I found this site a few weeks ago and have been randomly coming back to it. Today I finally decided to go ahead and sign up because any site capable
of sticking in my head longer than a week is obviously amazing.
I do hope to get to know some of you, learn lots of new things, hear lots of new theories about...well everything, and hopefully get some answers to
some things that I need answers for.
Hi pino13, and welcome to the Introductions Forum of the ATS community. For now you can reply to any thread in any member forum you wish, as well as
send & receive (PM's)Private Messages to Staff only. Once you have achieved 20 posts,
you will then be able to start your own threads and additionally send & receive messages to and from fellow ATS members.
i'm kinda new myself, so not able to give much advice, sorry... hope you find your way around quicker than i'm doing ...oh, i lied... i just
figured out how to sort out avatars, i do know something after all XD
the freshman's forum will help you out on lotsa stuff, & people seem to be very helpful with newbies from what i've seen so far