posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 07:44 PM
From 730 to 830,me and a child from the family were the only people in a room talking. Just sitting and playing with toys. At aproximatly 750 a dish
in the rack moved,we were still only people in the room and no were near it.
I asked the child, did you hear that? They responded yes. So i said it's only the dishes settling.
we continued playing,at aproximatly 815, something went inside my garbage bag. You could hear the bag moving for about 30 seconds. So i said "go
inside the living room so if a mouse comes out it doesnt bite"
I lifted the bag and checked the contents and not a mice or a living creature was inside.
So i told the child we just have to confront the ghosts and not be intimidated,and just keep our lives moving.
Now here is the question that i know noone has the right answer to. But what are you suppose to do when ghosts are around children?