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Anonymous' Grand Opus: Aiming at the Banksters - Federal Reserve, IMF, & BIS

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posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by alyoshablue

I believe this to be genuine. Curious. When ANON announces their forward motions, do they do a shock and awe thing like the Bushes announce war? Forward Motion coincides with announcement? Do they personally deliver the message in box? I wonder if ANON will use a lone gunman as the MSM claims or will they use a grassy knoll? Probably many grassy knolls. I mean banks are global so they must prepare globally. But then again, its just aol civil disobedience. I mean Jesus used a stick on the money changers...Ghandi used a "sit and take the stick" oN colonialism to restore national pride, (which I am all for)...and MLK, Jr. used a march and a speech, for individual and civil rights. ANON? I guess they will put a digital stick on the digital gateway to The Fed, a Private Interest. Obama should be on ANONs side he did the same thing in Chicago with sit-ins in front of banks until they lent people who were credit risks more money.
Community Organizer

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by Misoir
We should never expect the removal or destruction of the Federal Reserve banking system. What we should instead be setting our sights upon is a more realistic and just policy where the Federal Reserve is taken under strict Congressional control much like the central banks in most other countries, recreate the convertibility of the dollar to gold at a fixed rate between 60-80%, and the breaking up of all banks when they reach 2% of the national Gross Domestic Product which would be about $294.4 Billion in 2010.

Going back to gold would be a disaster. There's just not enough gold for us to base an economy off of. Even many of the world's smaller economies would have huge difficulties supporting themselves on gold. The only reason gold ever worked, was because of how few people ever actually OWNED gold. These elite few were a tiny minority, while the rest of the people worked in an economy based on goods, services, and debt. The fact that only the very few had the fungible wealth was the main part of what made them "the elite" - ultimately they were the ones controlling the lives and livelihoods of those further down the ladder.

Now we have more people and less gold (industry eats a fair bit of the stuff). Add to that the inherent instability of gold as a backer for money (It's very vulnerable to inflation) and you've got yourself a heck of a mess!

Fairer practices from the federal reserve works. Trying to sneak in a gold standard does not.

This would require the United States permanently fix its horrible inflation and devaluation of the dollar, balancing the budget immediately, and a responsible plan to pay off 50% of our debt and the interest on our debt in a set period of years. This would recreate a sound and stable currency, end the monopoly of the international banking cabal, and bring back prosperity.

Easily doable by hacking off some of the crazy tax breaks that have been put in place over the last thirty years. The biggest reason for debt is not spending, but not collecting needed funds. Cutting spending and cutting taxes - the current paradigm - just spreads poverty and disables the government from being able to respond to the needs of its citizens.

I think it is pretty common sense that the Federal Reserve is not going anywhere but to think just because it will not be abolished does not mean it should not be audited, have strict new rules to follow, come under almost complete Congressional control, and require major internal reforms.

Well, I'd argue that congressional control strips independence of the organization, but well, it's very easy to make an argument that it's not independent now, or that the independence it has isn't a good thing. I'm just going to nod my head and smile in general agreement.

Also in regards to the IMF, WB, and BIS, we need to immediately exit them as a nation and cease all funding to them. They have only created a system of perpetual debt bringing both the third world nations and the first world nations misery ever since its inception. Hopefully we can exit these dens of international banking criminals whose sole goal is the ultimate centralization of all power and wealth into their hands at the expense of every sovereign nation state. If anyone really needs a wake up call it is the nations in the Eurozone.

The IMF and World Bank have actually brought a lot of money to the Northern world - by plundering the southern world. However, we in the north have a moral duty to appose that sort of plunder - the organizations might bring us short-term gain, but they do long-term harm to both our moral stature and, eventually, our security and livelihoods,. All that resentment in the third world has to be pointed somewhere, and we honestly deserve a lot of ut. Taking the hammer to these organizations is the least we can do.

"A single currency means a single government, and that single government would be the government whose policies determined every aspect of economic life." - Enoch Powell
edit on 3/12/2011 by Misoir because: (no reason given)

I'll be honest, I'm not too scared of a world government. Fear of it seems just like some petty, chauvinist nationalist urge to me. I mean hey, as we just went over, YOUR government isn't doing you any favors. Nor is anyone else's. All a world government means is meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Rather than pulling our hair worrying about "world governments" we need to put our energy into ensuring better governance, no matter the form it might take.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 12:24 AM

We should never expect the removal or destruction of the Federal Reserve banking system. What we should instead be setting our sights upon is a more realistic and just policy where the Federal Reserve is taken under strict Congression control....
reply to post by Misoir

I can only agree with this if you agree to add your community competitors (others in your community who offer same goods and services as you do) to your checking account, authorizing their control over your savings and income and then let your significant other go over the balance your register. Meet with your CCs once a month to discuss where to put your financial property and to which of your CCs to.surrender a portion to and then have your SO give a report to you once a quarter to discuss why they did what they did and maybe over dinner once a year on a cruise boat paid for by your SO (of course) actually explain everything from a year ago and why you owe more money and then tell you you need to get another job or SO is gonna have to leave you. Just think of the failed relationship. No the Fed is Pimping Us and we need to have that pimp thrown in jail and the keys melted and dropped down that big crack in Japan and say we aren't t ever gonna do that again. You ever heard fool me once...? Well this was said after the first couple of foolings...

"You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God I will rout you out." ~Andrew Jackson

NOTE: While the founding fathers were around the 1st 2 Feds only lasted 20 years each. This 100 years has been war torn and miserable for the common American. We are 5x over due sir. The Fed must die and tossed into a lake of fire along with all of is notes of debt.
What Wilson said...and so on and so forth.

Easily doable by hacking off some of the crazy tax breaks that have been put in place over the last thirty years. The biggest reason for debt is not spending, but not collecting needed funds.

This wouldn't need do be doable if our 70% of our confiscated finacial property didn't go to social programs. The US needs to drop portions of its well-known system of "Welfare Socialism." By going after this part Clinton was able to balance our budget. This has nothing to do with single moms, etc. We don't need privatized prisons, jails, faith based programs,etc.... Sorry you are both articulate but I can't agree.

edit on 13-3-2011 by sirjunlegun because: added end

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 01:22 AM
Anony_Ops Anonymous Operations
by Anon_0ps
#Anonymous Hackers will Expose Something Awful About Bank Of America On Monday! #BOA #Anonleaks Just wait for it.
12 Mar Favorite Retweet Reply

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 05:56 AM
I think I am missing something. I do not not know who Anonymous is, which makes sense - but is Anonymous known by you folks as someone getting things done?

It was a cute little video. Thats all. Talk is free, thats what we heard, chit chat. Someone thinks they can make a difference against the power drunk wealthy puppet masters? YouTube video with unknown making big claims does not impress me.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 06:19 AM
I'll believe it when I see it. if they want to prove they are on the side of humanity all they need to do is take down the IRS which is the collection Gestapo for the Federal Reserve. You can't steal the wealth of nations without henchmen to carry out the theft. Until I see some actual results Like the IRS completely shut down and all the computers erased instead of big generalized talk then they are just controlled opposition as far as I am concerned. I would love to be wrong!

Nothing they have claimed to do has made any significant impact to date. BofA seems to be doing just fine. If they want to be the heroes of the revolution prove it.

To those saying we need to keep the federal reserve and put it back in congressional hands please educate yourself they are the root cause of all are problems and an unlawful criminal organization forbidden in the constitution and congress unlawfully gave them control of our monetary system... Do your homework!

It's nobodies business what currency any individual uses to buy goods and services with, certainly not governments. No bank or government should have a monopoly on the currency.

edit on 13-3-2011 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Going back to gold would be a disaster. There's just not enough gold for us to base an economy off of. Even many of the world's smaller economies would have huge difficulties supporting themselves on gold.

Hog wash! Prices simply adjust to the amount of gold and silver etc. in circulation. Most people who spout this non sense think for some reason we need to match the trillions of inflated worthless pieces of paper people think is money which is of course why prices also are so inflated.

Now we have more people and less gold (industry eats a fair bit of the stuff). Add to that the inherent instability of gold as a backer for money (It's very vulnerable to inflation) and you've got yourself a heck of a mess!

Now you show you complete and utter lack of understanding of hard currency. Gold is the hedge against inflation precisely because it is not inflatable like paper, you cant print it. It has been a bullwork of stability for thousands of years because governments can't inflate it by printing it like fiat paper currency.

edit on 13-3-2011 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 07:01 AM
uyreply to post by LargeFries

Just do some homework regarding ANONYMOUS. Little obackground. V for Vendetta. Watch that movie so you will understand all the Guy Fawkes masks you will see around. Early days riffs with Scientology. HB Gary Federal and Aaron Barr. Tunisian uprising. Just google those places to start. What opens before your eyes may be likened to a digital lotus. Some agree with tactics some don't. Shut down paypal, gene simmons (actually loved that one arrogant prick squirming and spewing worthless threats like someones out of touch grandpa neighbor) You wil begin to notice when they begin to do an AnonOp the focus begins to get very concerned. They are usually effective and I have noticed the digitized voice ops seem more genuine? No the are not cute. They are like a pack of hacking jackals of you go to their IRCs. Scholars follow and report on them. They have no head or leadership to remove hence they are anonymous. They are legion. They do not forgive. They do not forget. You can find their platforms if you. Google the previous info. Good luck.
PS if you want to be lax about it you can wait and watch the news 2mrw. They will have classified info regarding Bank of America they are releasing. My guess they have dox from peoples emails regarding bailouts. I know it wont be for the lulz.
edit on 13-3-2011 by sirjunlegun because: BoA not for lulz

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by hawkiye
Hog wash! Prices simply adjust to the amount of gold and silver etc. in circulation. Most people who spout this non sense think for some reason we need to match the trillions of inflated worthless pieces of paper people think is money which is of course why prices also are so inflated.


No, prices would not "adjust." There is no mechanism that forces them to adjust. Surely you noticed this at work with oil; crude prices rocket up, price at the pump rockets up. Crude prices come down... price at the pump stays where it is, stabilizing at a rate higher than it started, even though crude is back to its "regular." The price of a commodity is right between what the seller is asking and what the consumer is offering. It's a two-way street. And when the seller has a monopolization on that commodity, or is colluding with others in the market, there is no incentive to lean prices towards the consumer.

You do not have enough gold to amount to jack squat. I don't care how many shiny little bouillons Glen Beck had advised you to buy, you don't have enough. No one does, aside from the very, very few, who are, ironically, the men at the root of the problem in the first place.

You do not need to divide gold to the number of dollars in the system. Doing so would have us measuring by atoms. But you do need to divide gold by the amount of people catching a paycheck. That's roughly one hundred and forty million people in the "official" workforce. Figure in another several million for the "unofficial" workforce; everything from illegal immigrants to kids working a front yard lemonade stand. Then, you figure in the amount of gold that is transferred out of the nation in international trade. This is a figure measured in billions of dollars currently.

Again, there is just not enough gold to meet the demand. People are not going to accept being paid by the grain of gold dust for hours of work.

Now you show you complete and utter lack of understanding of hard currency. Gold is the hedge against inflation precisely because it is not inflatable like paper, you cant print it. It has been a bullwork of stability for thousands of years because governments can't inflate it by printing it like fiat paper currency.

Gold has never been a bulwark of stability. Please, take a look at the economic history of the United States on the gold standard. Roughly every forty years, depressions struck. Go further back, 16th century Europe. New gold coming in by the ton every day from Spain's conquests; prices crashed. Gold was used as paint. For a good time, material goods supplanted gold's place as the commodity of value; tobacco, coffee, and textiles became the objects of trade value. Even in these times, gold was never common currency. It never entered the grubby paws of the peasants. They traded on a barter and debt system.

Further, gold is itself fiat currency. It is worth X amount not because of any inherent value, but because someone says it's worth that much. basing a banknote currency on gold just doubles the layers of fiat on hand. "This note is worth this much gold because the government says it is, and the gold is worth that much because a speculator says it is." And since speculation happens faster than government adjustment, the price of your dollar can skyrocket or crash at a moment's notice on the gold economy; which is exactly what kept happening when we were on the gold standard. It happened to every other nation on the gold standard as well, which is why nobody uses the gold standard (in addition to the problems presented by gold divided by population; 7 billion's a hell of a lot of people to pay in gold, don't you think?) basically just because gold cannot be inflated by "making more," doesn't mean that it can't be the cause of effective inflation (that is, essentially, devaluation)

However, it should be noted that our current currency has backing. It's not ghost money, it's not "just paper." it's a representation of time and work. That's the backing of our economy; service and industry. I have worked this many hours, and I have this many debt notes to show for it. When I buy your apple, I am trading my time and labor to you via a broker, represented by notes and tokens of debt issued by the broker. Overprinting does lead to inflation. This is a cause of the money being devalued, not an effect of your supposition that the money has no value. The trick is simply to stop printing the stuff, not to completely flip our economy around and put it back on a standard that will have all of us using the same currency, but now down to nickels and dimes from the dollars we're used to, all in exchange for maybe a half-ounce of gold (nutritious, home-heating gold; it even juliennes!) for a year's labor, while prices stay where they started.


"Go back to gold" is a dream of many people around here, I understand. But it's not very well thought-out. Basically the argument is that you want to go back to the gold standard, because you are of the opinion that it'd be neat. The ramifications of it don't register, it's simply that you want your opinion to become policy; ego. It's the same sort of mentality that has some others around here thumping their chest about "revolution." They just think it'd be neat, something they'd like to watch on TV, and they're not thinking about people dead in the streets or tanks protecting state capitols.

Want to know what happens if we go back to gold? You become worthless. Your assets indeed become "just paper." Your pay is severely cut to reflect the new standard, but prices are not. You go to bed one day with a solid bank account, and wake up with peanuts. And the first thing you do is you go to the bank, and you sign yourself over to the people who own the gold.

Who just so happen to be the very same people who engineered our current economic situation. Congratulations, debt-slave, you've just handed keys to the teenager you've been watching drain a whole bottle of tequila.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by sirjunlegun

Thank you for your reply. Googled, got the skinny. I understand a hacker collective meting out justice as they see fit upon targets of their choosing may be viewed as people of action. I could also see where other people may view them as internet tough guys that can back it up with technological warfare. Personally, I wish I had the IQ to be able to learn and do the type of things these uberkinds are capable of. Awesome!

I look forward to what tomorrow brings.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by LargeFries

Many live through them Vicariously like Robin Hood. And I agree I wish I had the skills but I don't know if I could do what they do. Vicariously is good. I'll be a cheer leader then one day maybe I can be POTUS. Just Kidding. They are pissed at HB GARY right now. They told them to donate to Mannings defense fund and the would forget the trespasses. HB GARY didn't so they released 76,000+/- private company emails CEO down recently in many different torrents on mirrored sites. Interesting. They were actually protecting innocent names who were gonna be falsely sold to the FBI and possibly prosecuted. ANON intercepted and intervened. Hhaha my God this is sooooooo much better than American Idol and Bad Girls Club is real life with real stakes not fame but ethics...

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 10:41 AM
What needs to be done is fractional banking has to disappear. There is no reason why the bank should have 90% times every deposit times 9. That's ridiculous. There was fractional banking going on while money was pinned to gold too, and that's where people come in and say gold didn't work. Gold worked, fractional banking didn't. If anything currency should be pinned to a few commodities. It should represent what we produce, because production represents how we are actually doing, not how we are doing on paper.

Oh, and good luck to anon. I love it when hypocrisy is smeared out in the open for everyone to see, the indignant have to stare their lies in the face, which is funnier than a Will Ferrel movie.
Although, what happens when the MSM blames anon for the next economic crash because they messed with the banks? Goodbye internet, goodbye ISP's. Sorry, we had to shut it down from cyber Jihad...

Grab some popcorn

edit on 13-3-2011 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 11:06 AM
It’s time for all American patriots to join in the fight, against global tyranny and a lie known as “terroism” that is being perpetrated by the ruling class.

Do what you can; every little bit will be helpful.

Look at what an 86 year old man, Lee Iacocca ( ) is doing.

edit on 13-3-2011 by seasoul because: LIVE FREE or DIE

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 12:40 PM
Here's some basic information on the Federal Reserve and central banks that explains a lot in a fun to watch cartoon.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

...there is just not enough gold to meet the demand. People are not going to accept being paid by the grain of gold dust for hours of work.

...Further, gold is itself fiat currency. It is worth X amount not because of any inherent value, but because someone says it's worth that much.

While I agree that gold is no magic solution, you proposed no real solution to the problem either. Is your answer seriously, "Make the Fed better!"? You are aware that the Fed is central to the problem, right?

Weren't you the one who said something about the new boss being the same as the old boss? And you're not too concerned about global government either...??

Hey, I'm not going to say everything you're saying is "hogwash", not at all, but I wonder how many might actually agree with you, that there's some merit in keeping the biggest organized crime the world has ever seen (the Fed).

Let me ask you this for starters: How would you "fix" the mafia?


posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by alyoshablue

*** Note ***

This is not the BOA news, but a direct attack on Ben Bernanke, et al. I have provided links to those posts (just in case you missed them) at the bottom.

*** Note ***

According to Zero Hedge:

The goal - engage in "a relentless campaign of non-violent, peaceful, civil disobedience" until Ben Bernanke steps down and the "Primary Dealers within the Federal Reserve banking system be broken up and held accountable for rigging markets and destroying the global economy effective immediately.

I know we have a lot of people here who support the Federal Reserve, the IMF and BIS and also bank at the BOA, so for that, this may not be good news -

Seriously, this is something else. I don't think it will get MSM play, as it would draw tremendous attention to these institutions - which, I don't think they want. However, kicking the banking bee-hive is pretty risky, as we all "know" what conspiracy theories revolve around that concept. However, I am curious to how others see this move by Anonymous playing out.

For those of you not familiar with the BIS, click here is how they would fit into the conspiratorial minded:

This is also on the heels of Anonymous releasing BOA information on Monday, March 14, as reported by these fine ATS'ers:

edit on 12-3-2011 by alyoshablue because: cleaned up

edit on 12-3-2011 by alyoshablue because: added BIS link

So Anon (a CIA false flag proxy) is going to attempt to bring down the bankers? Ha! good luck with that. But yeah we all know that anon is a nwo shill to paint all internet users as terrorists. So they can regulate and shut it down.

(Scripted/Engineered)Problem.(Conditioned or Desired) Reaction.(Pre-planned)Solution.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
We should never expect the removal or destruction of the Federal Reserve banking system. What we should instead be setting our sights upon is a more realistic and just policy where the Federal Reserve is taken under strict Congressional control much like the central banks in most other countries, recreate the convertibility of the dollar to gold at a fixed rate between 60-80%, and the breaking up of all banks when they reach 2% of the national Gross Domestic Product which would be about $294.4 Billion in 2010.

I agree its more realistic...................................but, Im still dreaming big. I would like to see those entities GONE and the people behind them jailed for crimes against humanity.

It is an economic war, with real casualties. Real people have been hurt, killed, democratic governments have been overturned, interfered with. There needs to be real consequences for these groups, such as dissolution. Not merely regulation which in a couple decades they will once again undo.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

The economy will be devastated all right but not by gold silver and hard currency. It is in the process of devestation now. Soon the mother of all crashes will be upon us and make the 2008 crash look like a picnic.

It is a proven fact that prices adjust to the amount of currency in circulation. This is the very basis for inflation and recession/depression. With paper currency it is unstable and based on credit expansion and the printing of more FRN's. It is to easy to inflat and this accounts for the wild fluctuations in economic trends. Banksters like this because the it allows them to steal the wealth of nations. They inflate the currency and everyone goes into debt to try and ride the wave to buy low and sell high as prices rise because of the inflation. Then they deflate and most lose thier shirts as prices drop as in real estate crash of 2008. and who gets the property when everyone who bought in the rising inflation now cannot afford the mortgage and the prices dropped? The Banksters! The Universities and media brainwashes everyone to believe this is the natural business cycle...

The Banksters will soon offer us a new currency guaranteed to fix all our problems but it will be ten cents on the dollar devastating millions financially, and then they will offer us low interest loans and refinances to help us all get back on our feet because they are such great guys. This is all possible because of Fiat paper currency and they can control it. They are already hinting at it with these IMF credits BS.

This is not possible with gold silver and other hard currencies because it has intrinsic value and cannot be printed or create out of thin air like fake credit/debt instruments which our entire monetary system is comprised of. The amount of gold and silver expands very slowly hence inflation/deflation is so slight it is negligible. And Gold and silver are used in industrial applications also so this offsets any inflation hence an economy with virtually no inflation or no boom bust cycles. The cycles are contrived by banksters they are not natural as the media and universities have perpetuated. This has been proven in our recent history as in up till 1912 we were a prosperous and wealthy nation. Then the Federal Reserve Act was passed stealing our gold and shortly thereafter we had the worst depression in the history of the world, when the Federal reserve act was sold as preventing such things. It in fact is the cause of it! I suggest you read Murray Rothbard or some Ron Paul to educate yourself.

I do not advocate a government imposed gold standard, but a free market in currency. What anyone uses for currency is thier business. A government/bankster imposed monopoly is what is causing the current woes. There is no way to transition back to sound currency without some pain now since they have inflated the bubble into space, and astronomically larger then anything in history. The softest way to do it is remove the monopoly on the monetary system from the federal reserve and let them compete in a free market.

Your oil analogy does not work because it is manipulated and traded in Federal reserve notes. Hence the they teh same control over it. Remove the monopoly and let people choose thier currency and they will naturally gravitate to stable hard currency. This would be the least painful way out of this mess.

Having said all that It is quite apparent you have never studied the history and are completely clueless to the proven tenants of sound money, either that or you are trolling, So I will leave you to your ignorant bliss, or trolling whatever the case may be.

edit on 13-3-2011 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by JR MacBeth
While I agree that gold is no magic solution, you proposed no real solution to the problem either. Is your answer seriously, "Make the Fed better!"? You are aware that the Fed is central to the problem, right?

No, I didn't. because the problem is simply too big for me to really imagine a "good" fix. Putting the reserve under direct control of congress, as was suggested earlier, ultimately means giving control of our monetary supply to whichever party happens to be in power. Which hardly seems an improvement, if you ask me. I simply don't have an answer to this question, other than knowing that "go gold!" isn't it.

Weren't you the one who said something about the new boss being the same as the old boss? And you're not too concerned about global government either...??

Honestly? There's already one world government; United States hegemony. Name a country. Even the biggest contenders, China and Russia, buckle if we put the pressure on. We might allow them some form of quaint autonomy, but when it comes down to our interests, we put the carrot away, break out the stick, and get what we want.

Further, even if this were not the case, I fail to see how a world government is any worse (or better) than a county, state, or national government. It's still government, still has the same agenda towards you, and is just as responsive. Ultimately, fear of a world government is nothing more than saying you're scared that the people putting a foot up your butt right now might get a name change.

Hey, I'm not going to say everything you're saying is "hogwash", not at all, but I wonder how many might actually agree with you, that there's some merit in keeping the biggest organized crime the world has ever seen (the Fed).

Let me ask you this for starters: How would you "fix" the mafia?


By capturing and prosecuting the people who have organized it and commited actual crimes. Of course, at no point was the Mafia integral to our economic system. if it had been, well, that turns into a whole different kettle of fish, doesn't it?

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:55 PM
Oh Anon

1-You will do nothing, nothing will come of this, and anyone who tries will be arrested and thrown in prison.

2-Anon, your lack of understanding of economics shows through in this silly little video. The Fed will destroy itself, don't believe me? Wait for a bond auction failure which will happen soon due to the flagrant spending that the Washington morons are engaged in.

3- Even if you were successful in bringing down the Fed and other global banking institutions, doing so would result in an uncontrolled crash and plunge billions of people into a global depression the likes of which has never been seen before. At least a bond auction failure(a big one) can be contained to just the United States and a few tie in nations while everyone else scrambles to switch to a new currency. Doing what you're saying you're gonna do will force billions into starvation literally within weeks, since commodities like FOOD and OIL are priced in dollars. Your attack would force the destruction of the dollar, if successful, of course. Your own ability to eat would be compromised.

Think before you do and consider the risks. Personally I think all you little Anon morons have inflated your collective egos so much that the only consequences you put thought into is whether or not this will achieve your "lulz". Effing morons.
edit on 13-3-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-3-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

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