To me zombies were made for horror movies. While it could be possible that a mutated rabies virus or the like would be the culprit for such a zombie
outbreak, I think it's just a movie phenomenom.
If you dont think Zombies are real I will refer you to footage from most natural disasters in the US. There are those who roam around with a dead look
in their eyes because of shock. They have no idea what to do and no idea where to go. They have been conditioned by government to depend on someone
else for everything they need to survive. They have completly lost the ability to think for themselves beyond the basest of needs. They will consume
everything in their path (looting, murdering, stealing) if they are not provided for. Once you are a victim of them (they have taken everything you
have) if you survive it then you become one of them. You now have to turn zombie to continue to survive. The zombie is a metaphore.