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New Treaty Would Ban Space Weapons for Earthlings and ETs

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posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 09:15 PM
From the article:

Mar 11, 2011 – 3:39 PM

"It's a good thing the outer space battles in "Star Wars" happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away -- because under a new space-based weapons treaty drafted by aerospace and military experts, humans and aliens alike would be barred from waging war above Earth.

The carefully prepared treaty invites all U.N. member nations to be signatories -- and all "cosmic cultures" to become parties -- in a plan to create a framework "that will assure and verify that space is and will remain a neutral realm from which all classes of space-based weapons are banned in perpetuity."

and deeper into the article:

"The treaty was drafted by Rosin; former Navy intelligence Cmdr. Scott Jones; retired Navy Capt. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo astronaut and founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences; retired Navy Cmdr. Will Miller; and retired Boeing aerospace executive Abe Krieger.

Jones, one of the treaty's architects and founder of the Peace and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth (or PEACE), had several Pentagon assignments during his 30-year naval career, which included intelligence service. It was his idea to include extraterrestrials in the wording of the treaty.

Retired Navy Cmdr. Scott Jones spent half of his 30-year naval career in intelligence service. He's a significant contributor to the anti-weaponization of space proposal and a proponent of full disclosure of ET/Earth contact."We felt that, not only was it appropriate, but it was timely and absolutely necessary if the treaty can be implemented and verified," Jones told AOL News. "The extraterrestrial cultures are the ones that are really going to keep this honest, because they have the capability."


More about this treaty here:

The Outer Space Security and Development Treaty of 2011"

"The Outer Space Security and Development Treaty of 2011 establishes a framework and procedures to assure that space will be a neutral realm from which all classes of weapons are banned and from which no hostile action shall be taken toward Earth or the surrounding Cosmos. This Treaty invites Nation States to become Signatories to this Treaty and invites all parties, including Nation States, Indigenous Nations and Cosmic Cultures, to commit to plan and assist in the orderly development and implementation of a framework and procedures that will assure and verify that space is and will remain a neutral realm from which all classes of space-based weapons are banned in perpetuity."

To read the treaty in detail go here:

This sounds very interesting and like we are preparing for something big...and soon.......

edit on 3/11/2011 by manta78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 09:24 PM
I don't mean to criticize, but I noticed while loggin-on this evening that there are conversations about UFO's and aliens amidst advertising. How is this webboard not a tool of everything it supposely condemns?

I know that's off-topic. But, yeah, generate enough stories to keep people using the board and generate more advertising $$$.

Nonetheless, I think a treat to ban space weapons is really only as good as the words used to make the treaty. I mean I can get a good look at a t-bone by sticking my head up a cow's a@@, but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

In short, I think the aliens would agree to the treaty. Only, if Paul can still visit the planet, from time to time.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 09:24 PM
Very interesting. But I don't understand, do they honestly think they get to put bans on things aliens can do?! That seems like an extremely naive and ignorant thing to do, seeing as an ET race would most likely be far more advanced than us and can do whatever they damn well please. That would be like monkeys making a treaty that bans us from eating bananas from certain trees...

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by Raelsatu

Thank you for your reply. I believe if you read the treaty in detail, using the link provided, you might better understand its overall purpose.
edit on 3/11/2011 by manta78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by bossnoo1

It is off topic. But to address the question, briefly, before retuning to the topic... Servers, coding, and the rest cost $ and ATS allows us to play here completely free of charge. Someone has to pay the light bill, as it were, and if you really think about it - corporations paying for us to rail against them is insidiously beautiful in concept.

Now, back to the topic of the thread: New Treaty Would Ban Space Weapons for Earthlings and ETs


posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 09:41 PM
So who will honor the one-side-made treaty ?

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by the_0bserver85
So who will honor the one-side-made treaty ?

It is not one-sided. It's not like Humanity - Alien treaty...
It would be signed by sovereign Nations, and it INCLUDES non-terrestrial nations as POSSIBLE signataries...

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by bossnoo1
I can get a good look at a t-bone by sticking my head up a cow's a@@, but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

Tommy Boy?

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by drakus

Originally posted by the_0bserver85
So who will honor the one-side-made treaty ?

It is not one-sided. It's not like Humanity - Alien treaty...
It would be signed by sovereign Nations, and it INCLUDES non-terrestrial nations as POSSIBLE signataries...

Exactly. We have to start somewhere, and it's not like we have someone available at this moment...beyond earth's realm (who is known and/or can be made public at this time beyond what knowledge the military may or may not possess) It's a gesture...a first step....
edit on 3/11/2011 by manta78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 10:10 PM
What happens if the Aliens from Independence Day show up? I don't think they will care about the treaty.

And since we are into writing them into our laws, we should stipulate that if the aliens from Aliens show up and they start impregnating people like they did in the movie, that it would be considered rape. Or at the very least, some sort of misdemeanor.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 10:28 PM
I guess I'll be blunt. There is an existing treaty signed by many of the nations, if not all, that are sending objects into space these days. I've mentioned elsewhere on ATS in the last couple of weeks that the US pays lip service to that treaty, but our space force is hell-bent on weaponizing space because they have clearly stated that is their mission. (I have the book commissioned by Congress that says exactly that without the "hell-bent" part.) The existing treaty is viable if all were willing, but it will not be followed by any member that expends huge sums of its money to put other equipment up there. Or at least, they won't weaponize space until they are capable of it.

If this proposed new treaty mentions banning ETs from having weapons in space, then you can bet your ass that new, adjusted, treaty is a propaganda tool done to give us comfort that the ETs will abide by it when they drop by. So relax and envision the scenerio.

"Hey, Mr. Martian, please leave your ray gun at the Moon check station, nuthin' like that allowed here near Earth. Sorry, that's our policy. I didn't make, I just enforce it. Thank you. Next please. You here for the galactic convention? Please park your battle cruiser on the Moon, locally travel in an approved personal convey only. Thank you. Hold it! You look suspicious! Bend over! Spread your tentacles! How many damned creases and crevices do you have in your body anyway! If I'd a known this when I took that TSA exam, why I'd never...."

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Aliensun

Maybe a little clarification is needed from the terms of this new proposed treaty: (partial summary only; go to the link in the OP for the full treaty contents)

"1.The term “space” and “outer space” is defined as the space extending above the earth at an altitude of 100 kilometers above sea level. Weapons banned by this Treaty are considered to be space-based if they are located at or above 100 kilometers above sea level.
2. Space-based weapons are defined as being anything that is based in space that can be used to damage or destroy objects or beings in space or on Earth from a location based in space.
3. This Treaty bans all space-based weapons, including the dual-use of any space-based object or technology when it is located in space with the intention to be used as a weapon that could damage or destroy any object or being on Earth or in space.
4. Weapons launched from the Earth that travel through space but are not based in space are not banned by this Treaty.
5. The terms space-based weapon and space-based weapons systems are defined for the purpose of this Treaty in order to identify weapons, devices, or systems that are based in any space location for the purpose of damaging or destroying, from space, any object or being that is located in space or on Earth.
6. This Treaty prohibits:
(a) Firing one or more weapons based in space that would be intended to collide with any object or being in space.
(b) Detonating any explosive device based in space in close proximity to any object or being in space.
(c) Directing any space-based source of energy offensively against any object or being in space or on Earth.
(d) Basing controls or systems of any space-based weapons that are or could be intended to collide with or inflict damage upon objects or beings in any location in space including on the moon, any celestial body, on a satellite, craft, station, or on any Off Planet Visitor craft.


1. The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs shall be responsible to coordinate the first meetings between members of Cosmic Cultures with units of the United Nations and representatives of Signatory Nation States and Indigenous First Nations.
2. A permanent Cosmic Culture Liaison will be available to the United Nations Security Council to answer questions and to provide counsel on issues of security and development of Earth.
3. The Cosmic Culture Liaison will assist in identifying and neutralizing any attempt to deploy or use any space-based weapon.


1. The provisions of this Treaty that ban all space-based weapons shall apply to all Nation States, whether or not they are Signatories to this Treaty.
2. This Treaty shall enter into force upon the signing and ratification of the first nine (9) Nation State Signatories.


1. This Treaty shall be open to all Nation States for signature. Any State that does not sign this Treaty before its entry into force may accede to it at any future time.
2. This Treaty shall be subject to ratification by Signatory Nation States. Instruments of ratification or accession shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the United Nations.
3. This Treaty shall enter into force upon the deposit of instruments of ratification by nine (9) Governments. For any Nation State whose instruments of ratification or accession are deposited subsequent to the entry into force of this Treaty, their ratification shall enter into force on the date of the deposit of their instruments of ratification or accession.
4. The Depositary Governments shall promptly inform all Signatory and acceding Nation States of the date of each signature, the date of deposit of each instrument of ratification of and accession to this Treaty, and the date of its entry into force and other notices.
5. This Treaty shall be registered by the Depositary Governments pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
6. This Treaty shall be of unlimited duration.


1. Any Nation State Signatory to the Treaty may propose amendments to this Treaty.
2. Amendments to the Treaty shall enter into force upon acceptance by a majority vote of the Nation State Signatories.
3. The text of any proposed amendment shall be submitted to the United Nations Depositary who shall promptly notify all Nation State Signatories.


This Treaty, of which the English, Arabic, Russian, French, Spanish and Chinese texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the Depositary Governments. Certified copies of this Treaty shall be transmitted by the Depositary Governments to the Governments of the Signatory and the acceding Nation States.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, duly authorized by their respective governments, has
Signed this Treaty_______________________________________________
At the location of _______________________________________________
On this date of _________________________________________________.

Points of Clarification
Outer Space Security and Development Treaty of 2011

1. This Treaty does not ban weapons located on earth.

2. This Treaty bans the “weaponization” of space. The “militarization” of space, which has occurred, requires a new definition for the purposes of this Treaty. Militaries already provide enhanced intelligence and communication, observation and data sharing, and can help to pave a safe way for humans to enter into the universes and for members of Cosmic Cultures to enter the Earth sphere safely.

3. The strategy of this Treaty incorporates the reality that humans have evolved into a condition of much higher consciousness than that of the past, and that we will be working with Cosmic Cultures whose situation and willingness to cooperate with Earth cultures is based upon that higher consciousness. The Signatories of this Treaty acknowledge this viewpoint because it is necessary to work within the context of the highest truth in our time, and because this is the only approach that will garner the support needed to enact this Treaty."

edit on 3/11/2011 by manta78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:10 PM
can anyone say....disclosure?
Still can't believe people are "waiting for disclosure" to happen. its already happening folks!

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by manta78

While I think this can only be a good thing.

My question is if intelligent ET's are technologically capable of traveling to a distance we can observe them breaking our rules - how do we expect to enforce our laws on them.

"Please Mr ET don't fire that ultra-mega-super-plasma-gamma-ray-cannon round here or we may be forced to fire our rockets at you!"

edit on 11-3-2011 by byteshertz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:37 PM
So in case the hostile E.T invade Earth; Do you think that this treaty would make a difference ? or when the U.S. government, the Chinese, the Russian, etc (I mean the one really in power, not some jokers) do launch offensive satelite (maybe they've already done so).....Can these treaty-signers have a mean to enforce it ?

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:41 PM
I mean we have a real life example right here; the Native American; they have "real treaty" signed by both parties.....but see how it turned out.....not so well for them.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 12:06 AM
I just did a google search on this and the only other thing that came up was this YouTube video, and now I have my doubts. Initially this thread caught my attention, and as I started reading the link I actually got butterflies in my stomach and felt scared.

Is Carol Rosin credible?

From the OP's AOL link:

The treaty was drafted by Rosin; former Navy intelligence Cmdr. Scott Jones; retired Navy Capt. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo astronaut and founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences; retired Navy Cmdr. Will Miller; and retired Boeing aerospace executive Abe Krieger.

Is anyone going to take this seriously?

We should have weapons in space. I bet we've always had space military patrolling our planet for a long time. Why wouldn't we?

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 12:26 AM
Interesting to see how much hostility is anticipated from the unknown.

Maybe mankind is not yet ready to go beyond that which is comfortable....

edit on 3/12/2011 by manta78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 12:43 AM
There will be a day that we get our baptise from outerspace......and I'm sure that will not be pretty.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by manta78

It's not really hostility, it's just common sense. Think about an alien plant from Australia getting introduced to the UK and wipes out tons of agriculture or damages the environment. I'm 99% sure some type of scenario like that has happened on Earth before.

Therefore wouldn't Aliens from space pose the same threat?

Wouldn't you like to determine the threat level before they entered our atmosphere? Why would you not be armed?

Anyways, I highly doubt this treaty is going to get very much press.

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