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Black Hooded Spirit with Ancient Stone Face

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posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 09:43 PM
Late saturday afternoon, I felt myself being pulled into a deep sleep a few afters I woke up, which is very strange because I wasn't supposed to be tired. Once asleep, I had this incredibly puzzling dream.

In part of the dream there were three or four of these huge hooded figures (spirits or demons?) and I have never ever seen anything with faces like them before.They all were much taller and broader than humans and all wore very long black robes. Their hoods were so large that it entirely covered their eyes only leaving the bottom parts of their nose and lips exposed. The thing that stuck out to me was that two or three of them had very broad gray faces that looked like unpolished stone with thick and wide lips that spread to the very sides of their wide faces. The last one standing in the middle had a skeleton face.

They were very calm and weren't scary at all, but I can't recall ever seeing a face like this before in my lifetime.Today I began doing a google search for big lips, gray face, big head, etc. and I found these images that look extremely similar to the faces I saw in my dream. The only difference is in my dream their lips were much much wider.

I have had dreams in the past with black hooded figures, but have never seen their faces. So this is very puzzling and also interesting. Does anyone know anything about these ancient heads and if there is any spiritual significance?

edit on 13-3-2011 by MaryStillToe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 09:49 PM
Precolumbian civilization in Mexico


posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by MaryStillToe

It sounds like you had a dream influenced by something you had seen, a lingering memory of a glimpse of an Olmec head, combined with a lingering preoccupation with those black cloaked figures. A lot of people have dreams about black cloaked figures. I suspect that they're some kind of archetype or something, but I'm sure there are other explanations. (For a similar topic to that, Check out the This Man phenomenon.)

IF you think it's more than that, start by Wikiing the Olmec.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 06:22 AM
I`ve posted this a couple times on other threads so I`ll try to be brief . I had a dream where I woke up in my room to these short little things trying to trap me under my covers. I woke up and instantly sat up in my bed and had the covers pulled over me and began fighting to get out from under them. As I would manage to get a part of my blankets up high enough to see a little sliver of my room, three or four of the short things would scurry over to that side of the bed and pull them back down again and I would try a different area to get out from. Well as this went on for maybe 10 seconds, I noticed as I caught short glimpses of my room that there was this tall dark figure at the foot of my bed, with a hood over it`s head that also covered it`s face. It was dark, but a beam of light leaks through the curtain so I can see pretty well in my room wioth the lights out, so I`m sure it was the hood preventing me from seeing the face. After a while I woke up in my bed, for real this time, and I was sweaty and breathing hard and about to scream, and my heart was pounding like never before, out of fear I believe. I could still feel the adrenaline from fighting for my life. I haven`t had any other dreams like this before or since. I never have lucid dreams or dreams taking place in the room I`m sleeping in. I usually don`t even remember my dreams. Then, out of nowhere, this one. Good luck to yal

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by conspiracytheoristIAM

Thanks for the name, but I am more interested in learning about this culture's spiritual or religious teachings. The moderator moved my thread, because I guess he didn't understand that my dream led me to learn about this ancient and lost civilization.

This thread shouldn't really be in the paranormal section because it is a REAL ancient and lost civilization.

reply to post by Solasis

Actually no, I have never ever seen these heads before because this is not something you (rather I) would forget once it is seen. Also, this culture is not written about in any of the history books they provide in schools so I am pretty sure that I have never been exposed to these images. It's not a part of mainstream American history. This makes it that more intriguing.

I am really interested if someone has any detailed information about the spiritual practices of this culture. I can't imagine why I would see them in a dream with black robes !!?

edit on 14-3-2011 by MaryStillToe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by MaryStillToe
reply to post by Solasis

Actually no, I have never ever seen these heads before because this is not something you (rather I) would forget once it is seen. Also, this culture is not written about in any of the history books they provide in schools so I am pretty sure that I have never been exposed to these images. It's not a part of mainstream American history. This makes it that more intriguing.

I am really interested if someone has any detailed information about the spiritual practices of this culture. I can't imagine why I would see them in a dream with black robes !!?

edit on 14-3-2011 by MaryStillToe because: (no reason given)

Um, WOW. Way to express a limited point of view, dude. They are indeed mentioned in school history books if your history book even touches om meso-America, which, seriously, most of them do.

I can pretty much guarantee that, if you live in the freaking Americas, you have seen some depiction of these giant stone heads. They are totemic of the unknown past of this pair of continents, even though we do know a fair amount about them. The Olmec lived a long time ago and left us GIANT FREAKING HEADS. Hell, you probably saw one in the background of an episode of The Simpsons or something. You didn't consciously register it, which is something that happens all the time with various images, but it somehow showed up in your memory. Because they are cool, interesting, and just kind of weird.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by doctor j and inmate c5779

I have had plenty of dreams with beings with hooded black robes. However, they never had faces. It was always a dark blur as if nothing existed where their face should be, even when in a room with light.

Also, I know exactly what you mean. I started having dreams similar to yours when I was a kid and when I told my grandmother she told me to pray in Jesus' name to remove the evil spirits.

It seems like whehter or not I pray they always eventually go away but I usually have to fight to get away. My dreams were always where I wake up from sleeping but can't open my eyes. I know I am in my bed in my room, but my body is paralyzed and I typically can't breathe and never can open my eyes. Either I am fighting to wake up because I can't breathe or my heart starts to beat so fast that it feels that I am near a heart attack.

I don't know what these things are, but I have had two dreams now where I have have seen symbols from ancient cultures that I have never seen before. The first time I saw the winged sun disk and that's the first time I learned about Sumerian mythology and spiritual beliefs. Now this dream has led me to the Olmecs.

The dream with the Sumerian hieroglypics / symbols, one of the spirits I couldn't see him but he may have had a black robe and he was teaching me from a wall and told me to write the stuff down. Then all of sudden I was transported to a room and another black hooded thing started paralyzing and taunting me.

This time, the Olmec faces did not attack me at all. They were extremely calm and were just telling a story. At the very end before I woke up, I asked the thing why don't you help us then? I think I might have meant humanity, but I'm not sure. Then he laughed a short ha in a way that seemed he was thinking I have no clue as to what was really going on to say something that silly. Then they disappeared and I woke up. No drama this time. lol

edit on 14-3-2011 by MaryStillToe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Solasis

Um, WOW. Way to express a limited point of view, dude. They are indeed mentioned in school history books if your history book even touches om meso-America, which, seriously, most of them do.

I am not sure how old you are, but I guarantee you that the schools I went to growing up never touched upon meso-American cultures. There was probably one brief chapter in a book in 8th grade about the mayans or aztecs, but the Olmecs are not part of those cultures.

Really what episode of the Simpsons? I would find that really interesting.

However, even if I did see it at some point I doubt that would have anything to do with me dreaming about this now because of my history with spiritual dreams. I've seen future events through my dreams and also I think sometimes they lead me to the past to understand something in the future. I never try to provoke dreams because it seems it leads towards mysticism and I think when you seek the unknown something out there will find you and take advantage because you are so desperate. So if something connects or comes to me unprovoked in a dream, then I think it's more credible. I think it is the same way with all prophetic and spiritual people... not psychics.

edit on 14-3-2011 by MaryStillToe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 10:35 PM
Your dream made methink of the 4 horseman of the apocalypse, one being death (the skeletal faced chap) lol

But seriously, dreams like these are best not taken lightly. It sounds like some sort of dark entity has taken an interest in you... What might have attracted it? Can you think of anything negative that has been happening to you lately? It can be any negative event that has affected you emotionally. Our minds can sometimes manifest these feelings as attackers or demons in our dreams. But that doesn't mean it isn't real...

It is real because you.

Believe it is.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by MaryStillToe

Point 1: I'm 22. Maybe you're like 70, and from before they noticed that historic (South) America was full of fascinating cultures, but who knows.

Point 2: I did not mean any particular episode. I meant to indicate hat popular culture is full of tiny allusions to thing slie this by clever writers/animators who find the aesthetics pleasing and/or amusing.

Point 3: You've had psychic dreams. Really. Your arbitrary claim of this "fact", lacking evidence or any establishment in our community which suggests such, certainly lends strong credence to your claims. Care to express any premonitions that you have had which come true, and any which have yet to come true?

Please. If you are not a troll, apply some critical thinking to what you are saying. Actually consider the circumstances under which you had this dream/night terror/sleep paralysis/oobe. When you have done so, consider all of its possible causes, including having caught a momentary glimpse -- perhaps even subliminal -- of an Olmec Stone Head at som epoint over the previous weeks. Then try to make an argument from a rational standpoint.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by Solasis

Let me be clear, I am not trying to convince you or anyone else of what I know to be true. If you don't accept that I believe my dream was inspired by the spiritual world, then you are free to have that opinion.

Also, spirituality is not synonymous with psychic. I don't go around telling fortunes, but I simply know from my own experiences that we are surrounded by an unseen world. Dreams are intended for the recepient, but I thought that went without saying.

I did not post my thread in the paranomal area trying to get attention, I posted in the ancient and lost civilizations forum and a mod moved my thread. I was trying to see if anyone had discovered some less well known information about their religious and spiritual beliefs so that I might gain some additional insight into my dream. Maybe find out why they exposed themselves to me.

edit on 15-3-2011 by MaryStillToe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by MaryStillToe

"What you know to be true." You know every inch of your subconscious and remember everything you've ever seen but haven't focused on. Because that is completely humanly possible.. And you know what, I saw Olmec heads long before my interest in these fields. Almost certainly in public school books of some kind. But I'm not here to convince you of something I know absolutely to be true.

And, yeah, you did claim you had psychic dreams. You said "I've seen future events through my dreams". I never said that spiritual = psychic. I said that future-knowing was future-knowing

I don't care if you want to convince us or not. The story you told had no suggestion that you were "special," and you gave no reason for any of us to think that this was anything more than an ordinary dream besides you thinking it was. I went on that, WITHOUT DISMISSING YOU, and you dismissed my argument out of hand because "I haven't seen a history book like that." I accept that you think it has a spiritual origin, and support that possibility. I just want you to slightly acknowledge the apparently outlandish possibility that it has a mundane origin. You may notice that I told you to CONSIDER these things, not dismiss your currently held beliefs.

There is very little knowledge of the spiritual practices of the Olmec. they left behind no written texts, and archaeologists and anthropologists have a lot of trouble figuring out spiritual practices and religious beliefs without that kind of thing. That's all you're likely to get without delving into channelers and their ilk, and I'm sure you can find that at your local spiritualist bookstore.
edit on 15-3-2011 by Solasis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 09:45 AM
I heard from a person they saw a hooded demon with a grey face and black markings. There are lots of sightings of black shadowy demons, moving shadows with with no object to be shadow of..... There seems to be an incredible amount of diversity. If we were to look at this from the perspective that we say that demons exist. If they are not physical then they would not be limited by one shape, and would be more diverse just types than humans. A single family of chimpanzees is more genetically diverse than the entire human race. With no DNA and some other kind of recorder of capability and form, it could be incredible diverse.

Of course this is based upon a lot of unproven assumptions. How could a nonphysical being exist? What would their true nature be? But if you believe in demons then it could be impossible to record all types: there being a limitless possibility of forms and combinations. I wonder if animals see animal shape demons or is it us that shapes things we do not understand into human shape entities?
edit on 18-1-2013 by werewolf99 because: (no reason given)

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