lie that
they've "been fighting forever." That is, you are told that "those people" have no specific cause, they have no source of aggravation, they have
no reason or goals. They're just fighting because it's what "those people" do. And you - having no other source to go on, trained from your
earliest years that brown people are insensible primitives, have no recourse but to accept that narrative, that these people aren't actually angry
about anything, they're just inherently violent and senseless, and have been since the dawn of eternity.
We really should not be there, acting as the world police.
No, we should be there, giving our support to the liberation movements rising in these places. We, as the foundational democracy of the modern world,
with the awesome weight of our economy and, yes, military to throw around, we, who for so long have taken our benefit from the blood and sweat of
these people, would seem to have a moral obligation to finally give them a hand, when they seek freedom for themselves from tyranny.
But as you point out, that doesn't make money for us. Which is obviously the most important thing in the universe. People in Bahrain getting gunned
down? Cheaper oil for us, hallelujah!
If oil prices drop, that is a good thing.
Please don't get me wrong, I do not want people there or anywhere to suffer or die. It is very sad to see this. But, we need to take care of
ourselves first.
The ME is ready for a major conflict, it is due.
I hate to tell you, but you're contradicting yourself. You can't hope that dead people make oil cheaper, advocate massive war in the middle east,
while proclaiming these people to be inherently violent and thus beyond your concern,
and claim you don't want them to suffer or die.
Now, I think your statement of sympathy and concern is genuine. I'm an optimist like that. But you need to get rid of all the lies and baggage that
have been piled into your head over the years that directly contradict that sort of compassion. The profit-first, "Only we count" mentality, and the
dismissive eye-rolling when these people seek more freedom even at the cost of their own lives, is directly counter to any actual human compassion.
Ditch that stuff, and you'll go a long way towards improving yourself and the world around you.