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A thread was just deleted......

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posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 10:43 AM
Not one of mine, so I'm not bitching about it. I just wondered why. It was in the dreams and predictions section, about Hawaii birth records being destroyed by a tsunami. Now, the second from last post, said something along the line of "why did you just post this, as a tsunami is heading for Hawaii" (insinuating that the poster was just trying to grab attention) And is the reason, I presume, that the thread was deleted. Only, the thread was started on the 7th, so it clearly wasn't just posted as an aside to what's been going on with the Japan earthquake.

I was just wondering wether or not this was an oversight, or there was another reason for it being zapped.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:01 AM
bumpity bump bump,

im curious bout this also, i gotta say, i have very often seen threads removed from ats, and i hate it, they can lock threads they can remove individual posts they can replace posts with banners specifieing what part of terms and conditions they violated, all this is censorship, but when they just remove threads entirely its censorship to far.

and that special 404 page of this site, oh sure its funny the first time you see it but stick around see it enough times and you'll realize its meant to mock any sort of suspicion you may get, its meant to mock you. that is unless you shrug it all off and move on like sheep, as they'd want you to.

removing a thread is removing information, removing information is encouraging ignorance, this site lies with its motto of deny ignorance, if it practices censorship of any type, sure you must censor to some extent to follow the law and oh how sad it is that even in the land of the free some text can be illegal. but otherwise it saddens me greatly to see how much gets censored from this site which is not violating a law.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by Acidtastic

The thread you are referencing was posted on 3/11/11 at 11:00 am. not on the 7th.

Hope this helps.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:16 AM
The thread was void of any content. The OP was a mere few words... not even two lines, posted in a manner of political sarcasm. The replies posted in the thread were similar in nature. In short... nothing to do with a dream, or a prediction... simple using today's news to take a swipe at a political issue.

That's why it was trashed.

As far as trashing things in secret? I know this has been mentioned before, but I'll say it again for clarification purposes... any time a thread is moved, whether to another area or to the trash, a PM is automatically generated and sent to the person who authored it. That message includes which thread it was, where it was located, where it was moved to, which staff member moved it, and the reason why. The user is encouraged to reply to the message with any questions about the move.

I don't see how we can be more transparent than that. Every member who has a thread moved/trashed is instantly and automatically given the opportunity to communicate with staff to get answers and/or remedy the situation. I think that's pretty fair, and not exactly a common find on message boards.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:22 AM


posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by Djarums

I already know they;ll be reprocussions for this but by making these comments, ("As far as trashing things in secret? I know this has been mentioned before, but I'll say it again for clarification purposes... any time a thread is moved, whether to another area or to the trash, a PM is automatically generated and sent to the person who authored it. That message includes which thread it was, where it was located, where it was moved to, which staff member moved it, and the reason why. The user is encouraged to reply to the message with any questions about the move.

I don't see how we can be more transparent than that. Every member who has a thread moved/trashed is instantly and automatically given the opportunity to communicate with staff to get answers and/or remedy the situation. I think that's pretty fair, and not exactly a common find on message boards.")... you are either "bald face lying" or unaware that some of your staff members, are not fully complying with your policy. I can provide more information, but I am afraid by doing,so in a "public" forum, for all to see, staff will zap me with a warning, and cut off access to ats...without "officially banning" me ( by changing my password).

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:35 AM
I do hope he/she comes back and makes the thread with a bigger post. This same poster was on Godlike productions with the thread. And, there are a few points I'd like to make, mere speculation, but this is a conspiracy site.

1. Billlions of fish died off California coast.

2. Bees died, and there was a report of everything heating right up, then cooling off when it finished.

3. Scalar waves target one area to affect another.

4. There was a thread about Obama, and the courts finally ok'ing the case for his birth certificate after all this time.

5. The moon is going to be closer on the 19th and they said there could be disasters. Looks to me, that they might be willing to to advantage of this.

This is the way my thoughts are going.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:46 AM

you are either "bald face lying" or unaware that some of your staff members, are not fully complying with your policy.

It's not an issue of compliance or not. When the thread is moved/trashed, the PM is generated and sent. There is no way to do one without the other. If a thread has been trashed on ATS, the OP has received a PM about it.

I am not lying nor unaware of anything. That is how our system has been programmed and that is how it functions.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:49 AM
the part that is bs is the reason why, you dont give a reason why, instead maybe an excuse, or nothing but the automated messege, there is no attempt to actualy reasonably explain why.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by pryingopen3rdeye

should the reason given not satisfy you, as it apparently has not, why not contact the moderator and ask?

Contrary to popular opinion, we're actually fairly reasonable, and more than willing to at least attempt to explain things to a members satisfaction.

Have you tried?

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by pryingopen3rdeye

And clicking the reply button is too much to ask if that happens?

I'm not saying everyone is perfect. Perhaps the thread author is not satisfied with the contents of the PM. There's a reply button there. Why not message the staff member and say I don't understand why this was trashed?

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 12:03 PM
There was nothing in the 2 sentences of that thread that would be worthy of a new thread. There was nothing to expound upon. It was not literal in nature, there is no danger of a tsunami wiping out records in Hawaii, it was just a joke.

The tsunami threat in Hawaii is mostly subsided now, and the thread that was deleted was just meant to be a joke, but obviously there wasn't even enough content for the joke to be apparent, and that is why some people took it literally.

edit on 11-3-2011 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 01:50 PM
the imperial guard avatar talking about deleting threads is kind of funny.

But to the OP:
Did you not get the PM or was it some boilerplate message that did not really give a reason?

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by Djarums

... any time a thread is moved, whether to another area or to the trash, a PM is automatically generated and sent to the person who authored it.

Fine, but as often as not it is members other than the OP who provide the bulk of input over the course of a thread. They are left hanging without a clue as to what happened and why.

What would be so difficult about making your decisions and rationale available to anyone "subscribed" to the thread? People who invest their time and effort in making responses are as deserving of an explanation as the OP.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 12:05 PM
I had a thread removed because the word [snip] was in a video I posted. That was the reason given by the admin and I still don't get it. Oh well, I am only a member here.
edit on 12/3/11 by masqua because: Censor circumvention removed

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by jude11

The degree of political correctness enforced by this site sometimes borders on moronic. While there may be high school kids on here most of us are adults and should be able to handle reality just fine.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 12:10 PM

I don't see how we can be more transparent than that.

I agree; ATS is being extremely transparent.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 12:14 PM

The degree of political correctness enforced by this site sometimes borders on moronic.

Political correctness is just a nice warm fuzzy term used for censorship. People who have an agenda need to censor anything and everything which threatens their dim witted view of the world.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal

I don't see how we can be more transparent than that.

I agree; ATS is being extremely transparent.

Oh I agree. It's their site and we are visitors. Their rules are their choice and we have our choice as to whether to abide or not. Not arguing, just saying I don't understand the reasoning about not using certain language as we are all adults here.

If you are under age and cruising this site, there is also a certain level of maturity and understanding of how the World works so a little bad language won't be damaging. Heard worse on the playground.

But, I for one will abide as the allowable choice of language is not Earth shattering.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by SphinxMontreal

Political correctness is just a nice warm fuzzy term used for censorship. People who have an agenda need to censor anything and everything which threatens their dim witted view of the world.

(speaking as a staff member)

We also have advertisers, and aspire to a certain level of decorum. It isn't censorship. True censorship is suppressing the IDEA not the words. There are other words that can be used to communicate the same ideas...

There is no "ATS Agenda", other than providing a relatively civil place to discuss all kinds of conspiracy topics. Our staff includes those who are skeptics, believers, or on the fences, for just about any kind of topic out there. There are liberals, conservatives, and those in between, etc. The one thing we have in common? We love the site, and volunteer to help it remain such a place.

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