posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade
Sorry I didn't not chose my words more carefully, my avatar was in there too.There are you happy. sorry I referenced myself by my avatar but I think
that we all kinda do that here to an extent for whatever reason. Now if you excuse me I have to go twitter and FB everyone I know to let them know
that somebody I never met gave me recognition in a video on a message board.
Oh wait I do'nt have facebook or twitter or myspace, just a lastfm page to listen to music and an ATS account to learn.
Seriously bro. I know its a slow day on here but jeez do you really have nothing better to do. Flame away I'm choosing not to respond to anything
else you say. Like I said in my post about the person who was harping about this all last night I refuse to feed the animals at the zoo. Have a nice
day. Chill out
Slayer keep it up bro
edit on 13/3/11 by TrowaBarton because: Spelling
P.S If it makes you feel better I do identify with mine and Trowa Barton or some form of that has been my SN on Many a forum since I began going to
message boards. Heck I even look almost exactly like him.
edit on 13/3/11 by TrowaBarton because: Afterthought