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Ufo's, New Age. They are not what you think they are!

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posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:38 PM
Human arrogance mixed with primitive superstition.. To claim that there are no other sentient species out there in the universe.. Along with the terming of possible ebe's as "demons" and labeling them "evil"..
Until actual / verifiable contact is made there's no way of knowing what their intentions are - much less who or what they are...

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:40 PM
This is a very rare and psichodelic topic,aliens,jesus,demons,god, like a wrestiling match.SINCE im not from the middle east i have not the rigth to interpret or even imagine somebody elses cultural manmade religion.Interesting topic.......

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Greetings AnthraAndomda, what planet, galaxy are you from?

TextI almost feel that I should be pointing out the extreme nature of racism in a statement like yours.

Have you watched the videos in the opening post? Thanks for your opinion, I appreciate it.

Anyway, please don't jump to conclusions based on less than half the available data.

I'm all ears and eyes please reveal the other half of this elusive data. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:51 PM
A fair number of us here at ATS are fairly certain that something "BIG" is coming. We can not only see the evidence but we can feel it in our bones. The two agree.

I buy your theory. It started making sense to me about two years ago. Probably one of the first questions that started leading me in that direction didn't have to do with UFOs but rather the "NWO."

I couldn't deny that there was some kind of machination in place and progressing along towards a one-world government. But what I couldn't get to make sense was how could mere men push a plan like that through spans of more than a single lifetime? One hypothesis that actually fit was "What if it was a supernatural plan that used men as pawns?"

Then there's the UFO thing. I have had experiences and for years I tried to put them in the context of the ETH, but the pieces never really fit. I rejected the interdimensional or ultraterrestrial hypotheses initially, but when I finally compared my own experiences to them they fit perfectly and made sense.

But those are only two pieces of the puzzle. There's so much more and they ALL fit the hypothesis that the Bible is the truth. This hypothesis holds true time and time again when analyzing our world situation. I use to scoff at the bible and Christians, you can bet I had ALL the arguments and put-downs that come up on ATS. I've heard 'em all because I've used them all. But I scoff no more.

From UFOS to NWO to Climate Change to Man's Inhumanity to Man to Souless Corporate Greed & So Much More: The explanation proposed within the Bible is freakingly accurate & prescient. It explains it ALL.

No other hypothesis can come close to nailing our world and the situations that surround us. I think it's worthy of contemplation.

Great thread. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:52 PM
I'm not so sure on the whole "aliens are demons" thing. Mainly because it's all religious thinking and as we all know, religion and people indoctrinated in it see everything they don't understand as evil and "demonic". I was even labeled as such by a Christian here on ATS last month because of the music I listen to despite knowing various Christians who listen and partake in that genre of music themselves.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by The GUT

I'd be very interested in your theories if you had the time to constrauct a thread explaining all of that and how you came to those conclusions. Never know, others might also put the pieces together and see the same thing. Knowledge is power after all.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by curious7
reply to post by The GUT

I'd be very interested in your theories if you had the time to constrauct a thread explaining all of that and how you came to those conclusions. Never know, others might also put the pieces together and see the same thing. Knowledge is power after all.

Thanks, curious7, I am working on it. But too slowly. I do feel that the pieces are as such that they will/are starting to make sense to more & more folk.

Maybe your prompt was the kick I needed. Peace.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by DaphneApollo

Hi Daphne,

No, I didn't view your videos, but I'm familiar with the concept. I was first introduced to the idea of UFOs/aliens as demonic forces (with inter-dimensional capabilities) in the 90s by the author, Chuck Missler. David Icke sorta dovetails this perspective. Icke, especially, is an author you should look into to "broaden your horizons", so to speak. The total package seems to hold more water than the idea that these things are from Orion, etc.

Also, if you come from this angle, Gen. 6, God's orders in the O.T. to go here and there and wipe out this or that village, etc., now makes sense. Thanks for posting.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Hi The GUT,

A fair number of us here at ATS are fairly certain that something "BIG" is coming. We can not only see the evidence but we can feel it in our bones. The two agree.

I feel something big is coming too. And NWO play heavily into it.

I buy your theory. It started making sense to me about two years ago. Probably one of the first questions that started leading me in that direction didn't have to do with UFOs but rather the "NWO."

And this is only a theory. The NWO is coming I feel. We're all being played against one another, to fight , to war , diversionary tactics , racism etc. keeping us busy and the money probably keeps funneling into the Underground bunkers. Oh yes, you are right.

I couldn't deny that there was some kind of machination in place and progressing along towards a one-world government. But what I couldn't get to make sense was how could mere men push a plan like that through spans of more than a single lifetime? One hypothesis that actually fit was "What if it was a supernatural plan that used men as pawns?"

And I hate to add yet another thing for everyone to jump on, but Anitchrist must come in here. He must get you to believe that what he's doing for you is good for you and will benefit the whole world.

Then there's the UFO thing. I have had experiences and for years I tried to put them in the context of the ETH, but the pieces never really fit. I rejected the interdimensional or ultraterrestrial hypotheses initially, but when I finally compared my own experiences to them they fit perfectly and made sense

Did you feel these extraterestrials to be of help or what?

But those are only two pieces of the puzzle. There's so much more and they ALL fit the hypothesis that the Bible is the truth. This hypothesis holds true time and time again when analyzing our world situation. I use to scoff at the bible and Christians, you can bet I had ALL the arguments and put-downs that come up on ATS. I've heard 'em all because I've used them all. But I scoff no more.

Thank you for seeing my opinion for the introspective piece I meant it to be. I used to be like this too. But, the bible is there for a reason. Do you feel that aliens are pretending to be something else?

From UFOS to NWO to Climate Change to Man's Inhumanity to Man to Souless Corporate Greed & So Much More: The explanation proposed within the Bible is freakingly accurate & prescient. It explains it ALL.

I have looked at all of these and this thread is the thing I've come up with to piece things together my dot connecting if you will. Thanks for your respone The GUT.


posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by curious7
I'm not so sure on the whole "aliens are demons" thing. Mainly because it's all religious thinking and as we all know, religion and people indoctrinated in it see everything they don't understand as evil and "demonic". I was even labeled as such by a Christian here on ATS last month because of the music I listen to despite knowing various Christians who listen and partake in that genre of music themselves.

I know what you mean about many so-called Christians. There are a lot o' them. The thing is, though, that I do know some who are the most adjusted, kind, and loving folk I have EVER met on this earth.

I wanna be like the latter, not the former. Just keep in mind what I said in my first reply as you are looking at our world situation. The hypothesis keeps holding true. It becomes, for me, Occam's Razor.

I don't have the time to watch the OP's vids yet, so I can't comment on them, but the OP did state that not all the info out there is trustworthy. Try to look past the obvious kooks and judge the hypothesis on the more sober minded theorists out there.

Here's a reply I made on another OP where I briefly discussed some oddities about the year 1947 and the possibility that the "countdown" clock started ticking then:

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by sparky11

Hi sparky11,

Chuck Missler is speaking on one of the nine videos in the opening post. I don't remember which one. The Videos are loaded with information, written info , that even I hadn't heard or read before.

I've had David Icke's book "The Biggest Secret" for several years now and it's packed with information. He says he doesn't believe they are coming from OUT THERE, they are already here. I've also seen his interview with Credo Mutwa , African Shaman, on his ET experience and history of them.

The total package seems to hold more water than the idea that these things are from Orion, etc.

Yes. Agreed.

Also, if you come from this angle, Gen. 6, God's orders in the O.T. to go here and there and wipe out this or that village, etc., now makes sense. Thanks for posting.

He was trying to get rid of the Nephilim. God will cleanse this world again soon.. Thanks for listening and posting.


posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by DaphneApollo

Well, thank you for being so forthcoming, and so open mined on this subject. I too have read about the Vimanas, and I believe the Ancient Hindu People, much like the Ancient Sumerian People, wrote down their real history, and no made up stories of fiction like some seem to think they are. It is know in certain circles that is was the Annunki People created humans, and their speech, knowledge, and religions, so better to control them, and keep them thinned out with the fighting and wars.

Isn't denying ignorance the most fun thing. I love it.

I could not agree more! Blessing be with you. Auto

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by DaphneApollo

Well, thank you for being so forthcoming, and so open mined on this subject. I too have read about the Vimanas, and I believe the Ancient Hindu People, much like the Ancient Sumerian People, wrote down their real history, and no made up stories of fiction like some seem to think they are. It is know in certain circles that is was the Annunki People created humans, and their speech, knowledge, and religions, so better to control them, and keep them thinned out with the fighting and wars.

Isn't denying ignorance the most fun thing. I love it.

I could not agree more! Blessing be with you. Auto

Thanks for the reply. Here's a blog by Gurudev about ancient vimana, the OM and string theory,
Vedic Science and Modern Science: -science-modern-technology-mathematics-geometry/
there are more pages by him commenting on the Mahabharat war and the population in the world at that time.

I also believe the human population to have been here more than 17K years ago.. Have read Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock , great book. My quest for knowledge is unquenchable. I asure you.


posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 05:09 PM
The topic title concludes what I'm about to say. It's a copy past of a post I made some time ago on this subject. I also encourage all of you to watch and listen to interviews with L.A. Marzulli on youtube ( He's an expert at the Nephilim/Great deception subject.

I think it all ties together in this way: What we think are e.t.'s, aliens, are in fact the fallen angels. The great deception, and the church doesn't know/do anything. In the days of Noah, the fallen angels married human females and it created a disgusting off-spring. God was angered and very sad about this. It was so disgusting that only a total annihilation (the great flood) could solve this mess. Jesus said that in the end of times, it would be as in the days of Noah. This is a scary thing. You see, angels have certain powers. They can use it for good, and for evils. They have a free will too. Throughout history, angels appeared with a message of peace. "Don't be affraid" was the first thing they said (altough people were a bit frightened at first). Satan and his fallen angel folowers are different. They are angels, so they can travel through dimensions (angels would appear out of nothing, through a wall etc.) and it's clear they don't use it for any good. Satan is getting a lot of power in the end of times, and it seems to me that his time is now. Abduction story's are full of fear, almost like those beings (greys?) feed on it. In what is called 'the alien gospel', told by Blossom Goodchild. , Raëlian etc; 'they' were our creators, they come to tell us this, that we are genetically modified beings, modified by them, and that our religion is false. Yes, Jesus Christ existed, yes, He was a good man, but he didn't ressurect. Dangerous stuff people. All these alien channelers tell us this. They want us to think Jesus was not what we think (Jesus is the essention of Christianity!). Another interesting aspect is that those who've been abducted, and called for Jesus, were at peace immedeatly, never to see these beings again. Only Jesus seems to scare them (like the bible says about demons). Why are there abductions? What are these stories about a breeding program about? Are they preparing for something? This stuff is not getting away, the church need to wake up. Why would fallen angels need to rely on phisical crafts (ufo's)? A common question.

2 Thessalonians 2:9: The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the power of Satan. He will use every kind of power, including miraculous signs, lying wonder

Rev. 9/3: 3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.

If we go back into the original Greek scripture, it says: The root word of scoripon is: observer, watchman. Power is translated form "exousia", which means: power of choice, liberty of doing as one pleases, phiscal and mental power, power of authority or influence and right of privelage. There is even more to it which deserves it's own topic I think. It talks about an authority over the earth. It aren't really scorpions but beings more powerful ("the watchers"). Translation is a hard and important thing if we look at the verse above, and this is still a possible explenation. Revelations has a lot of symbolism.

Edit: Could be my wrong interpretation, though I'm sure there is a lot in English (or Dutch for me) translation that is translated in a literate way, an could thus be false.

The alien deception is what all of this is called. Satan want's is to believe there are aliens and that Jesus didn't exist. The 'watchers' have power. Angels can be good and bad, they've got free will. I'm sorry for grammer and other mistakes.

edit on 13-3-2011 by WeZet because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by WeZet

Hi WeZet,

It's a copy past of a post I made some time ago on this subject. I also encourage all of you to watch and listen to interviews with L.A. Marzulli on youtube ( He's an expert at the Nephilim/Great deception subject.
Would you please post a link to your thread and tie yours in here. I'm glad you came on. You have said everything I was trying to say. Thank God you came on here and posted this reply. I really want to see your thread. I haven't watched the vids yet I had to reply to you. You are right on the money with your analogy of the situation!
Thank you.


posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 05:40 PM
Hi Daphne,

Thank you for this topic (still trending!), I posted almost the same months ago in another topic (UFO's vs. Disclosure it was I guess). I hope people open their eyes, be warry and have faith. Many will fall for the great deception. Mark my words: just when humanity needs a miracle (in the midst of earthquakes, nuclear war etc.), a saviour, he (the false one) will come. We need to get this out now, it's vital! He and they will present themselves as the saviours of mankind. Possible as our creators. Watch for false signs and wonders people. He'll come as an angel of light (space brothers). Supernatural that is. Look at all the UFO's, orbs. It's all in progress.

"For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." Matthew 24:24 (NKJV)

Luke 21:26: "Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by DaphneApollo

The fear and anxiety and unknowns inside us cause a lot of tension.

I hope things clear up. The world can be a real nice place to live. I hope we all find comfort.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by WeZet
Hi Daphne,

Thank you for this topic (still trending!), I posted almost the same months ago in another topic (UFO's vs. Disclosure it was I guess). I hope people open their eyes, be warry and have faith. Many will fall for the great deception. Mark my words: just when humanity needs a miracle (in the midst of earthquakes, nuclear war etc.), a saviour, he (the false one) will come. We need to get this out now, it's vital! He and they will present themselves as the saviours of mankind. Possible as our creators. Watch for false signs and wonders people. He'll come as an angel of light (space brothers). Supernatural that is. Look at all the UFO's, orbs. It's all in progress.

"For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." Matthew 24:24 (NKJV)

Luke 21:26: "Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."

Have you heard of D4rk Kn1ghts thread? He speaks of leaving civilization by 2009 I think before the "light show" begins. Bluebeam/HAARP maybe? October 28, 2011 is his timeline.

The false one or Antichrist instead of Christ comes first. Don't you agree? There may be a huge false flag or just the weather picking up speed in the next few months.. I don't know for sure. But things will begin to speed up. The New Age Alien Agenda

Thanks so much for your post WeZet. Daphne.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 06:16 PM
I now believe Aliens to be Demons, not saviours, not creators, not gods. They are not going to save you when a supposed cataclysm comes 'IF' it comes. But, some out there are preaching they are here to help human kind, and that Jesus was , and is not real. Why would they care about Jesus and maligning him if they were not Demons, Fallen Angels. Beware, and do not be deceived. God said he would send a strong delusion in the End Times that even the elect would believe the LIE! Beware Beloveveds and ever watchfull.

Interesting post, what made you believe that Aliens are Demons? Are you stating that all extraterestrials that does not reside in Earth are Demons? Have you read various ancient text from various tribes (Hopi, Egyptians, Mayans, Dogon, summerian) about benevolent extraterestrials?

And how about Lucifer, / bringer of light / Venus (some state that Jesus is a Venusian/ "not saying he is Lucifer"). Does the bible state that he is the one that entice Eve to eat the fruit so that she can atain the truth? Is that what all of us are seeking at this stage where great deception is at its peak?

I have to say, no offense but what you are stating is to hinder ones development to the infinite creator within you. Don't your realize it already that what you praise is hindering you from your development. Do not just listen to what your religion would say, but understand and comprehend what others say as well. This will bring more understanding and less deception.

Are you trying to disinform or is this just your belief? This is just an inquiry and to further elaborate on your topic that Aliens are Demons. I would like more input from you as I believe this is not true. I can provide you numerous credible text that says there are benevolent aliens coming to assist us on our development and there are menevolent aliens that are already here in our sea and underground that causing us to suffer.

If you push one solution to the problem, in time you would encapsulate yourself the belief that your way is the only way.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 06:17 PM
Yes, I read Dark Knight's threads. Very interesting, but maybe he was a bit too early. Escape, however, is not an option. We must rebuke the evil entities through the name of Jesus Christ.. Saying "I rebuke you" is a bad plan, we don't have that authority, but Jesus does. And we can trust in Christ, we are safe.

But when uthe archangel Michael, contending with the devil, was disputing wabout the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, “The Lord rebuke you.”

Then, we have the Lords armor.

Ephesians 6:10–12

"Put on hthe whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against ithe schemes of the devil. 12 For jwe do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against kthe rulers, against the authorities, against lthe cosmic powers over mthis present darkness, against nthe spiritual forces of evil oin the heavenly places."

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places" Ephesians 6:12

I agree, the bible shows it clear as day. The antichrist will be a man. But maybe he will be accompanied by our 'space brothers'. We don't know exactly how it will turn out, it's a lot of speculation.

Many wil fall for it. Be safe and trust in God. We are safed through the blood of Chirst. I still feel a certain pain saying that. I sin so much and I know so much more about the end times than Chirst' teachings.

@awakenone: Some points you mention are exactly what Satan wants. "Eat from the tree, and you will be gods yourselves" (free interpretation of the famous words in Genesis). And the positive aliens? Well, the great deception. However, your posting interesting things. Thanks!
edit on 13-3-2011 by WeZet because: (no reason given)

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