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Japan Skyscrapers Sway With 8.9 Earthquake but the WTC collapsed !! still beleive the 9/11 version?

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posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by Doomzilla
reply to post by Essan

Yes you are , your brain . Same goes for xcathdra .
Only people with agendas would block investigations .

Want to stop us talking xcathdra ? Not gonna happen , you will have to kill us to silence us .

12. That'd be my guess.

Originally posted by Doomzilla
I see you STILL choose the side of authority instead of the side of the people .

Like I told you, we outnumber you , the only winning side will be that of the people .

We will remove corrupt abusers of power and give back power to the people .

See you on the battlefield .

Yup, 12 with an attitude. Disconnected from the fact that the "people" who accept what 'truthers' so ignorantly refer to as the OS (Official Story), OCT (Official Conspiracy Theory), etc. look askance at 'truthers' who talk about controlled demolition, MIHOP, LIHOP, no-plane, vicsims and all the other various incarnations of 'trutherism'.

The "people" have spoken. Perhaps you should listen.
edit on 12-3-2011 by Fitzgibbon because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by Doomzilla

Yes you are , your brain . Same goes for xcathdra .

Thats right - "agree with everything I say or you're stupid" - that always gets people on your side.

Only people with agendas would block investigations .

Block what investigation? There is no 'investigation" because there is nothing more to "investigate".

Want to stop us talking xcathdra ? Not gonna happen , you will have to kill us to silence us .

Nah, no one wants to "silence" you - no one cares. Its not even background noise anymore.

I see you STILL choose the side of authority instead of the side of the people .

Alert- most of the time thats the same side.

Like I told you, we outnumber you , the only winning side will be that of the people .

You outnumber "us" and yet, ten years on and the only place you can find conspiracies is internet conspiracy forums and websites.

We will remove corrupt abusers of power and give back power to the people .

Ok then. Except the "people" may have a different point of view.

See you on the battlefield .

I may be late, so feel free to start without me.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Game_Over
reply to post by LifeInDeath

"The difference with what happened to the WTC is that the WTC's structure was compromised by the impact and explosions of the planes - then the fire. "
-- ummm, building 7. (why is this so easy?)

"Once you start compromising the structural integrity of something that is that tall and that heavy, it's going to come down."
-- straight down and explode in an orgy plume of doom! What else would you expect? I mean, surely they wouldn't have toppled over and destroyed any other buildings. And don't show me your roofs caved in...I'm talking floors above the impact zones laying sideways in the street. But forget all that...
...umm building 7.

Why do we still have to explain this to people?

Why? Because anyone with half a brain knows the official story is BS.


posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by stevcolx

Originally posted by Game_Over

Why do we still have to explain this to people?

Why? Because anyone with half a brain knows the official story is BS.

I don't suppose it'd occur to you just why your statement is so open to be turned right back at you? I mean it's particularly apt and so perfectly sums up 'trutherism' in three short words.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:42 AM

this is the 911 forum
the twin towers were specifically designed to withstand airplane impacts
there is video evidence of Silverstein ordering building to be "pulled", ego ergo sum, controlled demolition in case of W7

there is footage and testimony of explosions being heard within the buildings, by first responders, who are rapidly becoming extinct, according to plan; soon they, and their inconvenient truths [sorry couldn't resist] will be gone too.

all the energy being expended in debunking, rational people recognize entrenched irrationality and walk away,period, they don't go on crusades to educate the unwashed.

all sorts of abstruse "scientific theories" have been posited to explain why the TT "looked" like a CD, Occams razor is only invoked by some when it's convenient.

all the evidence was quickly scooped up and destroyed, period.

there are a number of threads detailing the fact that TCOTBIP are using special software to sway opinions by flooding the forums with bots. do an ATS search on sock puppets.

in other words, OP and others may be arguing with a bot, don't waste your time & energy, people.

it's been about 10 yrs now, most of the asleep have moved on and don't seem to care at all, don't worry, one day it may be them, just think of it as evolution in action without them TCOTBIP don't have a leg to stand on anyway.
at this late date we won't be finding the truth until all the guilty parties are safely beyond justice [or so the stupidly believe ever heard of a spirit-trap?
] like so many other monstrous actions of the 20th century.

in short keep looking for the truth but don't let the sock-puppets, both "real" and virtual deflect you

knowledge is power, those who choose ignorance cannot complain when Karma comes calling.

as this is a 911 post and not having the wherewithal at the moment to post a proper thread at the moment i'd like to contribute a possible means of getting and emplacing the explosives [thermate] into the TT in the time period between collision and collapse:

Air Force Bugbots
Micro Air Vehicle (MAVs) buglike drones

watch the entire video especially the part when the MAV takes out a sniper.
in the cargo bay is where i think they were stored and may have killed any survivors on board.

Xcathedra i suspect you are one of those officers who is well versed in the delicate art of "walking backwards" so as to not be knifed in the back, so why is 911 being a false flag so difficult for you to see?

take care, and when you finally come off the fence, hopefully it won't be a fall.

P.S. friends of 1st responders need to give names, because to be brutally honest, anybody can make such a claim, just as is often pointed out in the case of urban legends, also the claim that 1st responders heard no explosions is false.
also the structure was compromised is bot talk. please think before you post,that is, if you are actually able to.
edit on 12-3-2011 by DerepentLEstranger because: added edit & additional comment

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by Whyhi

Japan Skyscrapers Sway With 8.9 Earthquake but the WTC collapsed !! still beleive the 9/11 version?

Yes, the "official story", aka reality, is still correct.

Seriously, you're comparing two different events with two different buildings and you're surprised they acted differently?

Oh sure. They never tell us that the south tower deflected 15 inches due to the plane impact and the NIST report says in three places that the distribution of weight in the building is needed to analyze the impact but then they never have the data or do the analysis.

The DELUSIONAL Reality of the Official Conspiracy Theory is so STUPID only willful retards can believe it.


posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:46 AM
But why did the Japanese government send people to Iraq?

Why don't the politicians in every technologically advanced nation say the US is full of crap on the 9/11 issue? Does every government have too many skeletons in the closet to be throwing stones?


posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

please read my previous post i forgot to respond to this


aren't these CIA fronts?

oh and dude a borg avatar may give the wrong impression about you just sayin'.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by Ben81

Japanese skyscraper are built with earthquakes in mind.

As far as i know New York doesnt have Earthquakes over 7+ so they wont be reinforced.

Simple logic

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by Cobaltic1978

And yet another poster that does not seem to remember that WTC 7 was clobbered by WTC 1 as it collapsed. Damage and fire led to its collapse, just like WTC1 and just like WTC2. Now, if you can point out the building that collapsed into the Windsor Tower in Madrid, it becomes a related (but not very accurate) comparision. And I would also point out that Windsor Tower DID suffer a partial, fire related collapse.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger

this is the 911 forum
the twin towers were specifically designed to withstand airplane impacts

From an errant 707 at landing speed, not a somewhat heavier 767 going full tilt. Bit of an impact energy difference, wouldn't you say?

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger
all the energy being expended in debunking, rational people recognize entrenched irrationality and walk away,period, they don't go on crusades to educate the unwashed.

So say you. In time, you may be right as debunkers get tired of debunking 'truthers' repeating the same Big Lies© and misrepresentations again and again and again. Then 'truthers' will have the field all to yourselves to talk in circles until you bore even yourselves.

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger
all sorts of abstruse "scientific theories" have been posited to explain why the TT "looked" like a CD, Occams razor is only invoked by some when it's convenient.

Occam's Razor was invoked when the 'truth' movement cobbled together a critical mass of elaborate assertions, cherry-picked quotes and outright absurdities that the time investment in getting to understanding and agreement of why each and every part of the 'truther' mantra is whacked would've taken a person's entire waking life.

Occam's Razor is meant to cut through the Rube Goldbergian absurdities that the 9/11 'truth' movement wraps itself in.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by Fitzgibbon

rom an errant 707 at landing speed, not a somewhat heavier 767 going full tilt. Bit of an impact energy difference, wouldn't you say?

Oh just a WEE bit of difference.

But dont try to get him to exercise his higher math skills.....its not worth it.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by vipertech0596

Hmmm. from what I could see of the building, there was very little damage. Sure there was bound to be some from the falling debris from the TT's but no real significant damage. But hang on I hear you say, the damage was more extensive at the back of the building, whare you couldn't see it as it was impossible to get cameras behind to film it.

Therefore, if there is no footage, you are merely taking the word of TPTB, so maybe you are as blind as me.

One other question for you, why did the BBC report the collapse of WTC7 a full twenty minutes before its collapse? Can you answer that one?

I appreciate you are entitled to your opinion as much as I am entitled to mine. Please don't try to put me in the truthers box or any other box that you feel I fit in. I am just looking at all the facts and they don't add up with the official version, period.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 09:55 AM
The fact that buildings specifically designed to withstand a major earthquake withstood a major earthquake has no bearing whatsoever on what did or did not happen on 9/11.

But if the 'Truthers' are having to fall back on this as evidence the official story is false, then I for one am now convinced the official story must be true

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 10:33 AM
you guys are hilarious

Fitzgibbon the apron wearing mason .
Hooper and vipertech the 911 "DEBUNKERS "
ALL attacking me and defending the cop LMAO


9 / 11 was an inside job , you debunkers are gullible , blind and backwards .


posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Doomzilla
you guys are hilarious

Fitzgibbon the apron wearing mason

Goodness. That hurts. I guess I've been put in my place

I can understand how responding to a man of good moral character puts you on edge.

Originally posted by Doomzilla
Hooper and vipertech the 911 "DEBUNKERS "
ALL attacking me and defending the cop LMAO


9 / 11 was an inside job , you debunkers are gullible , blind and backwards .


Great! And your contribution to the thread is what? That I'm a Mason and a debunker? That must've taken some research on you part. Good two or three minutes even. Have you something to add or shall we expect more clueless silence?

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Cobaltic1978
reply to post by vipertech0596

Hmmm. from what I could see of the building, there was very little damage. Sure there was bound to be some from the falling debris from the TT's but no real significant damage. But hang on I hear you say, the damage was more extensive at the back of the building, whare you couldn't see it as it was impossible to get cameras behind to film it.

Therefore, if there is no footage, you are merely taking the word of TPTB, so maybe you are as blind as me.

One other question for you, why did the BBC report the collapse of WTC7 a full twenty minutes before its collapse? Can you answer that one?

I appreciate you are entitled to your opinion as much as I am entitled to mine. Please don't try to put me in the truthers box or any other box that you feel I fit in. I am just looking at all the facts and they don't add up with the official version, period.

I don't know who or what the " TPTB " is but why do you take no notice of what firefighters who were there said ?

Here is one saying that WTC 7 is definitely going to collapse because " the structural integrity is not there " :-

So far as the BBC reporting the collapse of WTC 7 prematurely is concerned; they say they got a mistaken report from Reuters. Not entirely surprising on a day of horror and confusion when the collapse of WTC 7 had been anticipated for hours. What is the alternative ? The wicked perps gave a foreign news outlet a script so they could follow the dastardly plot more easily ? Isn't that insane ?

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by Ben81
manipulated reality yeah
a 8.9 earthquake and they are still there
the most powerfull earthquake in human history and THEY ARE STILL STANDING
the japanese skycrapers are fragile compare to the american ones
thats why im comparing them

Why do you think that Japan's buildings are weaker than American ones?

Japan is on the Pacific Ring of Fire, which is more prone to earthquakes and volcano eruptions than the US.

Especially considering Japan's ENTIRE country is in the PRoF.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Doomzilla
You mean the first responders who were told it was SAFE to enter ground zero ?

It was, with some simple precautions that should have been taken. Wear your mask.

Originally posted by Doomzilla
You mean the first responders who are DYING of chronic illnesses because they were told it was safe ?

Tragic, I understand.

Originally posted by Doomzilla
You mean the first responders who are receiving no help for treatment from the government who told them it was safe ?

Lie. Why do you post something so easily proven wrong?

Congress just approved another bill recently keeping the hospitals and clinics open in NYC for that exact purpose.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Cobaltic1978
Yeah I keep hearing about WTC7 being on fire and the fire not being able to be contained. But I reiterate, this was the first steel structure building in the World to collapse due to fire.

Kader Toy Factory
Sight and Sound Theatre.

Originally posted by Cobaltic1978

Not only that, but the way it collapsed does look like it was a controlled demolition. There was a sky scraper in Madrid, Spain that burned uncontrollably for a longer period than WTC7, but that didn't collapse at all.

Had a concrete core, and was built with concrete protection on the steel it did have.

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