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TextI almost feel that I should be pointing out the extreme nature of racism in a statement like yours.
Anyway, please don't jump to conclusions based on less than half the available data.
Originally posted by curious7
reply to post by The GUT
I'd be very interested in your theories if you had the time to constrauct a thread explaining all of that and how you came to those conclusions. Never know, others might also put the pieces together and see the same thing. Knowledge is power after all.
A fair number of us here at ATS are fairly certain that something "BIG" is coming. We can not only see the evidence but we can feel it in our bones. The two agree.
I buy your theory. It started making sense to me about two years ago. Probably one of the first questions that started leading me in that direction didn't have to do with UFOs but rather the "NWO."
I couldn't deny that there was some kind of machination in place and progressing along towards a one-world government. But what I couldn't get to make sense was how could mere men push a plan like that through spans of more than a single lifetime? One hypothesis that actually fit was "What if it was a supernatural plan that used men as pawns?"
Then there's the UFO thing. I have had experiences and for years I tried to put them in the context of the ETH, but the pieces never really fit. I rejected the interdimensional or ultraterrestrial hypotheses initially, but when I finally compared my own experiences to them they fit perfectly and made sense
But those are only two pieces of the puzzle. There's so much more and they ALL fit the hypothesis that the Bible is the truth. This hypothesis holds true time and time again when analyzing our world situation. I use to scoff at the bible and Christians, you can bet I had ALL the arguments and put-downs that come up on ATS. I've heard 'em all because I've used them all. But I scoff no more.
From UFOS to NWO to Climate Change to Man's Inhumanity to Man to Souless Corporate Greed & So Much More: The explanation proposed within the Bible is freakingly accurate & prescient. It explains it ALL.
Originally posted by curious7
I'm not so sure on the whole "aliens are demons" thing. Mainly because it's all religious thinking and as we all know, religion and people indoctrinated in it see everything they don't understand as evil and "demonic". I was even labeled as such by a Christian here on ATS last month because of the music I listen to despite knowing various Christians who listen and partake in that genre of music themselves.
The total package seems to hold more water than the idea that these things are from Orion, etc.
Also, if you come from this angle, Gen. 6, God's orders in the O.T. to go here and there and wipe out this or that village, etc., now makes sense. Thanks for posting.
Isn't denying ignorance the most fun thing. I love it.
Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by DaphneApollo
Well, thank you for being so forthcoming, and so open mined on this subject. I too have read about the Vimanas, and I believe the Ancient Hindu People, much like the Ancient Sumerian People, wrote down their real history, and no made up stories of fiction like some seem to think they are. It is know in certain circles that is was the Annunki People created humans, and their speech, knowledge, and religions, so better to control them, and keep them thinned out with the fighting and wars.
Isn't denying ignorance the most fun thing. I love it.
I could not agree more! Blessing be with you. Auto
Would you please post a link to your thread and tie yours in here. I'm glad you came on. You have said everything I was trying to say. Thank God you came on here and posted this reply. I really want to see your thread. I haven't watched the vids yet I had to reply to you. You are right on the money with your analogy of the situation! Thank you.
It's a copy past of a post I made some time ago on this subject. I also encourage all of you to watch and listen to interviews with L.A. Marzulli on youtube ( He's an expert at the Nephilim/Great deception subject.
Originally posted by WeZet
Hi Daphne,
Thank you for this topic (still trending!), I posted almost the same months ago in another topic (UFO's vs. Disclosure it was I guess). I hope people open their eyes, be warry and have faith. Many will fall for the great deception. Mark my words: just when humanity needs a miracle (in the midst of earthquakes, nuclear war etc.), a saviour, he (the false one) will come. We need to get this out now, it's vital! He and they will present themselves as the saviours of mankind. Possible as our creators. Watch for false signs and wonders people. He'll come as an angel of light (space brothers). Supernatural that is. Look at all the UFO's, orbs. It's all in progress.
"For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." Matthew 24:24 (NKJV)
Luke 21:26: "Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."