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Free Universal Energy

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posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 10:07 AM

So i've been reading many articles relating to this topic, as it relates to Tesla.

"He dreamed of supplying free power for all, without the need for expensive sub-stations, pylons, transformers and cables and all of the other equipment now in use. In his experiments he had shown that it was possible to harness the earth's electro-magnetic field to transmit AC power through the atmosphere. Suitable receiving equipment could be used to capture this transmitted power in the home. The promise really was of free electrical power for all."

"Of course this scheme attracted the attention of the American electricity supply industry, already an extremely powerful force thanks to the work Tesla had done in making AC power a practical proposition - in the process of making them powerful he had, of course, been ripped off mercilessly. If Tesla's free power scheme took off then over-night the investment of men like Edison, Westinghouse and the capitalists headed by Morgan, would have been rendered worthless. So, once more exploiting Tesla's complete lack of business acumen, they bought his patents then starved him of funds so that he'd have no way of completing his work."

So what I understand is that free energy is available, but the large energy corporations will be penniless as a result, thus no such idea is feasible.

So money is a driving factor? What happened to the well-being of humans on earth? Free energy for all, how great would that be?

bah... what a shame.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 11:58 AM
I totally agree. Money should not be a driving factor and we should have free engery. Unfortunately that is not the case and sometimes it ticks me off. We live in a "Free Country" yet nothing is free. Not food, clothes or energy. Now don't get me wrong. We should pay for some stuff in this country and get taxed on it but there comes a time when we have to realize that not everybody is rich and not everybody can afford expensive energy today. I'm paying way too much just for me to have electricity in my house. Why does everything have to cose an excesive amount of money today? Not only that but taxes. We get taxed on every single thing in this country and alot of it put to waste. So IMO free engergy would be good.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 12:06 PM
Good! so now we get some investors together, study and duplicate
Tesla's work and take over the power industry. We could convert
energy to credits so those that use the most energy pay the
people to transmit the energy. We in turn buy their products....

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Soul Reaper
Good! so now we get some investors together, study and duplicate
Tesla's work and take over the power industry. We could convert
energy to credits so those that use the most energy pay the
people to transmit the energy. We in turn buy their products....

I'm not saying that's not the way it's going to be handled. Quite frankly I don't think we'll ever have free energy even if it were possible. We have to many greedy people in this world who want power and money over all. I wish we didn't have to worry about that but that's the way it's always going to be.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by mrmulder

Quite frankly I don't think we'll ever have free energy even if it were possible. We have to many greedy people in this world who want power and money over all. I wish we didn't have to worry about that but that's the way it's always going to be.

I wouldn't be too sure about that. Once the hurdle is jumped of making that technology readily available to the average consumer, many will ignore the power companies and federal regulation.

For that matter, once the technology is readily available for interstellar flight for the price of an extended ocean voyage, you'll see large groups of people leaving this world and starting colonies in distant systems.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 01:37 PM
The REAL problem is that people have invested a lot of time and research and money into this (check the patents office and all around the nets.) It just hasn't worked.

No, it's not the fault of some mega-conspiracy (otherwise we wouldn't have solar cells and wind energy farms and hydroelectricty and geothermal plants -- and there's of course no way to stop such a thing from being developed in another country.) It's the fault of the physics.

Might it be possible someday? Perhaps. But apparently not with the materials we have today.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 01:38 PM
Events that would would most likely unfold in the event of free energy.

Free energy is invented.
General population begin to buy free energy machines.
Power companies go out of business.
5 million americans lose thier jobs as thier company goes out of business.
Electrical suplly manufactures and companies go out of business as the demand for high power cables drops.
Truck manufactures lose business as less line repair vehicles are needed.
Tool manufacturers lose busness as less repair tools are needed.
Oil importers scale back imports that were used for electricity.
Turbine manufacturers go out of business.
Money flowing into the middle east drops to almost nil and the region erupts in war as people starve and governments collapse.
Some people are employed to make free energy machines...but those jobs die quickly as the product reach saturation.
Nukes start dropping in the middle east. But the war stay isolated since oil is no longer needed. The rest of the world stays out of it.
Aluminum and copper drop in value as they are no longer needed for high power cables. More mines and manufactures go out of business til the metal markets even out at a lower employment rate.

Yeah...sounds peachy.

If you want free energy it must be phased in, but once the plans for a machine are out there, people will rush to get one. Economies will collapse, millions will lose their jobs, and the middle east will become a poor desert again, but one now armed with nukes.

Look at a few infrastructure and economic models and it quickly become apparent that free energy would cause unemployment, famine, and war.

Also would this really be FREE energy in the sense that someone would step up and make energy units for no cost? What do the poor do? What if a unit cost $4,000 to make? Now power grids shut down cause the rich don't buy from them but many people don't have the $4,000 to buy a unit...they go w/o electricity?

You under estimate how fragile our society is.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 03:54 PM
I think a little revolution is good for society every once in a while, resulting in new industries and new jobs and new paradigms to replace the old, worn out ones. It also takes power away from long established and corrupt institutions, which is balancing and progressive.

As I alluded to earlier in this thread, as technology keeps being improved upon, we draw nearer to the day when many of us will be traversing and living among the stars. Then there will be a smorgasbord of progressive societies to choose from. We will no longer be limited to living under a Terran government but have the opportunity to partake in progressive societies that are nobler than the one we have now.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
I think a little revolution is good for society every once in a while, resulting in new industries and new jobs and new paradigms to replace the old, worn out ones. It also takes power away from long established and corrupt institutions, which is balancing and progressive.

I agree with that...but don't really want to see large portions of our infrastructure collapse in the process. Its like selling your car to buy gas.

If a "free" energy device will cost me my job and economy...then no thanks. I'd rather keep up with the current situation then wave good by to the power grid, my job, and my computer.

I'd love to see new power come in...but it need to be phased in... not just offered up. If anything i would hope if a "free" energy machine came on the market it would cost around $5 million dollars to start and that way it would only phase in...then go down in price over time giving companies time to switch from the current system to something new.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Quest

If a "free" energy device will cost me my job and economy...then no thanks. I'd rather keep up with the current situation then wave good by to the power grid, my job, and my computer.

I agree, but you are referring to and limiting yourself only to physically based energy systems.

Let's do some pondering...

What if there were a free energy system that cost you nothing outside of learning how to harness it for all your needs?

Such a system would make economic considerations irrelevant.

Which reminds me of a well-known quote...

The day will come when, after harnessing space,

the winds, the tides, and gravitation,

we shall harness for God the energies of love.

And on that day,

for the second time in the history of the world,

we shall have discovered fire.

~ Pierre Teilhard De Chardin ~

[edit on 20-7-2004 by Paul_Richard]


posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by Byrd

No, it's not the fault of some mega-conspiracy (otherwise we wouldn't have solar cells and wind energy farms and hydroelectricty and geothermal plants -- and there's of course no way to stop such a thing from being developed in another country.) It's the fault of the physics.

The physics is not necessarily the problem. The biggest problem is the money for development and marketing.

When I was in college, I came across some information that sparked an idea for an energy invention. I went to my physics professor with the information and the idea for the invention. He told me that he wanted to go over my figures and would get back with me. The next day he came to me and told me that my idea would work but that I had forgotten about one thing that would have increased the power.

Twenty years later, I have made many modifications to my idea that would make it much better, but I don't have the money required to develop it into a working prototype. This is the biggest problem with many great ideas, they come from ordinary people that don't have infinite funds for development and production.

Large corporations love to get their hands on these kinds of inventions so they can make billions while the inventor is left with very little if anything. I would have no problem with sharing the wealth with someone, but I would rather carry my idea to the grave than to hand it over to greedy people that are more interested in making huge profits rather than helping people.

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 12:35 AM
In his autobiography, Tesla doesn't mention the purpose of the Wardenclyff tower is to transmit free energy. He does say the purpose is a radio broadcasting tower, designed to transmit messages around the world similar to the modern day internet.

He did patent a system for wireless energy transmission, but it's not clear that was the purpose of the World Broadcast System at Wardenclyff.

I have read about many free energy devices. Some are obvious scams, but there are a few promising ones that are not perpertual motion machines, in that they don't violate the laws of thermodynamics.

1.) Tesla's radiant energy receiver which was replicated and refined by T. Henry Moray. Tesla explained, in thermodynamic terms, that if you had a pole long enough to stretch from the ground to up above the earth's atmosphere, the heat exchange between the two ends would be enough to power motor. The principles of the radiant energy receiver aren't alot different. It harnesses the large electric potentials in the atmosphere caused by cosmic ray sources (ionization of the air). JL Naudin's Free Electron Pump seems to operate from a similar harnessing method.

2.) The Motionless Electromagnetic Generator, which seems to pull energy from the quantum state in a vacuum.

3.) John Hutchison's Crystal Energy Converter, which is a permanent/steady state battery, made from common minerals, that seems to harness energy (in this case a small DC current) from self-resonant piezoelectrics (harmonic crystals).

There seems to be alot of overunity magnetic motors popping up, but I don't really have much faith in them. It's very difficult to tell if they're overunity because they require electricity either to start them up or keep them going.

[edit on 21-7-2004 by electric]

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 11:37 AM

If a "free" energy device will cost me my job and economy...then no thanks.

This is the type of mentality that has prevented many alternative energy sources from proliferating. And I don't just mean free energy devices, even things like electric cars have yet to see widespread acceptance.

At some point everyone has to take blame for the environmentally destructive fumes released by their vehicles, the massive environmental impact caused by oil spills, the radioactive waste caused by nuclear reactors, the funding of mideast countries at the expense of western labour.

Japan will really be the key here, I'm quite confident of that. They are more environmentally conscious than other countries, they have no problem with phasing out old with the new, and no big interests in oil.

Once the rest of the world see that Japan has changed to better energy sources, the rest of the world will have wake up and follow suit.

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by electric
This is the type of mentality that has prevented many alternative energy sources from proliferating. And I don't just mean free energy devices, even things like electric cars have yet to see widespread acceptance.

I welcome a new source of energy. As long as it isn't counter productive to society. A cheap source of endless energy would be. I don't even own a car, I use mass transit. But I have worked in a lot of businesses and have a formal education in economics and just churning out free enrgy devices would be very very bad, especially if they could replace oil over night. I want to move away from oil, not just drop it. In the end we will be better off with a new source of energy, but it must be handled carefully.

I'm not against change, I'm against destructive change. Collapsing the oil market would be extremely destructive, probably even causing war throughout the world. Basicly the only thing the middle east has going for it (aside from israel's science) is oil. If you just stop buying oil, a whole region of the world crumbles.

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 12:32 PM

churning out free enrgy devices would be very very bad, especially if they could replace oil over night.

There has been some debate as to whether free energy proliferation would cause some type of revolution, or destroy the world economy. Most people seem to agree that the harm caused by not switching to alternative energy sources soon could be far worse.

It will take at least 15-20 years to phase out the old infrastructure. This seems to coincide with the expected depletion of crude oil supplies, leaving only light crude sources. So if the world is to change over to alternative energy sources, now would be the time to start doing it.

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 12:33 PM
My personal thought on free energy is that everything in the universe operates on mechanisms related to harmonic resonance. One poster mentioned John Hutchinson who has a DC battery powered by harmonics.

Matter coupled with vibrations can do wonders.

I think Tesla and Moray learned the appropriate Earth resonance and were able to amplify this locally. Scalar waves, transverse waves, longitudinal waves, all operate with harmonics in mind.

"Chain Reaction" was about hydrogen power. Wasn't successful until manipulated with sound waves at a certain frequency. A little far-fetched, but you get the idea.

But, here's the kicker.....the technology already exists. Not in our hands, that's for sure.

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 11:00 PM

My personal thought on free energy is that everything in the universe operates on mechanisms related to harmonic resonance.

I couldn't agree more. And when put into context with String Theory it all makes perfect sense.

I think the Hutchison Effect is telling us that we should be able to synthesize almost anything with electromagnetic waves and high voltage electricity.

Tesla's greatest discoveries were mostly founded on his research into oscillations.


posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 11:54 PM
Saying that free energy would be destructive, but what about those ppl who lost thier jobs making horse shoes, wooden carrage wheels and mule driven grain mills? Cars will not just got away and gas will still be used for racing and the feel of power, horses are still around for show, fun and other factors. Power lines will still be made and the power comp. will still make money, maybe not as much but they will make it for the ppl without the devices or to slow the transition.

Oil would still be needed! Oil is used for other things other then gas, heat or power.


posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by XL5

Oil would still be needed! Oil is used for other things other then gas, heat or power.

What would we do without plastic. It will also be needed for lubrication, cleaners, etc..

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