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Christ is the Messiah, and he has come

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posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by Rekrul
what do you mean? hypothetically speaking it would be open mindedness, the possibility of infinite outcomes, and love.

Sounds to me like you are a King of Kings as well my friend.

Why do you not recognise me as such, when I can recognise you as such?

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

You forgot to say "with love, your brother"

Bad guy!

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by FoxfilesMulder
reply to post by IAMIAM

You forgot to say "with love, your brother"

Bad guy!

I did not forget my friend. I just want to be sure I am recognised as a Brother before I proclaim it. Seems some would prefer it that way.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Right you are!

Glad we got that one sorted out.

With love

Your supporter.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 09:58 AM
I have a similar but different outlook on everything. As Jesus says in the bible to whom believes he can move mountains. To me this means that through faith anything can be achieved, from the simple list thing to the unthinkable. By unthinkable I mean what the average person would say isn’t possible. I feel as people the only thing that holds us back is our minds. We have been manipulated into assuming things aren't possible. While truth is in what you say it is also in others testimony as well. Even by our own mathematical system, is 10 not the answer of many equations. So we accept this in numbers but not LIFE?? Jesus says himself that you can get into heaven without believing in him.

Luke 12:10
And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him; but unto him that blasphemeth against the holy ghost it shall not be forgiven.

Even on judgment day, there is more than one judge.

I also like what Albert Einstein said,"God does not play dice." I believe that God will show himself to everyone.
For example are you familiar with the earth and the human brain works on frequency levels/pulse rate. Well over the last couple of decades the earth pulse rate has been speeding up, thus making us who live on earth tune in to a higher frequency.

5th paragraph down

The earth's pulse is increasing thus making our brains operate at a higher function. This could be right inline with the great awakening.

Daniel 12:4
But thou, O Dan'iel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end; many shall run to time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased

The pulse rate is supposed to reach a much higher level 2012.

I said all that to say this, it is all possible. And dont consider your understanding as truth and others as faulty understanding. Jesus is my lord and savior.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by BreezeLike
I have a similar but different outlook on everything. As Jesus says in the bible to whom believes he can move mountains. To me this means that through faith anything can be achieved, from the simple list thing to the unthinkable. By unthinkable I mean what the average person would say isn’t possible. I feel as people the only thing that holds us back is our minds. We have been manipulated into assuming things aren't possible. While truth is in what you say it is also in others testimony as well. Even by our own mathematical system, is 10 not the answer of many equations. So we accept this in numbers but not LIFE?? Jesus says himself that you can get into heaven without believing in him.

Luke 12:10
And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him; but unto him that blasphemeth against the holy ghost it shall not be forgiven.

Even on judgment day, there is more than one judge.

I also like what Albert Einstein said,"God does not play dice." I believe that God will show himself to everyone.
For example are you familiar with the earth and the human brain works on frequency levels/pulse rate. Well over the last couple of decades the earth pulse rate has been speeding up, thus making us who live on earth tune in to a higher frequency.

5th paragraph down

The earth's pulse is increasing thus making our brains operate at a higher function. This could be right inline with the great awakening.

Daniel 12:4
But thou, O Dan'iel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end; many shall run to time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased

The pulse rate is supposed to reach a much higher level 2012.

I said all that to say this, it is all possible. And dont consider your understanding as truth and others as faulty understanding. Jesus is my lord and savior.

I would never discourage you from your own beliefs my friend. We are sharing views, and nothing more.

Remember, Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Equal of Equals, Sovereign of Soveriegns. Keep his law, the truth, and it sets you free.

Love one another.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

It really sounds like you are a Christian, and you do follow the teachings of the Christ. You have made some very interesting observations, and I commend you for that. Interesting theory that the second coming of the Christ, is basically an awakening within the individual, the time in their lives when they accepted Jesus as their savior.

Good post, and peace be with you

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by sith9157
It really sounds like you are a Christian, and you do follow the teachings of the Christ. You have made some very interesting observations, and I commend you for that. Interesting theory that the second coming of the Christ, is basically an awakening within the individual, the time in their lives when they accepted Jesus as their savior.

Good post, and peace be with you

I am not ashamed to be called Christian my friend, it is some Christians that are ashamed of me, thus for their sake, I do not make such a proclamation.

Thank you for the contribution and may peace be with you!

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:26 AM
I was brought up a Christian until my 20's. But then I turned away from organized religion and found it hard to call myself a Christian but don't mind being called one either.

Once I let go of my ego and truly felt the want for nothing because I already had everything I need in Christ, only then did Wisdom come.

As IAMIAM explains, It doesn't matter if you believe Christ walked the earth or not, its irrelevant. Christ is an awakening within the individual and once you see yourself as such, Gods voice echoes out of the silence within yourself.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:24 AM
I am still confused by all of this..... is all religion or beliefs just about having peace within yourself? if so, i am happy with the life i have lived so far, i dont commit crimes and i look after my family and friends. The main part i dont understand is why people need to believe there is some higher power looking over us. I dont need to believe that so i just dont get why anybody else does. dont get me wrong, whatever makes you happy is fine with me, but i wont base my life on the teachings that have been proven in some ways to be false, and in others to be completely unbelievable to the normal person, when i am happy the way i am.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by 2012king

This is just my personal thoughts on God, not everyone else would share this view but the bible can be interpreted in different ways when you look deeper into the parables and meanings.

Life isn't really real, If it were we would live forever.

What you can see can be destroyed but what you cant see is forever.

If you crush a rock into nothing, the only thing left is its energy. If the universe is destroyed and everything in it, the only thing left is energy.

God to me is the original source of energy, from that which we came, so shall we all return. Perfect because He does not lack anything to be completed by it.

God is omnipotent (unlimited power) Omnipresent (everywhere at once) etc

If He is everywhere at once, then this life is like a dream because we are just a thought inside Gods mind, otherwise we would be here and He would be somewhere else, which isn't omnipresent.

When this type of Wisdom flows into your being, you can wake up out of the dream and see everything for what it really is.

edit on 22-3-2011 by FoxfilesMulder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:56 AM
So is saying you believe in god, just another way of saying you believe in existence? I believe we came from somewhere, wether it be the big bang theory or being created by something else... the point is, i dont want to put all my beliefs in a random higher power that supposedly created everything. if something is powerful enough to create a whole universe, something must have created that being at some point. If we have been drifting around space forever, just rocks or atoms hitting each other untill life was created, what created those rocks or atoms? and if God created us, what created God? If God is just energy, surely he couldnt have sent somebody down from the heavens to teach us his ways, as to do this he would have to have some sort of knowledge of how people should be and act with each other. If this is the case he must have had previous experience of interacting with something else to be able to know what good and evil is, and how to tell between the two.....

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by 2012king

All valid questions you have to search life for the answers! Keeps asking yourself those questions and focus on them in your mind. The answers will come.

If I may try to answer just one for you on my personal thoughts.

If God is omnipotent (unlimited power) then he had no beginning and has no end. He has just always been. Its hard to fathom God like this but God cannot be fathomed. Its impossible.

We can only contemplate Him as far as our minds are able.

But I can tell you one thing, Contemplating Him brings forth a power that will change your life. This is not some cheap attempt to convert you, its just something that happens to everyone who does this.

Contemplation is a powerful thing when its focused on everything you have asked and are thinking about.

edit on 22-3-2011 by FoxfilesMulder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 06:27 AM
But is God a being or just energy? and if he is limitless could he create a being more powerful than himself? or make a rock too heavy for himself to lift? i know these are old questions but they have a valid point. if he is limitless surely he could do these things, but to do them would mean he is not limitless. thats why i have issues with his existence.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by 2012king
But is God a being or just energy? and if he is limitless could he create a being more powerful than himself? or make a rock too heavy for himself to lift? i know these are old questions but they have a valid point. if he is limitless surely he could do these things, but to do them would mean he is not limitless. thats why i have issues with his existence.

Haha those ol questions.

Can God make a four sided triangle

Can God make a box he cant look into

Can God make two plus two equal five’ or ‘make a square circle’, etc.

In short, Yes he can. With paradox, but without contradiction.

An all powerful God can do or make anything, but it's meaningless to say that he can do or make a nothing. A logically contradictory state of affairs is not a thing at all, but a nothing.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:13 AM
But if God can think, he can think logically and contradictory so he would have thought of these things himself, therefore knowing that he is not all powerful. There are many arguments as to why he couldnt exist, most of which make sense to me, but the main thing that stands out is if he has created us and given us free thought, in time we could rise against him should he exist.If we have free thought he couldnt possibly control what we know or find out and if he couldnt create a rock too heavy for himself to lift, in theory we could, meaning he has weaknesses, making him not all powerful. If he is all powerful, anything would be possible to him, including contradictory events which are impossible to anything and everything. I always seem to get into the debate on the side of him not existing, but to be honest there is more evidence on the side of him not existing but it can never be proven due to the way he supposedly exists. It shouldnt be down to me to prove he doesnt exist, it should be down to other people to prove his existence. It always ends with somebody saying how it isnt possible to comprehend how he exists, therefore proving how well the stories has been written. I could also say that i am god, and nobody could possibly argue the fact, as i dont have to prove anything to anybody, you just have to have faith that i am telling the truth.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by 2012king

Hahah you are beginning to answer your own questions with contemplation my friend. Well done.

Wisdom is a strange thing. It can come when you ask the opposite questions and start at the end. Without those questions you cant see whats on the other side or at the other end of the question which is where the answer may be.

The last part of your reply seems Similar to whats IAMIAM's OP thread is all about. We are co-equals to Christ, and Christ is the son of God and to a lot, IS God.

edit on 22-3-2011 by FoxfilesMulder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:31 AM
So that is proof that a normal person can claim to be something they are not, without anybody possibly proving them wrong as all they have to say is I am what I am and there is nothing you can do or say to make me feel any different. It doesnt make it the truth though.......

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:37 AM
In addition to this i could say that I am jesus. You cant prove I am not, and i wasnt born to explain the errors of religion and that they were made up by people who just wanted mankind to get along and it all got out of hand.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by 2012king

This is what you must do to become closer to God and have more of your questions answered.

You must see yourself as Christ, this is the door to God that opens within yourself.

Are you Christ that may have walked the earth 2000 years ago who healed the sick and resurrected from the dead? Maybe not in that sense.

But you are a son or daughter of God, as Christ is. And even the bible says we will be equal in heaven as Christ is.

And as most people would believe, Christ IS God.

This all comes back around to my personal thoughts I spoke of in the above replies. God is the original source of energy. from that which we came, so shall we all return.

God is perfect because he does not lack anything to be completed by it.

edit on 22-3-2011 by FoxfilesMulder because: (no reason given)

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